
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sirius and XM Charts Looking Positive

November 30, 2006

We at Satellite Standard Group like to keep you informed. It was with this in mind that we contacted the folks at SiriusCharts and asked them if they would be willing to participate on our site with some charting analysis on the sector. They were kind enough to accept, and were even more kind by looking into XMSR as well as Sirius for us. It is our hope to add a regular series on the charting trader, as well as a series on the technical trader. Because we feel it is important that you get varied opinion, we are seeking out individuals who might be interested in working with SSG on a technical outlook for SIRI and XMSR. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to satellitestandard@gmail.com .

At the request of Satellite Standard Group (SSG), SiriusCharts has been requested to compare the charts of SIRI and XMSR, and asked if XMSR has broken the previous downtrend like Sirius has.

We found that the charts of each company are very similar, and both have positive indicators that bode well for more upside probability in their respective share prices. XMSR did indeed break out of the previous downtrend, and both companies are now comfortably in the new uptrend channels shown in the charts below (Click to enlarge).

Also shown are the previous downtrends defined by the red and blue regression channels. The breakouts are obvious when presented graphically in this fashion, because it is easy to see where they break out of the respective downtrend regression channels. The timeframes are extended by a few months, so the user can compare the correlation of the indicators to previous share prices, and thus observe the positive character the indicators possess at this time. The only obvious difference in the charts is that the Balance of Power Indicator (BOP) is getting weaker in the last few months for XMSR, while the same indicator is getting stronger for SIRI. At this time, we don’t think that is too significant, and think both companies appear poised for more gains.

For more information on what the indicators mean, more graphic examples and charts, and more dialogue on the subject, please visit http://www.siriuscharts.com/.

A Special thanks to SiriusCharts

11/30/2006 11:43:00 PM

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Reuters Media Conference: More Mel

Here is the LINK to Mel's comments at the Reuters Media Conference:

Has Sirius Satellite Radio’s estimated $100 million annual pay package to top U.S. radio shock jock Howard Stern paid off for Howard? Here’s how Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin puts it:
In his words, at the Reuters Media Summit in New York:
“Howard would say that we had 600,000 subscribers (in December 2005) and we now went to 6.3 million (subscribers). Well, over 5 million people subscribe to Sirius paying $12.95 a month or $130 a year times 5 million (additional new subscribers after Stern joined) … So gee, based on Howard, you (Sirius) brings in $500 million a year and you only pay me (Howard) $100 million. (Howard would say,) ‘I didn’t do so well in getting paid.’”
Stern Effect’s impact for Sirius:“Some of the geniuses on the sell-side (analysts on Wall Street) said the Stern Effect would be in December (2005). And then when we had a great January, they said it kicked over to January. Then they said, when we came out with our first quarter 2006 (financial report) … the Stern Effect is for ’06. Then when we said what about the second quarter? Well that’s the Stern Effect still. Then when I mentioned to you the third quarter retail net adds (net additional subscriber additions) were, that’s the Stern Effect. Well, I believe the Stern Effect, like any other content, is going to be there whenever the consumer is going into the store to make a decision on which product to buy.”
There you have it. The Stern Effect is like The Force of radio.
Click hear his comments LINK

11/30/2006 06:04:00 PM

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Reuters Media Summit: Mel Says Sirius Not Reliant On Stern

Sirius not solely reliant on Stern: CEO
By Dane Hamilton, Nov 30

Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. doesn't rely wholly on Howard Stern, even though an estimated half of its 6 million listeners tune into the raunchy talk show personality, Chief Executive Officer Mel Karmazin said on Thursday.
Asked what would happen if Sirius lost Stern, Karmazin said the second-biggest satellite radio company has plenty of other programs, including a soon-to-be-launched 24-hour Catholic Church channel, a popular Martha Stewart show and a plethora of sports, news and other programs.
"How are we reliant (on Stern)?" Karmazin said at the Reuters Media Summit in New York. "I don't think we're reliant in any shape or form. We have 135 channels."
Still, Karmazin said demand for Stern is driving listeners to Sirius, which signed its first subscriber in 2002. The company expects to generate $1 billion in revenue next year and have 6.3 million subscribers by the end of 2006.
"There are a lot of people who like Howard and they tune in to Sirius," Karmazin said. But he also estimated that half of Sirius' customers do not tune into the controversial radio host, saying "There are many, many people who don't like Howard and they never touch the Howard Stern channel."
Sirius, which lags rival XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. in subscribers but continues to grow in an expanding satellite radio market, lured the top-rated shock jock from CBS Radio in 2004 after Stern's multiple brushes with federal decency standards.
In order to gain Stern's services, Sirius agreed to pay him about $500 million over five years. The contract was negotiated before Karmazin's time at Sirius.
"He gets paid a lot of money, just like I paid a lot of money for lots of talent over the years," said Karmazin. "I wish you could get the talent for less money. That would be really cool. But you just can't get it."
"I didn't do so well in getting paid," he said jokingly...read more: here

11/30/2006 03:46:00 PM

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Reuters Media Summit: Sirius To Sign Content Deals For Live TV, Sees Strong Holiday Sales

SIRI Sirius Satellite CEO says expects to soon sign content deals for live T.V. service - Reuters (4.15 +0.00), SIRI CEO sees launch of live T.V. service for cars by late 2007. (www.briefing.com)

Here's more of what Mel Said at the Reuters Media Summit in NYC Today:

Sirius Satellite sees strong holiday sales

Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:59 AM ET, NEW YORK (Reuters) -

Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Chief Executive Mel Karmazin said on Thursday that holiday sales were strong, but might fall short of last year's record new subscriptions that came before shock jock Howard Stern's move to the company's lineup from terrestrial radio.
"Business is very strong, very good," Karmazin told the Reuters Media Summit in New York. But he added: "We have a very difficult comparison this fourth quarter."
Karmazin said that during the last holiday season, Sirius signed up about 500,000 subscribers in just 10 days, a phenomenon dubbed the "Stern" effect. Stern's channels on Sirius officially launched in mid-January.
Sirius, No. 2 in the nascent pay radio market to rival XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. , signed up 1.1 million subscribers overall during last year's fourth quarter.
"Assuming that we have a very good last 10 days, then we'll be just fine," Karmazin said. "If in fact, God forbid, we don't, December will go from being what we hope it will be, which will be the very best month in our history, to the second-best month. But no matter what, it's amazingly strong."...read more: here

11/30/2006 03:24:00 PM

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Orbitcast Obtains Specs For ONIX 400CR

Bushnell ONIX400CR GPS/XM Handheld
Nov, 30, via www.orbitcast.com

We first spotted the elusive Bushnell ONIX400CR when it was honored with the 2007 CES Innovations Award, but at the time there was little details available on the unit. All we knew was that it was a handheld XM-Ready GPS/Weather tracker. Satellite Radio TechWorld even discovered a related patent application back in early October, though it veiled in secrecy...read more: here

11/30/2006 02:09:00 PM

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Mel To Keynote CSFB Media Week Conference, Frear To Speak At UBS

For all you nay sayers, these presentations should clear up any doubts on earnings/subscriber expectations.

Mel Karmazin to Keynote at the Credit Suisse Media Week Conference
NEW YORK, Nov 30, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX

SIRIUS Satellite Radio (SIRI ) today announced that Mel Karmazin, Chief Executive Officer, is expected to participate in a keynote lunch discussion at the Credit Suisse Media Week Conference in New York, NY on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 at approximately 12:30 PM ET.
A live audio webcast of the keynote discussion will be available via the Investor Relations section of the Company's website sirius.com on Wednesday, December 6, 2006, at approximately 12:30 PM ET.

SIRIUS Satellite Radio to Present at the UBS Global Media & Communications Conference
NEW YORK, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall

SIRIUS Satellite Radio(Nasdaq: SIRI) today announced that David Frear, Executive Vice President andChief Financial Officer, is expected to present at the UBS Global Media &Communications Conference in New York, NY on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 at11:00 AM ET.

A live audio webcast of the presentation will be available via theInvestor Relations section of the Company's website sirius.com on Wednesday,December 6, 2006 at 11:00 AM ET.

11/30/2006 01:50:00 PM

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Wake-Up Call For SatRad

When is SatRad going to get it? Apple did, and today, they publicly announced their patent for an iPod cell phone. XMSR (Cingular and Alltel) and SIRI (Sprint) get lost in the plethora of music options offered by carriers. SatRad needs a solution that highlights, not hides their services.

Wake-Up Call for the iPod
Posted by Jessica Marmor, Nov. 30, The Wall Street Journal

Individually, cellphones and music players have been among the most favored Christmas gifts for years. For many holiday shoppers, this may be the season that they merge.
Wireless carriers are offering a huge array of gadgets that combine both functions, with a variety of shapes and sizes and growing music libraries. The new dual-function handsets are often low-priced, and sometimes free, with a two-year service contract.
Tim Woolsey, a home-schooled 10th-grade student in Katy, Texas, for example, renewed his contract with Cingular so he could get a Sony Ericsson Walkman phone at the reduced price of $100. He’s planning on transferring about 400 of his favorite songs to it from the iPod he got last Christmas. “I carry my phone with me wherever I go,” he says. “But I don’t always have my iPod with me.” ...read more: here

11/30/2006 01:30:00 PM

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Sirius Soloist Review

I like the Soloist, so much that I decided to buy the demo. The sound quality is adequate, short of Bose, but at a fraction of the cost. I found it to be incredibly useful for recording while sitting at my desk, especially when combined with the www.dogstarradio.com webpage which continually updates the Sirius programming.

The remote control makes it easy to jump from channel to channel, which is especially useful for recording. I trialed this unit with the Stiletto, which has a buffer feature allowing users to record complete songs. Alternatively, if you like to jump around, the dogstar list highlights that programming just beginning in yellow.

The unit comes with an antenna. Reception in my location is excellent and placement near a window was not necessary.

The Soloist is good looking, sleek and unobtrusive, camouflaged by the laptop screens on my desk. In summary, the Soloist is convenient for destop listening and recording, but don't expect the sound quality to overwhelm.

My thanks to www.tss-radio.com for providing this unit.

11/30/2006 12:32:00 PM

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Jacoby Sees Merger As Possible

November 30, 2006

In a flash note that has not yet been picked up by the Forbes.coms of the world, BOA analyst J. Jacoby comments on the likelihood of a merger between Sirius and XM.

Report Excerpts

Radio & TV Broadcasting FCC Trip Highlights for Broadcast Sector - Potential for Sat Radio Deal StillUnclear The following are key takeaways for broadcasting investors from the 11/29/06 meetings with the FCC hosted by Banc of America Securities:

There does not appear to be a consensus yet on whether the FCC likely would approve an XMSR/SIRI merger - the probability of success seems higher than we previously had thought.

Representatives from the office of Democratic FCC commissioner Jonayhan Adelstein indicated that the public is well served with the current set up of two competitors. The representatives did appear toacknowledge that the financial success of the two operators could be a key factor in a decision

A lawyer in attendance at the meeting with extensive experience regarding FCC matters expressed the opposite view - he believes that such amerger would get the necessary three votes as satellite radio likely would be viewed as just one piece of a broader market for the distribution of music. But he also acknowledged that approval becomes slightly more difficult with aDemocratic controlled Congress and even more difficult with a Democratic WhiteHouse.

Our view - the upcoming 2008 presidential election could pressure Sirius and XM to reach a potential merger agreement within the next twelve months IF there is mutual interest (given the time required to obtain the necessaryregulatory approvals). Interestingly, a failure to achieve positive FCF in 07 ultimately could benefit both companies if it makes a merger more palatable to regulators. However, we believe that XM could be resistant given that its enterprise value remains roughly 20% smaller that Sirius\ despite a stronger position in the increasingly important OEM channel (i.e., XM might see itself as the acquirer ) and the NAB likely would lobby heavily against a combo.

11/30/2006 11:57:00 AM

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Honda News Also Impacts RFMI

November 30, 2006

The news about Hond'a increased installation rate is wemcomed news for investors in XM Satellite Radio. Those that read SSG will also be aware of another company that this news impacts. That company is RF Monolithics (RFMI).

RFMI makes components that are used by satellite radio companies in cars. This means that cars equipped with satellite radio have a good chance of also being equipped with RFMI equipment.

As OEM satellite radio penetration increases, companies such as RFMI should benefit nicely. Another compelling reason to look at RFMI is that their business is diverse, and includes other sectors such as medical.

SSG has followed RFMI for some time, and we wanted to let readers know that this latest Honda news is also news for RFMI.

11/30/2006 10:45:00 AM

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Honda Increases XM penetration for 2007 Models

November 30, 2006

Honda to install XM Satellite radio in 650,000 cars.

The move increases XM penetration by about 18% over the 2006 model year which saw installations of about 550,000 XM radios. Installation penetration is a key metric that investors should be considering when looking at the OEM picture.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - American Honda Motor Co., a unit of Japanese carmaker Honda Motor Co. Ltd. will install XM Satellite Radio in more than 650,000 of its 2007 model year vehicles, XM said on Thursday.

Washington-based XM, the leading satellite radio provider with 7 million subscribers, said Honda produced more than 550,000 vehicles in model year 2006 with the XM system.

11/30/2006 09:12:00 AM

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Barron's Reveals Pacific Crest's Low End Data Collecting

On Nov. 26, we posted a research blurb by Pacific Crest indicating weak retail trends for SIRI and positive trends for XMSR. In Barrons, Eric Savitz points out that they surveyed ONLY 20 Best Buy and Circuit City stores! How in accurate could that be?! Seems pretty sophmoric to me, and certainly not worthy of a research note.

November 28, 2006, 5:08 pm
Satellite Radio: Pacific Crest Says Retail Checks Good For XM, Troubling For Sirius
Posted by Eric Savitz, Barrons

Another note today on the satellite radio stocks, this time from Chad Bartley of Pacific Crest Securities. Bartley wrote today that he surveyed about 20 Best Buy and Circuit City stores during the post-Thanksgiving shopping period and found mixed results. He said shelf space has improved from before the holiday period, with spot shortages of some products such as the Sirius (SIRI) Stilleto and the XM (XMSR) Stilleto. He also said that “shopper demand appeared to be flat to down compared with last year.”
Bartley said his checks were “a modest positive for XM,” asserting that the company’s retail share is stable and “may be increasing slightly,” due to strong demand for its portable devices, including the Pioneer Inno and Samsung Nexus, and attractive pricing. He added that “the sentiment of salespeople seemed to be incrementally more positive for XM than during previous checks this year.”
Bartley says his checks of retail stores and online retailers increase his concern that fourth quarter expectations for Sirius are “too high.” Sirius has guided to 1.18 million net subscriber addition in the quarter, versus 1.14 million a year ago; his own estimate is for 1.06 million.
In today’s trading, XM fell 16 cents to $14.28; Sirius gained 5 cents to $4.17....read more: here

11/30/2006 07:27:00 AM

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

GM Developing Plug-In Hybrids

GM CEO says company developing Saturn-branded plug-in hybrid
By Terry Kosdrosky Last Update: 12:10 PM ET Nov 29, 2006, (MarketWatch)

General Motors Corp. (GM) Chief Executive Rick Wagoner said Wednesday that the U.S. needs to reduce dependence on foreign energy and insisted the No. 1 auto maker is accelerating its efforts to meet the challenge by being the first to offer a plug-in hybrid and by expanding its production of biofuel vehicles.
Wagoner said GM is using the Saturn Vue hybrid sport utility vehicle to develop a plug-in hybrid, which can be re-charged from a standard electrical outlet, and will offer biofuel-capable Hummer SUVs. He said "energy and environmental leadership" is a key part of GM's ongoing turnaround plan.
The Saturn Vue also will have a front-wheel drive version that will increase fuel efficiency.
If GM is first to market with a plug-in hybrid, it could help sway consumer perception that GM and U.S. auto makes aren't as committed to fuel efficiency as foreign-based auto makers...read more: here

11/29/2006 09:01:00 PM

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Sirius Stiletto Promotion: Free Home Or Car Kit

Click on this LINK for details

11/29/2006 08:51:00 PM

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Sirius Continues NASCAR Promotion

Special Preview Broadcast of "Tony Stewart Live" on Sirius
(via www.orbitcast.com, Nov 29)

A special preview of Sirius Satellite Radio's new NASCAR talkshow "Tony Stewart Live" will be broadcast tomorrow November 30th from 6-8 pm ET, on Sirius NASCAR Radio (ch 128). Stewart and his co-host Matt Yocum will be broadcasting live from SIRIUS’ New York Studios during NASCAR Champions Week.Tony will welcome special guests, take some calls and cover the spectrum of motorsports - from NASCAR to open-wheel racing and beyond. The regular weekly, live two-hour radio show debuts in January. Listen to a preview of "Tony Stewart Live" (WAV).

11/29/2006 08:47:00 PM

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XM To Broadcast Supercross Races

Amp'd Mobile Supercross Debuts on XM Sports Nation
(via www.orbitcast.com, Nov. 29)

XM Satellite Radio will broadcast each of the 17 races from the 2006-2007 Amp'd Mobile World Supercross GP and Amp'd Mobile AMA Supercross Serie on XM Sports Nation (ch 143). Also, XM Sports Nation will provide news from each race on "XMSN This Morning with TJ Rives," featuring riders and industry insiders.This is the fifth year of the relationship between Amp’d Mobile Supercross and XM Satellite Radio Radio. This year XM Sports Nation is providing an extra hour of coverage for each race, broadcasting live each Saturday during the season from 5pm-8pm 11pm-2am ET.
The three-hour show features Supercross LIVE! announcers Jim Holley and Jason Weigandt calling the race from the press box, bringing all the racing action to listeners nationwide....read more: www.orbitcast.com

11/29/2006 08:44:00 PM

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Bridge Ratings, Updated Nov. 29th

For some reason, Bridge Ratings feels the need to fall back on Jacoby's report. I thought they were an independent research firm...!!!

The Bridge Ratings Consumer Trend Report: Satellite Radio Q4 Subscriber Trending
Updated Wednesday November 29, 2006

Stern a Non-Factor at Holiday Retail
This Week's Update:
The Thanksgiving weekend was good to many retail shopping sectors improving most above 5% sales improvement over2005 - especially electronic equipment such as big screen TV's, gaming consoles and digital cameras. Satellite radio was notamong those items that caught fire over the long holiday retail sales weekend.
By Bridge Ratings' estimates, retail sales of satellite radio systems were stronger this past weekend compared to earlier weeks this fall, but were down 31.5% from Thanksgiving weekend 2005. Though we anticipate retail improving comparatively over the next several weeks, year-over-year retail will likely fall very short of 2005's final results and we maintain our estimates that the sector will be off between 23 and 25% for fourth quarter sales this year. ...read more: here

11/29/2006 04:40:00 PM

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Sirius To Air NASCAR Drivers In Race Talk

November 29, 2006

Will take listeners inside the car with up to 10 'Team Talk' channels carrying driver-to-pit crew communications during NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series races
'Team Talk' channels will air the live 'race call' and in-car audio simultaneously

NEW YORK, Nov. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- SIRIUS Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) announced today that it will present unprecedented live radio coverage of NASCAR races starting in 2007, making listeners feel like they are on top of their favorite team's pit box on race day.

In addition to the live race broadcast, SIRIUS will take fans into the cars and pits by devoting up to 10 additional "Team Talk" channels that will carry the driver-to-crew communications of up to 10 different race teams during NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series races. SIRIUS will combine the race broadcast with the driver-to-crew chatter on these channels, allowing fans to follow the overall race call and the in-car audio of a driver on a single channel throughout the race. The channels will feature top drivers based on the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series standings. The lineup of drivers and their channel assignments will be available at www.sirius.com/nascar prior to each race.

Listeners will hear drivers and crew chiefs schedule pit stops and discuss strategy over audio of the overall race broadcast. When the team members are not on the radio the audio of the live race broadcast will come up allowing listeners to follow the entire race uninterrupted.

"SIRIUS will provide NASCAR fans with a true insider's experience on race day, taking them inside the helmets of the drivers and making them feel like a member of the pit crew," said Scott Greenstein, SIRIUS' President, Entertainment and Sports. "By layering the driver chatter over the race broadcast and alternating between the two, we'll provide a way to follow the race like never before. Fans can stay on a single channel for the entire race and get inside the car while being able through their SIRIUS radio to follow all the action on the track."

"NASCAR eagerly awaits SIRIUS' 2007 NASCAR Radio launch for programming just like this," said Paul Brooks, Senior Vice President of NASCAR and President of NASCAR Digital Entertainment. "SIRIUS will provide coverage of every one of our national series races and will also add exciting, unique channels and programming like these driver channels. NASCAR is committed to setting standards for putting fans inside our drivers' cars, so they can better appreciate the strategy, drama and thrills of NASCAR racing. This will allow avid fans to experience the sport in a new way, while helping to attract new fans as well."

As the Official Satellite Radio Partner of NASCAR starting in 2007, SIRIUS will broadcast every NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series, NASCAR Busch Series and NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series race, carrying the live broadcasts of Motor Racing Network (MRN), Performance Racing Network (PRN) and the IMS Radio Network's broadcast from Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
In addition to live race coverage, SIRIUS will launch SIRIUS NASCAR Radio/channel 128 in January. The channel will air 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will include live races, plus daily and weekly talk programs, including Tony Stewart Live, a two-hour show hosted by the two-time NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series champion and veteran pit road reporter Matt Yocum. A detailed schedule of programs and hosts on SIRIUS NASCAR Radio will be announced prior to launch.

11/29/2006 09:15:00 AM

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Orbitcast Comments On Satellite Video

Satellite Video: Where would the content come from?
via www.orbitcast.com, Nov. 28, 2006

Satellite Video, or Satellite Radio Video, or SVOD (Subscription Video On Demand), or whatever the heck it would be called. It's something that's been talked about by both Sirius and XM for quite some time now.
Sirius has brought up a video service since early 2004. Along the way Sirius has said that their mobile in-car video services would provide children's content in a live format, and would be available by the second half of this year as part of their OEM offering. We even know that Sirius plans to use Microsoft's Windows Media Player 9.
XM demonstrated their own in-car satellite video at CES last year, and even went so far as to demonstrate a live wearable video player to analysts in the beginning of this year. XM has partnered with On2 to provide their video compression technology.
The efforts even extend into Canada where XM Canada and Sirius Canada both talked up satellite video with an expected release for late-2006.
But the question isn't "if" this will happen, or even "when" (because a delay at this point wouldn't surprise anyone - it's almost December afterall) - the question is... how?...read more: here

11/28/2006 09:07:00 PM

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SatRad: Merger Talk Heats Up

The boards are buzzing! The possibity of a SIRI/XMSR Merger doubles as talk of a Ford/GM combination escalates. We'll keep you posted...

11/28/2006 03:53:00 PM

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Canadian Cable TV Gets Approval To Distribute SatRad

Rogers gets approval to distribute satellite radio on cable
Tuesday, 28 November 2006

The CRTC today announced that it would allow Rogers Cable in Ontario, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador to distribute satellite subscription radio services on digital cable.The decision means Rogers digital cable customers to subscribe to Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Radio with their cable television services. Currently Rogers distributes two licensed national pay audio services on a digital basis: Galaxie and Max Trax. Any Rogers’ subscriber who rents or purchases a digital set-top box and pays a monthly digital access fee receives the 40 Galaxie and Max Trax channels at no additional charge.In its February application, Rogers said the authority to carry Sirius and XM satellite radio services would significantly enhance the quality and diversity of its audio offerings....read more: here

11/28/2006 03:36:00 PM

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Is Jacoby Considering The Big Picture?

November 28, 2006

Investors in Sirius seem to be a bit timid regarding this equity. Reports of a weaker retail segment from analysts such as Jacoby weigh on the minds of investors when the look at Sirius meeting guidance of 1,200,000 NET subscriber additions here in Q4. Investors look at last years 1,100,000 number, and wonder how that can be beat. Here are some factors to consider. One wonders whether or not Jacoby has taken all of this into consideration (remember he is expecting Sirius to miss last years retail number by 10%). In order to look at this properly, we should consider last years Q4 numbers.

2005 Q4 retail – 900,645
2005 Q4 OEM – 241,955

In quick numbers, Jacoby is expecting 90,000 less retail this year than last year. Interestingly, last year had a huge Howard Stern push, as his show was moving to Sirius. This makes it hard to comprehend Jacoby’s thought process. Does he think Stern not a factor last year, or does he believe that Sterns pull power is nearly as big as last year? Does he believe that NASCAR will be a big push? He mentions none of this in his report.

Now consider a few items in the segments that Jacoby may be missing


In 2005 the OEM channel for Sirius did not include a robust Ford program. This year, Ford is participating in a bigger way. Last year, DCX was at a 30% penetration rate. DCX has bumped that up to 40% for the 2007 model year (cars being manufactured and sold now). The OEM channel should see growth over last year even when considering churn.

Interestingly, Jacoby feels that there is a shift from retail to OEM, but he does not acknowledge the shift that has already started at Sirius. Is DCX increasing penetration by 10 points not a factor? Does a bigger commitment by Ford not get any credit? Something is awry here.


This past month (NPD October) retail sales weakened for the first time. As many are aware, NPD does not include Wal Mart. In January of this year, Wal Mart stated goals of increasing their penetration into the satellite radio market. A satellite radio sale at Wal Mart would in effect take away from a sale at an NPD covered store. Thus, NPD numbers could potentially look worse while sales are actually the same, or rising due to non-npd stores grabbing a bigger share.. There are many on-line retailers that do not get counted as well.


Sirius is much more active in selling radios this year. These sales are not reflected in the brick and mortar channel checks, nor in NPD. The rise in Sirius direct sales has been obvious, even when looking at NPD. The actual reported retail share favored Sirius by a number greater than the NPD percentages.


Sirius’ family plan is likely in the 14.5% of the subscriber base neighborhood. Rival XM is in the 21% neighborhood. Sirius is now far more aggressive in marketing the friends and family plan this year. Raising the friends and family percentage to even 17.5% would mean over 200,000 additional subscribers. This in and of itself is more than enough to offset a drop of 90,000 units in the retail channel.


Sirius has now launched the premium internet radio service. The 128 kbs offers CD like quality that many other services do not offer. This is available on a global basis, and was the subject of a successful campaign in October. This is another new source for subscribers that Sirius did not have last year.


Sirus’ business arm has been going gang-busters this summer and fall. Many deals have been made, and installations will likely spill over into Q4 as well as Q1. While this service was available last year, it was not marketed to the extent that it has been this year.

Simply stated, one has to ask whether these factors will offset a theoretical 10% drop at retail and churn of 300,000 vs. last years churn of about 200,000. The wild card Sirius has is the friends and family plan. They can stoke up the marketing effort if they need to, and can be pretty aggressive about it. This gives them some flex in how they approach the goal of 6.3 million. While it may seem a tall order, 1,2 million is attainable with help from various avenues that simply were not available last year.

11/28/2006 02:26:00 PM

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SatRad Short Interest

Here are the most recent short interest figures:

11/15: 148,301,811
10/13: 142,439,294
Change: 4.12%
Avg Daily Volume: 38,322,487
Days To Cover: 3.87

11/15: 32,034,550
10/13: 33,869,653
Change: -5.42
Avg Daily Volume: 11,385,709
Days To Cover: 2.81

11/28/2006 02:12:00 PM

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News Flash: Bernanke Says Auto Sector Strengthening

Bernanke says that auto sector strengthening, production increases expected in December...more to come

11/28/2006 01:02:00 PM

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SeekingAlpha: Softer Sales Means SIRI/XMSR Merger More Likely

Satellite Radio Sales Suffering: More Fuel for the Sirius-XMSR Merger Fire?
Posted on Nov 28th, 2006 with stocks: SIRI, XMSR www.seekingalpha.com

Ant & Sons submits: In a Smart Money article set to be released in the magazine's December 1 issue, author Dyan Machan sheds some light on the possibility of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (SIRI) merging with satellite radio competitor XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. (XMSR). According to Machan's interview with Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin, Karmazin says that he would be interested in merging Sirius with XM Satellite Radio. He elaborates by telling Machan that "mergers often lead to creating shareholder value" and that he has "always been open to that."
Analysts have also given the merger rumors much more credibility in recent weeks. Stifel Nicolaus Analyst Kit Spring said that there is "significant upside potential... if Sirius makes a merger bid for XM Satellite, a scenario which we see as increasingly likely." What is most striking is that Karmazin originally predicted that a merger would face tremendous regulatory issues. Back in June, Karmazin said during an analyst conference call that he would like to buy competitor XM Satellite. He specifically told those in attendance that "we'd love to buy them. Price would matter, so that would be an issue ... (and) there would definitely be the regulatory issue." However, he now believes that regulators would not pose a problem. So is this a hint that Karmazin is in the midst of convincing XM with a merger proposal that would dominate the satellite radio industry?...read more: here

11/28/2006 12:28:00 PM

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Pacific Crest: Sees Risk to SIRI Q4, Positive Trends For XM

SIRI: (siri) Satellite Radio: Survey suggests weak retail trends for SIRI@PACS - Pac Crest sees risk to SIRI's Q4, and notes their checks indicate positive trends for XMSR.
(www.theflyonthwall.com) 11/28, 8:34 AM

11/28/2006 09:34:00 AM

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Psychic Medium Mary Occhino To Launch Exclusive Talk Show On Sirius

SIRIUS Satellite Radio to Launch Exclusive Daily Talk Show With World-Renowned Psychic Medium Mary Occhino
Live, Call-In 'Angels on Call' To Air During Morning Drive Mary O starts listeners' day with psychic readings, predictions, guidance, inspiration, meditations, advice
NEW YORK, Nov 28, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX

SIRIUS Satellite Radio (SIRI ) today announced that world-renowned psychic medium, bestselling author, and lecturer Mary Occhino will host Angels on Call, a new, live daily call-in talk show.

Angels on Call will debut Monday, December 11, 2006. Angels on Call is the first live daily morning talk show on the SIRIUS Stars channel. It will air live Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 11:00 am ET exclusively on SIRIUS Stars channel 102, the SIRIUS channel dedicated to fascinating people doing compelling radio, ranging from Barbara Walters to Richard Simmons, Senator Bill Bradley to Deepak Chopra, on whose show "Deepak Chopra's Wellness Radio" Mary has regularly appeared...read more: here

11/28/2006 08:14:00 AM

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DTV & DISH: Will Merger Rumors Propel XMSR & SIRI

DTV & DISH, the 2 satellite TV providers, have seen their stock prices run this year, just on the "pssibility" of a merger. Will XMSR & SIRI experience the same pattern? The rumors have been heating up, and Mel's comments in the recent Smart Money interview stoked the flames.

11/28/2006 08:09:00 AM

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WSJ: Zune Not Much Of A Threat

The WSJ reports that Zune did not make the Amazon.com list of "Top 10 Selling MP3 players" (note: this list does not include the SatRad category)

Microsoft's Zune Falls Off Sales Pace For Media Players
By CARMEN FLEETWOODNovember 28, 2006; Page B2, The Wall Street Journal

On Amazon.com's Top 10 selling list for electronics yesterday, seven of the 10 products were digital media players. Nowhere did the Microsoft Corp. or Zune names appear.
"That's a pretty good indicator of consumer interest," Michael Gartenberg of industry group Jupiter Research said yesterday, one of the busiest days of the year with online shoppers.
The 30-gigabyte Zune player from Microsoft, which retails for $249, was on the Top 10 list of Amazon, the largest Internet retailer, for several days after its release on Nov. 14 before dropping off. But yesterday, the most popular model of the Zune, the black version, was at No. 76. The Top 10 digital media players included six iPods from top-seller Apple Computer Inc. and one MP3 player from SanDisk Corp. The 30-gigabyte iPod has a $249 list price and ranked No. 2 at one point yesterday....read more: here

11/28/2006 07:29:00 AM

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Stifel On CNBC: Discusses XMSR/SIRI Merger

06:29, In Play, www.briefing.com

XMSR XM Satellite: Stifel Nicolaus analyst appears on CNBC to discuss his thoughts on an XMSR/SIRI merger (14.44 )

Stifel Nicolaus analyst appears on CNBC to discuss his thoughts of a possible merger between Sirius Satellite (SIRI) and XM Satellite (XMSR), says chances of the DoJ approving the merger at around 55-60%. (See yesterday's 8:31 comment)

11/28/2006 07:26:00 AM

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Forbes: Jacoby (Negative) vs. Lapin (Positive)

XM, Sirius -- The Plot Thickens
Matthew Kirdahy, 11.27.06, 6:26 PM ET, Market Scan, Forbes

Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio are exercising their strengths this quarter hoping subscription growth this year, bolstered by a holiday shopping season, will parlay into a 2007 with some cash flow.
XM seems to be honing in on its rapport with automakers while Sirius is pushing for retail subscriptions this holiday season keeping the explosive numbers from last year in mind.
Banc of America analyst Jonathan Jacoby likes XM for its firm stake in the auto industry as he forecasts a transition in the satellite radio business, favoring factory installation of the service in cars, opposed to an industry driven by retail sales.
He rates the stock a “buy” with a 12-month price target of $17.
Gramercy Capital Management analyst Joan Lappin sides with Sirius, expecting its surge in subscriptions this year to last through the fourth quarter. That’ll narrow the subscriber gap between the two companies, among which Sirius is second....read more: here

11/27/2006 11:47:00 PM

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BOA's Jacoby Analysis

November 27, 2006

Jacoby............Very Sad

enough said.

11/27/2006 11:30:00 PM

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Stiletto 100 Firmware Update

There is a firmware update for the Stiletto 100 which automatically downloaded when I connected to the Sirius Studio software. I haven't determined what features were added yet, but will post details as soon as possible.

11/27/2006 07:25:00 PM

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Hot Line: Straight From Jacoby To Forbes

As usual, Jacoby's comments make it straight to Forbes:

Satellite Radio Companies See Soft Sales
Forbes, 11.27.06, 12:35 PM ET

Satellite radio operators XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. face a 20 percent decline in fourth-quarter retail sales that is likely to put pressure on their respective stock prices, Bank of America said in a note to investors Monday.

Analyst Jonathan Jacoby said the industry is in a transition period where customers are more likely to subscribe after buying a car with a pre-installed satellite radio than by buying a radio at an electronics store. "Our proprietary channel checks with leading retail buyers seem to support our view that the (retail) industry gross additions will decline about 20 percent in the fourth quarter," he said....read more: here

11/27/2006 03:51:00 PM

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B of A Becomes The Official NASCAR Bank; Will NASCAR Put The Pressure On Jacoby?

Bank Of America is the official NASCAR bank; NASCAR begins exclusive relationship with Sirius in January; Bank of America is negative on Sirius; Will NASCAR pressure Bank of America?

Bank of America becomes official Nascar bank
NEW YORK, Nov 27 (Reuters) -

Bank of America Corp. (BAC.N: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Monday it has entered a five-year agreement to become the official bank of Nascar, hoping to attract more customers by linking up with the popular stock-car racing series.
The agreement extends Bank of America's growing presence in sports marketing. The No. 2 U.S. bank is already the official bank of Major League Baseball, has had a marketing pact with the PGA tour, and sponsored the 2006 U.S. Winter Olympic team.
Terms of the Nascar agreement, which runs from 2007 to 2011, were not disclosed.
Bank of America will become Nascar's exclusive partner for banking and related financial services, including checking and savings accounts, credit and debit cards, mutual funds and brokerage. It will have the right to use the Nascar logo in marketing and advertising...read more: here

11/27/2006 03:37:00 PM

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Cramer Mentions SIRI & XMSR On "Stop Trading" Today

Cramer on "Stop Trading": Bank of America is wrong on Sirius. Sirius is a "Buy". XMSR is not a buy...more to come

11/27/2006 02:54:00 PM

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Raymarine SR100 Wins Award

November 27, 2006

The Consumer Electronics Association Honors Raymarine, Inc. with Innovations 2007 Design and Engineering Award

Raymarine SR100 SIRIUS Satellite Weather Receiver to be displayed at upcoming Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

Merrimack, N.H. – November 27, 2006 – The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA®) announced that Raymarine, Inc., a world leader in marine electronics, has been named an International CES Innovations 2007 Design and Engineering Awards Honoree for the SR100 SIRIUS Satellite Weather Receiver. The award was announced at the International CES New York Press Preview earlier this month.

The Raymarine SR100 SIRIUS Satellite Weather Receiver allows Raymarine’s acclaimed E-Series Multifunction Navigation Displays to graphically display up-to-date animated weather forecasts from SIRIUS Satellite Radio’s Marine Weather Service. The SR100 provides boaters with a range of advanced forecast information right at their fingertips, including WSI NOWRad® weather radar forecasts, storm tracks, sea surface temperature, wind, surface pressure, wave heights, lightning and much more. Raymarine is the first marine electronics manufacturer to integrate SIRIUS’ satellite weather services into its products.

“Raymarine is honored to have the SR100 SIRIUS Weather Receiver recognized by the Consumer Electronics Association,” said Terry Carlson, president of Raymarine. “We strive to develop products that provide boaters with the best experience possible when on the water and have always been known for our “firsts” in the marine electronics industry, including our HD digital fishfinder, high performance displays and network integration of onboard electronics. Receiving this award for the SR100 validates Raymarine’s continued position as a leader in bringing innovative consumer technology to the boating industry.”

The Innovations Design and Engineering Awards are sponsored by the CEA, producer of the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow. The Innovations entries are judged by a panel of independent industrial designers, engineers and members of the trade press on their engineering qualities, the intended use, value to the consumer, design qualities and unique features. “The CES Innovations 2007 Design and Engineering Award is a validation of our venture into the world of marine electronics,” said Larry Pesce, SIRIUS senior vice president of services. “The creation of the SR100 is a milestone achievement for both SIRIUS and Raymarine.”

Raymarine’s SR100 SIRIUS Satellite Weather Receiver will be displayed at the 2007 International CES, which runs January 8-11, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Innovations Design and Engineering Showcase will feature honorees by product category at Innovations Plus at the Sands Expo and Convention Center, Booth #68747.

About Raymarine, Inc.
Raymarine, a world leader in marine electronics, develops and manufactures the most comprehensive range of electronic equipment for the recreational boating and light commercial marine markets. Designed for high performance and ease of use, the award-winning products are available through a global network of dealers and distributors. The Raymarine product lines include radar, navigation aids, instruments, fishfinders, communications, software and systems. For more information about Raymarine call 1-603-881-5200 or visit www.raymarine.com.

11/27/2006 11:08:00 AM

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Radio World Cozies Up To SatRad

iPods Are Killing Radio!?
Programming Innovator and XM Guru Says While Radio Is a Unique Experience, iPod Is Equally cool. ‘It's All Good.'

by Lee Abrams, 11.22.2006
Abrams is chief creative officer, programming at XM Satellite Radio; this commentary appeared on his personal blog at leeabrams.blogspot.com and is used with permission.

I have three iPods. Great devices. Other than the fact that I erased all 3,000 songs accidentally when I got a new laptop, they are a wonderful technology.Then all of a sudden I got quite a few e-mails about the announcement (about iPod adapters being installed in more vehicles) as well as seeing a few blogs that spelled the death of radio, both satellite and terrestrial, due to iPods coming into cars. Putting the denial radar on full, I have to think that the "death" comments are similar to the proclamation that North Korean ICBMs are poised to hit Los Angeles ... soon.In my opinion, it’s a changing world in terms of how you receive audio entertainment. Not a brilliant revelation, but how you process that reality is the key. The new choices are good! Bring it on...read more: here

11/27/2006 10:48:00 AM

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Stifel Comments On SIRI/XMSR Merger

08:31, In Play, www.briefing.com

XMSR XM Satellite: Satellite radio merger attempt likely - Stifel (15.27 ) -Update-

Stifel beleives the probability of a SIRI/XMSR merger attempt within the next 18 months (or potentially sooner) is 75%. Their conviction is based mainly on Mel Karmazin's track record and a compelling risk / reward trade off. Firm has dug through the 10ks and rediscovered that Karmazin-led cos conducted over 20 major M&A transactions, totaling nearly $80 bln. Firm believes the probability of an FCC/DOJ merger approval is 55-60%, with market definition as the key variable. Firm says it really comes down to whether terrestrial radio and to a far lesser extent the iPod are considered as competitors - there are pros and cons to the merits of each. Firm says a successful merger could create $7 bln of shareholder value. Firm raises their tgt on XMSR to $18 from $16.

11/27/2006 09:05:00 AM

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Retail Holiday Season Kick-Off: Electronics Category Has Biggest Sale Gains

Holiday Sales Get Off to Solid Start, But Wal-Mart Doesn't Share Cheer
By AMY MERRICK and KRIS HUDSON, November 27, 2006; Page A1, The Wall Street Journal
Shoppers started early and splurged on flat-panel TV sets and computers over the long weekend, driving strong electronics sales in what was generally viewed as a solid start to the holiday season. But despite aggressive discounting throughout November and on Black Friday, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. reported its weakest monthly sales in more than 10 years, raising doubts about whether the Christmas cheer will be widely shared.
ShopperTrak RCT Corp. estimated that Friday sales nationwide increased 6% from the previous year, reaching $8.96 billion. "This data show an even larger increase than expected," said Bill Martin, ShopperTrak's co-founder. The research firm compiles its estimate from sales statistics and data gathered from 45,000 electronic counting devices in enclosed malls and strip shopping centers....

...The biggest sales gains Friday were in electronics. In dollar terms, the average purchase was nearly 9% higher than a year ago, said Wayne Best, senior vice president of business and economic analysis for Visa USA, which tracks purchases made with its credit cards -- roughly $17 out of every $100 spent in the U.S. Increasingly, the nation's shoppers view Black Friday as a time to buy big-ticket items for themselves, often at deep discounts, Mr. Best said...read more: here

11/27/2006 08:32:00 AM

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Bank Of America's Jacoby Comments On XMSR & SIRI

Well, at least Jacoby is consistent (consistently negative!). I might point out a flaw in his information gathering techniques. He focuses on retail buyers...perhaps he should include all channels...stores, online shoppers/retailers, auto manufacturers, etc.

In Play, www.briefing.com , Nov 27, 7:16 AM

XM Satellite: BofA comments on near-term headwinds to XMSR and caution on SIRI (15.27 )

Banc of America sees near-term headwinds to XM Satellite (XMSR) and caution on Sirius (SIRI). The firm says their recent channel checks with their buying sources continue to indicate a much weaker 4Q sales environment than last year for satellite radio. Their belief is that checking with retail buyers is a better gauge of demand levels than store-level checks. They are modeling gross retail industry subscribers to decline by ~20% YoY and SIRI to maintain leading share. However, they say SIRI management seems to want investors to focus on a merger scenario; the firm continues to believe that such a deal is unlikely in the near term (given their view of FCC/DOJ, Democratic control of Congress, likely heavy arb pressure on SIRI, and XMSR's view that their Auto OEM strength could command a higher price in the future.

11/27/2006 08:08:00 AM

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Sirius Pulls Ahead In Canada

XM Falls Behind Sirius in Canadian Satellite Radio Business
7:50 am on November 26, 2006. Telecommunications Industry News, www.teleclick.ca

A year after satellite radio was switched on in Canada, the country’s two leading satellite radio providers, XM and Sirius, continue to battle for customers, and so far, Sirius is well ahead.
The company, which still trails XM in the U.S. market, announced last week that it has built a user base of 200,000 paying subscribers on this side of the border. Compare that to a customer base of just 90,000 commanded by XM Canada.
Back in March, the two providers were still running neck and neck with 50,000 users each, but Sirius has managed to tip the scales significantly since that time, and is now outselling the competition at a rate of about 3 to 1, according to NPD Research and Digital Home...read more: here

11/27/2006 07:06:00 AM

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Bridge Ratings: Satellite Radio Sector Picking Up Steam

Bridge Ratings Consumer Trends: Satellite Radio Q4 Subscriber Trending
Updated Wednesday November 22, 2006

Holiday Retail Patterns Are Here - Satellite Radio Sector Picking up Steam

Bridge Ratings' trending of Satellite Radio subscribers continues through 2006. The purpose of this on-going study is to analyze consumer preferences related to satellite service brand and satellite radio in general...
....In recent weeks programming options and equipment style and benefits have been taking a stronger position as the impetus for the purchase decision with Sirius more consistently being sited for its programming content and equipment as motives for purchase.
This Week's Update:
Retail sales at the satellite radio kiosks this coming weekend have the promise of finally launching the "buy" season for the sector. "Big Box" store foot traffic is showing signs of weekly improvement and curiosity about available hardware is increasing. Of continuing interest this week is the increasing number of college aged consumers (18-21) who are, for the first time in this project, making purchase plans. Follow-up interviews with this demographic show that the lure of the holiday season has instigated new interest as the possibility of receiving satellite radio systems - especially portable ones - as gifts this year is a reality...read more: here

11/26/2006 10:43:00 PM

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Big Retail Weekend

Black Friday has come and gone. I spent time at several retailers on Black Friday, as well as over the weekend. I noted that the stores were busy, and that the registers were ringing. I also noted that the “HOT” products were the Nintendo Wii, Sony Playstation, and flat panel television of the plasma, or LCD type.

This is not to say that satellite radio was not selling. Actually, I noted a nice pace to the movement of SDARS units. What really impressed me though was the level of inventory of satellite radios. They were plentiful at all stores I visited. Both Sirius as well as XM had heaps of radios on store shelves, and in the aisles.

As it happens, I found myself visiting a few stores again today. I wanted to get a feel for how sales went. I was pleased to see some empty and thinning shelf space in Circuit City and Best Buy. Last year, there were spot sell-out conditions with SDARS. This year, I have not seen this as yet. Cause for concern? I am not really sure at this point. The inventory I witnessed was at least twice as healthy as last year, so having a variety of units left after the first holiday weekend seems to be fine.

The message boards will surely be filled with opinions on how well things are selling. I would say that the best thing to do is to stop into some stores for yourself and ask a few questions. Remember to keep the questions objective, and to not draw any hint or desired conclusion in your answer. Ask questions like, “Which satellite radio is the hottest seller”, or, “which service is most popular”, or, “Out of 10 radios sold how many go to each service”. If you want to get another opinion, swing into the install bays, and ask there. These guys are doing the installs, and are very familiar with which units they are installing.

Five weeks left, and then we will know the answers.

11/26/2006 10:34:00 PM

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Ant & Sons Comments On Smart Money Interview With Mel

Sirius CEO Karmazin Talks Up XM Satellite Merger
Thomas J. Catino, 11/24/2006 9:30 AM EST, www.antandsons.com

In a Smart Money article set to be released in the magazine's December 1 issue, author Dyan Machan sheds some light on the possibility of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (NASDAQ: SIRI) merging with satellite radio competitor XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: XMSR).
According to Machan's interview with Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin, Karmazin says that he would be interested in merging Sirius with XM Satellite Radio. He elaborates by telling Machan that "mergers often lead to creating shareholder value" and that he has "always been open to that."
Analysts have also given the merger rumors much more credibility in recent weeks. Stifel Nicolaus Analyst Kit Spring said that there is "significant upside potential… if Sirius makes a merger bid for XM Satellite, a scenario which we see as increasingly likely." ...read more: here

11/26/2006 10:28:00 PM

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Sirius' New TV Commericals

New Sirius TV Commercials
(via www.orbitcast.com)

Here's some new commercials from Sirius that I haven't seen before. These are probably the best ones I've seen in a long time from Sirius. A nice cohesive concept with a clear message - "wide variety." Much better than the "guy popping up out of nowhere" commercials. (The audio is a bit messed up on the last one, but you'll get the idea.)...read more: here

11/26/2006 02:17:00 PM

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The Chicago Sun-Times: Avoid The Zune

Avoid the loony Zune
The Chicago Sun-Times, November 23, 2006, BY ANDY IHNATKO

Yes, Microsoft's new Zune digital music player is just plain dreadful. I've spent a week setting this thing up and using it, and the overall experience is about as pleasant as having an airbag deploy in your face.
"Avoid," is my general message. The Zune is a square wheel, a product that's so absurd and so obviously immune to success that it evokes something akin to a sense of pity.
The setup process stands among the very worst experiences I've ever had with digital music players. The installer app failed, and an hour into the ordeal, I found myself asking my office goldfish, "Has it really come to this? Am I really about to manually create and install a .dll file?"
But there it was, right on the Zune's tech support page. Is this really what parents want to be doing at 4 a.m. on Christmas morning?That might not be Zune's fault. After about a year of operation, it's almost as if a Windows machine develops some sort of antibodies that prevent it from recognizing new hardware. But what's Microsoft's excuse for everything else?
Only the Zune software can sync music, video and pictures onto the device; Zune is incompatible with Windows Media Player, the familiar hub of the Windows desktop media experience....read more: here

11/26/2006 02:12:00 PM

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Is SatRad Doing Enought To Attract The AARP Demographic?

Music, Rock of Ages
By JEFF LEEDS, Nov 26, 2006, The New York Times

AT 52, Martha Stinson is not quite sure where to turn when it comes to new music. The local Tower Records in Nashville, where Mrs. Stinson is an owner of a general contracting company, is going out of business, and she never did figure out how to load music onto the digital-music player she bought a couple of years ago.
But she may soon receive an overture from a source not known for its musical savvy: AARP. She is the kind of consumer that the association is targeting with a sweeping marketing campaign that it hopes will entice millions of new members, as the first kids weaned on rock ’n’ roll turn gray.
And if Mrs. Stinson is any indication, the group faces an uphill battle. She has repeatedly thrown out AARP membership solicitations, after all. “It’s going to be tough,” to market to those like her, she said. “Our generation has always been a little revolutionary. We feel like we’re in middle age. Were out bike riding, running businesses. Our kids are fully grown, and we’re kind of footloose and fancy free.”
Older consumers (along with children) represent one of the few reliable markets in the music business these days, and AARP, the organization for older Americans, is keen to capitalize on that. On Tuesday the group announced that for the first time it will sponsor a national concert tour, by Tony Bennett. And that’s just a start. Other sponsorships will follow, and from those, AARP hopes, many new members. With plans in the works for an alliance with a major retail chain, a Web-based music recommendation service with Pandora and even a music blog, AARP is looking to graduate from advocate of the shuffleboard set to the ranks of cultural concierge...read more: here

11/26/2006 02:06:00 PM

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

SSG Football Challenge Week 12 - week 11 Winner

November 15, 2006

First things first. Last weeks winner was Robert Callagher. Robert, please send an e-mail to ssgfootballchallenge@gmail.com so we can arrange your $10 gift certificate to TSS Radio. Congratulations Robert!!

The SSG Football Challenge has now been automated. You can select your teams right on line and submit your answers. If you prefer the old fashioned method, feel free to e-mail your picks to: ssgfootballchallenge@gmail.com

The SSG Football Challenge sponsors are My Radio Store (an XM retailer) as well as TSS Radio (a Sirius retailer). Please feel free to click on their links in this post and check out the deals they are offering on XM and Sirius gear.

The rules of the SSG Football Challenge can be found HERE

Make Your Week 12 Picks Below:

Full Name:
City, State:
E-Mail Address:
Store Choice for Gift Certificate:
New Orleans @ Atlanta:
Pittsburgh @ Baltimore:
Jacksonville @ Buffalo:
Cincinnati @ Cleveland:
Arizona @ Minnesota:
Houston @ New York Jets:
San Francisco @ St. Louis:
Carolina @ Washington:
Oakland @ San Diego:
Chicago @ New England:
New York Giants @ Tennessee:
Philadelphia @ Indianapolis:

Good Luck!

11/25/2006 10:57:00 AM

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Smart Money Interviews Mel Karmazin

Can Mel Put Sirius Back on Top?
By Dyan Machan November 24, 2006, Smart Money

CEO: Mel Karmazin, Sirius Satellite Radio (SIRI)
IT'S MONDAY MORNING, and Mel Karmazin bursts into a glass-enclosed conference room on the 36th floor of Sirius Satellite Radio's Rockefeller Center headquarters. He's a minute early. But it doesn't take long for the white-haired, bushy-eyebrowed media mogul to live up to his reputation as one of America's most aggressive and blunt-speaking chief executives. For one thing, he tells us how much he hates being interviewed. And being photographed? Even more so. Despite once running (before being pushed from) Viacom, which was then the parent of CBS, Karmazin tells us he never liked television. Then he drops a little bombshell: Sure, he'd be interested in merging Sirius (SIRI2) with XM Satellite Radio (XMSR3), his archrival and the market leader in the hotly competitive $1.5 billion industry.
"Mergers often lead to creating shareholder value," Karmazin says. "I've always been open to that." He'd floated the idea at a trade conference that he'd like to buy XM, but he predicted there would be regulatory hurdles. He no longer thinks regulators would pose a problem. A native New Yorker, Karmazin, 63, is a well-known figure in media circles. Many Americans may remember him as the guy who launched shock-jock Howard Stern on satellite radio. But in two years at Sirius, he's also added everyone from Martha Stewart to Nascar to the station's programming, raising the company's profile in the process.
Still, this is an industry facing a lot of static. Once the darling of Wall Street, satellite radio has made headlines for big losses and plummeting share prices. Consumers, it turns out, love their iPods and are sometimes reluctant to renew the $12.95 monthly subscriptions that come with new cars. As Sirius's largest individual shareholder, Karmazin finds himself on the hot seat — and on this day talking (quite bluntly, of course) with senior writer Dyan Machan about his next step.
You've got an avalanche of debt and no earnings. Your bonds are rated CCC — in other words, junk. Why in the world should anyone buy your stock?
It will be higher in the future. This year we will have over $600 million in revenue; next year we will have $1 billion. By 2010 we will have $3 billion in revenue and $1 billion in free cash flow. Using the 15 to 20 times cash flow valuation Wall Street gives growth companies, that's a market value of $15 billion to $20 billion. Today it's $6 billion. The stock will take care of itself. ...read more: HERE

11/24/2006 09:06:00 AM

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Sony & Ericsson: See Mass Market For Mobile TV Within 2 Years

Ericsson to expand ties with Sony to mobile TV: official
Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:12 PM ET,STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -

Swedish telecom equipment maker Ericsson and Japan's electronics giant Sony <6758.t> will expand their cooperation beyond cell phones to mobile and broadband TV, an Ericsson official said on Thursday.
Per Nordlof, Ericsson's director of product strategy and portfolio management, said the companies will together develop software to link their products through wireless networks.
"There is a strong confidence between Ericsson and Sony after the success of the handset business and we will work to develop software that connects the gadgets in the homes with the outer world," he told journalists at a news conference.
"We see a mass market for mobile TV within two years," said Nordlof, who defined a mass market as 30 percent of users regularly watching television on their cell phones.
Ericsson believes telecom operators will also have to offer television through their broadband networks.
"Broadband TV will be an important factor. Most telecom operators realize they will have to offer TV in order not to lose customers," Nordlof said....read more: here

11/24/2006 08:44:00 AM

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SatRad Batteries: Longer Life, Lower Cost

Thursday, November 23, 2006, via Satellite Radio TechWorld

Agere Patent Application to Reduce Power Consumption for Satellite Radios
On Thursday, November 23, 2006, Agere had a patent application disclosed for a satellite radio that uses a single front end, rather that the traditional dual front end analog amplifiers. The advantages are lower power consumption and less cost to build. United States Patent Application 20060264191Kind Code A1Lai; Yhean-Sen November 23, 2006 Single path front end with digital AGC in SDARS system...read more: here

11/24/2006 08:41:00 AM

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Inno Or Stiletto? Which Should You Buy On Black Friday?

Inno Is To Stiletto As Cell Phone Is To Smart Device

I have trialed both the Inno and Stiletto (compliments of www.tss-radio.com) and really like both devices. CNET and others have done detailed reviews (Inno and Stiletto) so I will direct you to these, and just highlight the following general distinctions:

In chosing, I believe that personal preference for content is the deciding factor. For music selection, both are neck-and-neck; the more significant distinction is sports, talk and news. Subscribers will generally make choices based on loyalty to content offerings, and accordingly, will make the best of each device's strengths and weaknesses.

In essence, do you prefer a smart device/PDA phone, or a compact cell phone? If you don't mind carrying a larger device with more features, than the Stiletto is for you. If you go for a compact experience, get the Inno. This technology is constantly evolving, and both XM and Sirius will continue to innovate.

Here are a few highlights...

Reception: I happen to live in and travel to areas where there is very good repeater coverage, so I got comparable reception on both devices. Since indoor reception is spotty with these portables, I find the Stiletto's Wi-Fi feature quite useful.

Display: the Stiletto wins hands down with it's colorful screen and detailed descriptions. The
larger display allows for more song information, presets and content accessibility.

Styling: the Inno is unobtrusive, the Stiletto is sleek.

Size: the Inno is smaller, however, if you measure the devices side by side, it's the display and integrated antenna that account for most of the difference, so it's a trade-off, size vs. features.

Battery performance: With their standard batteries, both are about the same, 5-6 hours of live listening, and significantly more for recorded music. The Stiletto has an includes a 2nd (upgraded) battery, which does make a big difference if you don't mind the extra ounces.

Recording Capacity: The Stiletto is about double, 2 GB, and can record up to 10 hrs of individual songs recorded from Sirius channels and 100 hours of other content. The Inno, 1 GB, is about 8 hrs of XM songs, and 50 hrs of content.

Compatibility: The Stiletto is compatible with Yahoo music subscription service, and although somewhat redundant, allows you to play thsubscriptionon content. The Inno is integrated with Napster, but you can't play that content.

Computer integration: The Stiletto comes with Sirius Studio software, which personalizes the experience of downloading content and creating playlists/categories

Price: At a suggested retail price of $349, the Stiletto is pricier than the Inno at $249, although prices are coming down for both. In my mind, the extra $100 for the Stiletto is in the Wi-Fi and the extra storage capacity.

Whichever you chose, you won't be disappointed...both devices provide an innovative way to listen to the great content that satellite radio has to offer.

11/23/2006 06:46:00 AM

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hertz and AAA Get More Sirius

Nobvember 22, 2006

Expanded Agreement With Hertz Offers More Exclusive Benefits for AAA MembersWednesday November 22, 12:44 pm ET

PARK RIDGE, NJ--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 22, 2006 -- Hertz, the leader in the leisure and business car rental market, and AAA, North America's largest leisure travel organization, have expanded the exclusive partnership to include more benefits for AAA's 50 million members. Hertz has had a 28-year partnership with AAA offering special discounts and perks to AAA members and for the past 14 years Hertz has been AAA's exclusive car rental partner.

The main features of the AAA program with Hertz in the USA and Canada include benefits such as increased discounts; one free child seat; 50 percent off SIRIUS Satellite Radio (NASDAQ:SIRI - News)*; and 25 percent off NeverLost(TM), Hertz' customized on-board navigational system.

"The strongest testament to the AAA and Hertz relationship is a thriving partnership that dates back 28 years, and we are very proud that for the last 14 years we've been AAA's exclusive car rental provider," said Mark Frissora, Chief Executive Officer, Hertz Global Holdings. "AAA members receive even greater benefits under our new program with special AAA rates that offer the best overall car rental value available, while our enhanced program provides benefits on the products and services that make travel more convenient and that customers have come to expect from Hertz."

"One of AAA's top priorities is to provide the best and most valuable travel benefits to our 50 million members and we are very pleased to enhance our partnership with Hertz to offer even more exclusive benefits," said AAA President and CEO Robert L. Darbelnet. "In addition to special AAA rates, Hertz's free child passenger seats, as well as discounts on satellite radio and its popular NeverLost system, will play an important role in helping AAA to meet the needs of today's sophisticated travelers."

In addition to the products and services travelers have come to expect from a car rental company -- 24-hour Emergency Roadside Assistance, Computerized Driving Directions, and one of the youngest fleets in the industry -- Hertz continues to define the car rental industry, offering renters the ability to reserve cars by specific make and model with the Hertz Green Collection, a collection of vehicles with an EPA highway fuel-efficiency rating of 28 miles or more per gallon, the Hertz Prestige Collection, a collection of high-end, luxury vehicles that come equipped with NeverLost, and the sporty Hertz Fun Collection, a collection of convertibles, roadsters and coupes and SUVs all equipped with SIRIUS Satellite Radio.

To make reservations or for more information, customers can call their local AAA travel agent, visit AAA.com/hertz, or call Hertz toll-free at 1-800-654-3131. Information and reservations are also available on the web at www.hertz.com.

About AAA
As the nation's largest motoring and leisure travel organization, AAA provides its 50 million members with travel, insurance, financial and automotive-related services. Since its founding in 1902, the not-for-profit, fully tax paying AAA has been a leader and advocate for the safety and security of all travelers. AAA clubs can be visited on the Internet at www.AAA.com

About Hertz
Hertz, the world's largest general use car rental brand, operates from approximately 7,600 locations in 145 countries worldwide. Hertz is the number one airport car rental brand in the U.S. and at 69 major airports in Europe as well as the only car rental company with corporate and licensee locations in cities and airports in Africa, Asia, Australia, Latin America and North America. Product and service initiatives such as Hertz #1 Club Gold, NeverLost customized, onboard navigation systems, SIRIUS Satellite Radio, and unique cars and SUVs offered through the company's Prestige, Fun and Green Collections, set Hertz apart from the competition.

About NeverLost
NeverLost(TM) is the car rental industry's leading in-car navigation system that is customized to meet travelers' needs while on the road. The user friendly route-guidance system provides turn-by-turn audio and visual driving directions to virtually any destination in the U.S. and Canada and provides voice prompts in seven languages -- English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

NeverLost's "Full Coverage" map database includes all named roads in the U.S. and detailed coverage of all major metropolitan areas throughout the U.S. and Canada, covering 20 million segments and 4 million miles of navigable roads. The NeverLost Location directory has 1.3 million pre-programmed destinations, including 70,000 hotels, 65,000 gas stations and 470,000 restaurants.

NeverLost also features a "AAA Tour Book" with ratings for hotels, restaurants and local attractions; "Travel Assistance" directory with airline phone numbers, radio station guides, and phone numbers for local weather and traffic; "Local Attractions" directory pre-programmed with popular leisure and business destinations; and a "Previous Destinations" directory enabling customers to mark a current location as a routable destination.
NeverLost was first introduced in 1995 and is continually upgraded to incorporate the latest technological advancements as well as customer comments about the system. Hertz has more than 50,000 NeverLost units available for rent for an additional charge from more than 400 rental locations throughout North America.

About SIRIUS Satellite Radio
Hertz offers SIRIUS Satellite Radio in more than 50 major airport locations in the U.S. and Canada. SIRIUS delivers the best programming in all of radio, including 100% commercial-free music plus world-class sports, news, talk, entertainment, traffic and weather. And, to make getting there easier, SIRIUS 1st Traffic and Weather provides up-to-the minute local traffic and weather reports every 4 minutes. SIRIUS Satellite Radio is available at select locations in the U.S. and Canada for an additional charge.
* © 2006 SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. "SIRIUS" and the SIRIUS dog logo are registered trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc.

11/22/2006 01:22:00 PM

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Sirius Canada Passes 200,000 Subscribers

November 22, 2006

SIRIUS Canada Marks First Year of Business with More than 200,000 Paying Subscribers

SIRIUS leads industry with more than 70 per cent of retail market share

SIRIUS to be available in more than 150 Canadian vehicle models by the end of 2007

Stiletto 100, new plug and play radios available at retailers nationwide

NASCAR to be added to programming line-up in January 2007

TORONTO – (November 22, 2006) – SIRIUS Canada Inc., Canada’s premiere satellite radio provider with 110 full-time channels, announced today that it has surpassed 200,000 paying subscribers nationwide during its first year of operation. This announcement builds on the company’s previous milestone released on May 10, 2006 which confirmed it had surpassed 100,000 paying subscribers in less than 6-months of operations.

Since its launch on December 1, 2005, SIRIUS Canada has maintained its position as Canada’s most popular satellite radio provider with the most extensive programming and advanced satellite radio products in the country. According to the NPD Group, SIRIUS leads the industry in Canada with more than 70 per cent of units sold at retail, year-to-date, within NPD’s measured channels.

“SIRIUS Canada’s first year anniversary, and the significant success we have experienced during this time, is a celebration to be shared with our 200,000 subscribers and our retail and automotive partners,” said Mark Redmond, President and CEO, SIRIUS Canada Inc. “We are proud to be the number one choice for satellite radio in Canada. It has been an incredible first year, and we look forward to continuing a tradition of delivering the very best satellite radio products and programming available in Canada.”

“SIRIUS Canada’s incredible progress in less than 12-months of operating is testament to the quality of SIRIUS’ programming, and reinforces the country’s interest and excitement in satellite radio as an entertainment medium,” said Mel Karmazin, CEO of SIRIUS Satellite Radio. “As we grow our business and extend programming options across North America, we are confident SIRIUS Canada will continue to connect with Canadians as the country’s preferred satellite radio service, and build off the tremendous success it has achieved during its first year.”
The Best Programming on Satellite Radio With 110 full-time channels, SIRIUS Canada offers the most Canadian programming available on satellite radio with a total of 11 exclusive English and French channels featuring news, talk, sports and commercial-free music programming, SIRIUS’ Canadian channels are provided by some of the country’s most respected and recognizable broadcasters including Standard Radio, CBC-Radio Canada, Astral Media Radio, The Weather Network and Score Media.

Starting in 2007, SIRIUS will become the Official Satellite Radio Partner of NASCAR and will carry every NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series, NASCAR Busch Series and NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series race, allowing fans to hear the live race call plus driver-to-crew communications. In January, SIRIUS will launch SIRIUS NASCAR Radio / Channel 128, an exclusive channel airing 24 hours a day, seven days a week that will be devoted entirely to NASCAR and offer fans the most in-depth analysis of the sport with breaking news, talk shows and expert analysis.
Best-Selling Products and Superior Retail ExecutionSIRIUS Satellite Radio products and accessories are available at more than 4,000 retail locations throughout Canada. With a full range of new SIRIUS radios and accessories at-retail, SIRIUS is the must-have gift for this year’s holiday season. New products include:

Stiletto 100 - SIRIUS Satellite Radio’s first live portable satellite radio with WiFi capability. With over 100 hours of storage, the Stiletto gives SIRIUS subscribers the flexibility to listen to live satellite radio programming anywhere.

New Plug & Play Radios – Introducing the new SIRIUS plug and play lineup including the Sportster 3, Sportster 4, Starmate 3 and Stratus radios all featuring universal docking capability for easy attachment to home kit and boombox accessories.
SIRIUS Canada’s complete product line up is available online: www.siriuscanada.ca/Products-e.htm

Partnerships with Canada’s Premier Automotive PartnersIn its first 12 months of operations, SIRIUS Canada has established strategic partnerships with many of Canada’s leading automotive brands including Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Land Rover, Volvo, Jaguar, Aston Martin, BMW, MINI, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Subaru. SIRIUS anticipates that by the end 2007 there will be more than 150 vehicle models available with SIRIUS installed at the factory or dealer level. Current SIRIUS Canada automotive partners include:

Ford of Canada: An exclusive factory-installation agreement for SIRIUS to be included in virtually all Ford vehicles sold in Canada by 2008. This umbrella agreement includes Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Land Rover, Jaguar, Volvo and Aston Martin vehicle brands.
BMW Canada: An exclusive agreement that will make SIRIUS a factory and dealer option for all BMW vehicles sold in Canada. By 2007, all BMW models sold in Canada will be SIRIUS Satellite-ready.

DaimlerChrysler Canada: An exclusive factory option on most 2007 Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep brand vehicles.

Subaru Canada: SIRIUS is currently offered in two Subaru models as a factory-approved option, in 2007 Forester and Impreza models.

Hertz Canada: SIRIUS Canada was the first satellite radio provider in Canada to form a partnership with a leading rental vehicle company. SIRIUS Satellite Radio is currently available in Hertz vehicles at Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal airport locations.

Canadian Automobile Association: SIRIUS Canada is the official satellite radio partner of the Canadian Automobile Association and its 4.9 million members country-wide.

About SIRIUS Canada

From broadcast studios in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and New York, SIRIUS Canada delivers 110 premium channels of the best commercial-free music plus leading sports, news, talk and entertainment programming. With a total of 65 commercial-free music channels – the most in Canada - SIRIUS is the original and only home of 100% commercial-free music. SIRIUS offers the broadest range of Canadian content on satellite radio with 11 English and French channels. SIRIUS Canada is the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the CFL, NHL, NFL and NBA and broadcasts live play-by-play games of the CFL, NHL, NFL and NBA. In addition, SIRIUS Satellite Radio is home to broadcasts of U.S. College Football, English Premier League Soccer and coming in 2007 – NASCAR.

In Canada, SIRIUS’ automotive partners include Aston Martin, BMW, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Jaguar, Jeep, Land Rover, Lincoln, Subaru and Volvo.
For more information please visit: http://www.siriuscanada.ca/.

11/22/2006 11:53:00 AM

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