NAB Gets Even More Desperate: Hires Law Firm To Prepare Report Against Merger
Law Firm Says Sirius/XM Merger Would Violate Antitrust Law
via, May 31
A report prepared by the NAB-retained law firm of Crowell & Moring that has been sent to lawmakers and filed with the FCC characterizes the proposed satellite radio merger of XM and Sirius as "clearly anticompetitive." The report reads, in part: "The proposed merger would replace this duopoly market structure, set up specifically by the FCC to ensure at least some level of price and service competition, with a monopolist in the downstream subscription market that is unrestrained in its ability to harm competition. There simply is no ‘fix’ that will restore the competitive structure of this marketplace, and thus DOJ should challenge the transaction to preserve existing and future competition." more:
here5/31/2007 07:42:00 AM
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