Tuesday, October 31, 2006
 October 31, 2006 Today Frank Curzio of TheStreet.com wrote a modified version of his piece titled “Sirius Reservations”. The new piece is titled “Sirius Shares May Fall Back To Earth”. Mr. Curzio claims that the new piece was penned to clarify and support his position. The first problem here is that readers have to pay to read a corrected article, although they will offer a free trial. Well, SSG readers can see OUR point/counterpoint dissection of the Curzio piece for free. We here at SSG do accept contributions through PayPal should people rather send money our way..... I wonder if we will generate more revenue than the latest Curzio piece Curzio “Over the past few months, Wall Street’s main concern has been focused on subscriber growth.” SSG
This is not really the case. The focus shifted from subscriber growth to financial metrics and Cash Flow Break Even. The subscriber number focus gets attention, but the REAL FOCUS is on the numbers. Curzio
“Last year, the company said it expected to have 6.3 million total subscribers by the end of 2006, but given its second- and third-quarter net new subscriber additions, we believe this number may be too optimistic. Shareholders seem to agree, as the stock is trading near its 52-week low.” SSG
Actually the 6.3 million number did not come up until this year. Up until the Q1 conference call, the number was at 6.1 million. The second and third quarter subscriber numbers were 600,640 and 441,101 respectively, and both quarters came in above analyst expectations. For Q3 early expectations were a bit above 500,000, but were revised as the quarter drew to a close. Sirius getting 6.3 million subscribers by years end may look like a tall order, but Mel K. has delivered on all targets since he came on board.
“Considering the average number of net additions in the previous two quarters, we believe it will be very difficult for Sirius to pull in as many as 1.2 million net new subscribers -- albeit during the holiday season -- in just three months.” SSG
The average number of subscribers for Q2 and Q3 have little to do with Q4. There are many things that Mr. Curzio could have considered that would have carried much more weight than an average from the previous two quarters. There is brand awareness that is higher now than it was last year…..there is a Ford ramp-up that exists this year and was in its infancy last year……there is now Sirius internet Radio fresh off of a two day promotion that gave Sirius exposure to millions on a global basis and delivers CD quality music and Howard Stern over the net…..there is the transition of NASCAR from XM to Sirius. There is the fact that Sirius is more aggressively marketing the friends and family plan. These are ALL conditions that did not exist last year, and any one of them is more compelling reasoning than the “average of the past two quarters”. Perhaps it is a case of these situations not matching up with the agenda.
“However, Sirius reiterated its guidance on its latest earnings conference call, leading us to believe that heavy discounts in the radio service could be just around the corner. This would increasingly hurt profit margins and could cause further losses down the road.” SSG
Yes, Sirius did reiterated subscriber guidance at the last conference call. They also reiterated it in the press release where they announced Q3 subscribers just a few weeks ago. It is right there at the bottom of the press release if you read that far down in your research. You then state that you believe that heavy discounts in radio service are possible. The service is rarely discounted unless the subscriber pre-pays for several months in advance. If discounts are given they are usually done in the form of rebates. Some promotions may well happen, but “heavy discounts” are not very likely. Mel K. likes to keep revenue, and likes to keep as much as possible.
“However, Sirius' operating expenses are roughly $1 billion annually, and it has not reported a single quarter of operating income or operating cash flow. Given that, investors must size up Sirius' growth prospects going forward -- and they don't look good.”
Take a few minutes to read some analyst reports and you will see that operating expenses are not $1 billion annually, and further are not projected to be in that range going forward. This equity is not really about the “here and now”, it is fast becoming about the prospects that are now just a couple of years down the road.
The first hurdle is competition. XM Satellite, Sirius' chief rival, has more total subscriptions, as well as lower costs per subscriber because it uses smaller chips in its radio units.
Yes, XM has more subscribers than does Sirius. The number does not matter as much as the revenue generated from subscribers, and further, the amount of revenue that the services get to keep. Some subscribers carry with them a much larger revenue share than others. Additionally, Curzio fails to even mention who has been getting all of the Year Over Year growth in satellite radio. For all of 2006, EVERY bit of Year Over Year Growth has fallen to Sirius. This is a pretty telling statistic, but it must not have fit the agenda, and thus was not included. Now to address cost per subscriber. This metric can not be accurately compared between the two companies because of the structures of various deal, marketing payroll, and other items. Additionally, the size of the chip has little to do with the cost. Cost per subscriber or SAC is not a GAAP method, and thus the companies can report this cost however they see fit. The companies can also structure deals in such a way as to give the appearance of low SAC. This is why prudent investors NEVER take SAC on face value, and ALWAYS look at other metrics as well. PRUDENT investors also know fully well that the direct comparison of SAC of Sirius and XM is a fruitless exercise.. By example, a deal that brings a company the bulk of their subs, has high up front costs (non-SAC), low subsidy costs (SAC) and high revenue share (non-SAC) will do wonders for your SAC figures…….But you need to look at the impact that the other components are having in other areas of the financials.
Curzio“Also, consider that Apple has stepped into the satellite radio auto market by signing deals with automakers to put iPods into cars. This could further cut into Sirius' subscriber growth going forward.” SSG
The first phase of the Apple program boils down to an AUX-IN jack. Works with I-Pod, Zen, Zune, as well as satellite radio. Additionally, you need to hear music at some point prior to deciding to pay 99 cents to buy the song. You then have the downloading process, etc. Satellite radio is more user frienly. Curzio
“In addition, Howard Stern's five-year, $500 million deal -- which enkindled so much buzz for Sirius -- no longer looks like the kind of success story that the radio satellite company needs. Stern's ad sales are down, and his celebrity guest bookings are almost nonexistent, and traffic on his Web site is down as well.” SSG
Stern has done very well for Sirius. This is evidenced in the subscriber numbers and market share numbers that have been all in favor of Sirius for the past 13 months. Of course, if you want to argue that Stern is a non-factor, then you should cite what it is about Sirius that is causing them to have such a distinct advantage in the satellite radio sector in terms of retail sales. Sterns ad rates have been reported to be down from his days on content challenged radio. This was not unexpected. Mel K. has stated that ad sales will be about 10% of revenue. It looks like that is yet another Mel K. target that is being met or exceeded. Additionally, as the subacriber base grows the ad rates will improve.
The guest bookings of Stern have been fine. From Trump, to Sam Simon, to Shatner, to Rivers and the many bands, the guests have been great. Perhaps you could cite the guests you wanted to see.
Sterns web traffic is a story that came out from a site in the middle of summer. Stern himself has refuted the data. If you take a moment to look at web hits for the most recent promotion, you will clearly see that there is still a healthy demand for Stern.
“There have also been rumors in the media that Stern will return to FM radio (while continuing to work on satellite radio), which could cause some Sirius subscribers to defect back to traditional radio.” SSG
Perhaps you were out of the country, and even though you claim to be a fan of Stern’s, you may have missed it, but Stern himself has refuted these rumors several times, and further, Sirius even issued a Press release refuting this rumor. This is the rumor that already had one writer canned from his job. The rumor was just that, a rumor. Prudent investors may speculate on rumor, but it often does not pan out. If you are hoping to see $3 on this equity, the Stern to content challenged radio one wont work.
“On average, approximately nine analysts cover each stock in the communications industry vs. 33 analysts for Sirius, according to Thomson First Call. However, we found only one firm with a sell rating on Sirius. This is surprising, especially considering the stock lost 50% of its value in just eight months and is trading at its 52-week low. And if the company fails to meet year-end subscriber estimates, this may open up the door for some downgrades.” SSG The stock is at a 52 week low, but the company is on the cusp of reaching Cash Flow break Even, and maintaining it. Most analysts, and prudent investors realize that CFBE carries more weight than the subscriber numbers. Should Sirius reach CFBE and show that they can maintain it, do you think analysts would downgrade on a subscriber miss? A few will, sure, but there are also those out there that think Howard is returning to content challenged radio. Further, there have been several upgrades this year, and look what that has done for the stock price. The bet is on the financials…..not the subscribers. Curzio
“One wild card, however, would play in Sirius' favor. Last year, rumors of a possible merger between Sirius and XM surfaced but were quickly squashed by both chief executives, Mel Karmazin at Sirius and Hugh Panero at XM. Even if the two CEOs were in agreement, regulatory issues would have also been a factor, as these companies were the two largest players in the field. But now that Apple has entered the mix, we believe a merger between the pair makes sense. The synergies of the combined company would save money in the long run, which has been a major problem for both Sirius and XM.” SSG AHHHHHH…..we get down to the merger talk. This is the mantra of Jim Cramer. This article would not be complete without the merger talk. I agree, as does anyone that looks at the issue that a merger would be very positive. I also agree that the entertainment delivery arena has many new players involved and Apple is among them. So you went through all of this to get to the point that Crammer has been screaming about for months…..merger.There are indeed many who are applying downward pressure on Sirius as well as XM. There are also millions who joined the ranks of satellite radio this year, and they are a passionate bunch. They have experienced the service, and see the value in it. The subscriber base grows every day, and the costs come down every day.You had mentioned 33 analysts that followed this equity. My question for you is whether or not you read anyones reports but Jacoby's? 10/31/2006 10:20:00 PM
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 October 31, 2006 TheStreet.com seems to be trying very hard to get out anything negative about Sirius these days. On October 30, they released (to subscribers) a story titled "Sirius Reservations" which was an opinionated piece focusing on perceived negative aspects of investing in Sirius. The piece had several sections regarding rumors, and even went so far as to re-kindle a Stern-to-terrestrial model, which was outright denied by both Stern and Sirius only a month ago. On October 31st they re-released the same story to a much wider and free distribution. Sirius stock remained in the green despite the article. Now, after the close, they have a new article titled "Sirius Shares May Fall To Earth", which you have to pay for to read. I saved my money, because I know it is likely more of the same, and perhaps has even less research put into it. Will this article become free tomorrow?????? If the stock stays green, it may well be issued. I am not trying to perpetuate a conspiracy here, but something seems to be compelling The Street.com to keep the negative pressure applied to Sirius. 10/31/2006 04:28:00 PM
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 October 31, 2006 The much anticipated Sirius Solist is now arriving at retailers. The device features the "Universal Dock" which enables the same unit to be used with several models of Sirius receivers and will even work with an I-Pod. The Soloist also feature NXT's flat speaker technology, offing high quality sound with a sleek and moder appearance. If you are considering an additional accessory for your Sirius receiver, the Solist is a good choice. TSS Radio has some Solists in stock. You can order a Soloist by visiting TSS Radio. 10/31/2006 04:01:00 PM
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October 31, 2006  Stocks Under $10 Sirius ReservationsBy Frank CurzioRealMoney.com Contributor10/31/2006 11:08 AM Editor's note: This Stocks Under $10 alert was originally sent to subscribers Oct. 30 at 1:34 p.m. EST. It's being republished as a bonus for TheStreet.com and RealMoney.com readers. It seems like just yesterday that Howard Stern announced he was leaving terrestrial radio to begin broadcasting his show on commercial-free Sirius Satellite (SIRI) . Sirius shares traded up to $8 in December 2005 on the news, but then quickly began a downward trend to their current level around $3.79. But even at this price, are shares worth buying? At the current price Sirius still has a market capitalization of $5.4 billion, so don't let the low price of the shares fool you. Sirius is still a big company and has one of the largest market caps of stocks in the under $10 universe. Also, the company's debt is more than $1 billion, and analysts do not expect Sirius to make a profit until after 2008. ...read more: here10/31/2006 02:28:00 PM
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October 31, 2006Next Generation Pioneer In-Dash Navigation System Headed in the Right Direction: Adding Features to Increase Consumer Appeal
Pioneer AVIC-D3 Enhances Navigation, Entertainment and Connectivity Features LAS VEGAS, Oct 31, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- With the navigation market expected to increase 163 percent in 2007, Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. will continue to lead the in-dash category with the AVIC-D3, a new product that combines features of navigation, entertainment, and connectivity for maximum consumer appeal. The full-featured route guidance system offers nearly 11 million points of interest, XM NavTraffic(R) integration, voice prompting and telephone number search. For entertainment, the AVIC-D3 offers MP3, WMA, AAC, DivX(R) and DVD-video disc playback. It also provides iPod(R) Direct connection for fast and easy control of iPod audio and video players and expanded Bluetooth(R) capabilities for hands-free cellular phone conversations and wireless audio streaming. "On top of navigation, an in-dash system changes the driving experience altogether by introducing new media for entertainment and better integration of commonly used portable devices into the vehicle," said Karen Rubin, director of marketing and product planning for navigation products at Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. "The AVIC-D3 offers the right mix of function and design to get consumers excited and continue the growth of the in-dash navigation category." XM and SIRIUS(R) Satellite Radio are available options, in addition to other attached components such as iPod or music players with mini input jacks....read more: here
The AVIC-D3 will be available in March 2007 with a retail price to be determined at the 2007 International Consumer Electronics Show. 10/31/2006 01:12:00 PM
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October 31, 2006XM Radio to Launch Exclusive Andretti Green Racing ShowWASHINGTON, Oct. 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- XM Satellite Radio, the nation's leading satellite radio company with more than 7 million subscribers, announced today that the Andretti Green Racing (AGR) team will host "The Andretti Green Racing Hour," exclusively on XM Satellite Radio beginning February 2007. XM is the official satellite radio network of the Indy Racing League and broadcasts every IndyCar Series race live and nationwide. "The Andretti Green Racing Hour" will be a one-hour weekly program featuring drivers from the Andretti Green team, as well as Michael Andretti, co-owner of Andretti Green Racing and open wheel racing legend. ...read more: here10/31/2006 12:53:00 PM
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October 31, 2006Hertz Canada Selects SIRIUS Canada as Exclusive Satellite Radio Partner for Rental Vehicles
Canada's Leading Satellite Radio Provider Will Be Available in Hertz Canada Rental Vehicles Beginning October 31, 2006 TORONTO, Oct 31, 2006 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) -- SIRIUS Canada and Hertz Canada today announced the availability of SIRIUS Satellite Radio at three (3) major Hertz airport rental locations in Canada. With SIRIUS Satellite Radio in their Hertz rental vehicle, customers will be able to experience Canada's premium 110-channel lineup featuring the best programming and the most commercial-free music available on satellite radio in Canada. Beginning October 31, Hertz and SIRIUS will offer satellite radio at airport rental locations in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. SIRIUS will be offered in a range of Hertz's rental vehicles including the Ford Escape, Chevy HHR, Hummer H3, Ford Explorer Ltd., Pontiac G6, Pontiac Montana and Toyota Camry for a nominal fee. Additional major Canadian markets will be rolled out thereafter. In total, Hertz offers SIRIUS in thousands of vehicles at more than 58 airport locations in North America. ...read more: here10/31/2006 12:20:00 PM
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October 31, 2006XM Satellite Radio-XMSR could see a year-end bounce-Neutral@AMTR - Am Tech(theflyonthewall.com 10/31 09:24:16) Am Tech believes shares could trade higher into year-end given the weakness over the past two years but they do not have enough conviction to upgrade the stock. 10/31/2006 12:17:00 PM
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October 31, 2006XMSR & SIRI expect trends & catalysts to drive shares higher-OW@MSCO - (theflyonthewall.com 10/31 09:18:14) The analyst expects shares of XMSR & SIRI to be driven by sub adds due to OEM penetration, sees SIRI reaching positive FCF in 2007 & XMSR in 2008, and modest retail gross adds in 2007. The firm has lowered Q4 subs for both and SIRI's target to $7 from $8. 10/31/2006 09:26:00 AM
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 October 31, 2006 Apple's New iPod shuffle Available Worldwide This FridayMost Wearable iPod Ever
CUPERTINO, Calif., Oct. 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Apple's new iPod® shuffle, the world's smallest digital music player, will be available in Apple's retail stores and Apple® Authorized Resellers this Friday, November 3. Nearly half the size of the original, the new iPod shuffle is just half a cubic inch in volume, weighs just half an ounce and features a minimal aluminum design with a built-in clip, making it the most wearable iPod ever. The new iPod shuffle contains one gigabyte of flash memory which holds up to 240 songs, and is priced at just $79....read more: here10/31/2006 09:23:00 AM
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October 31, 2006Directed Electronics to Supply Digital HD Radio(TM) Receivers to Retailers Across the United StatesMonday October 30, 4:10 pm ET, VISTA, Calif., Oct. 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Directed Electronics, Inc. (Nasdaq: DEIX - News) holds number one market share positions in premium home theater loudspeakers, consumer branded vehicle security systems, and aftermarket satellite radio receivers. Directed is also a major supplier of mobile audio and video whose portfolio of well-known brands includes Polk Audio, Viper, Definitive Technology, Python, Orion, Precision Power, and Astroflex. The company announced today that it plans to supply digital HD Radio(TM) receivers to its retail customers starting in December 2006...read more: here10/31/2006 09:20:00 AM
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October 31, 2006Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook
PRE- ORDER NOW! ITEM WILL SHIP ON ITS RELEASE DATE,OCT 31ST, 2006 Whether your home is small or large, an apartment in the city or a country cottage, it is a space that should be at once beautiful and livable. The key to that is managing the upkeep without feeling flustered. Until now, there has never been a comprehensive resource that not only tells how to care for your home and everything in it, but that also simplifies the process by explaining just when. With secrets from Martha Stewart for accomplishing the most challenging homekeeping tasks with ease, this detailed and comprehensive book is the only one you will need to help you keep your home looking its best, floor to ceiling, room by room....read more: here10/31/2006 08:52:00 AM
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Public Radio Goes Global Over the Web
By SARAH MCBRIDE, October 31, 2006; Page B1, The Wall Street Journal Browsing through the iTunes Music Store last summer, Larissa Bryan stumbled across podcasts of "To the Point," a public-radio talk show that airs on KCRW, based in Santa Monica, Calif. Through such podcasts, Ms. Bryan, who works for a multinational eyeglass-lens company, has become a devotee of the program -- even though she currently lives in Beijing. Ms. Bryan is one of the reasons that KCRW, one of the nation's largest public radio stations, experienced a big jump in its online audience starting last year. Tens of thousands of new listeners were checking out its online stream, and most of them weren't anywhere near the station's Southern California home. The company credits some of its audience boost to iTunes' year-old podcast directory. But many fans are discovering other KCRW offerings by clicking on the link to the station, which is known for talk shows and championing eclectic music. (One of the station's shows, for example, focuses on "criminally overlooked tunes, hidden gems, [and] guilty pleasures.") KCRW online had 760,000 unique visitors in October, according to Google Analytics, a Web analysis service. At this time last year, the number was about 585,000. That puts the online audience well over the terrestrial audience of almost 600,000....read more: here10/31/2006 08:48:00 AM
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Scams Use Leased Radio TimeTo Target Immigrant ListenersForeign-Language Programs Often Go Unscrutinized,Until Complaints Arise Ponzi Scheme or Variety Show? By JENNIFER LEVITZ, October 31, 2006; Page A1, The Wall Street Journal Rick Santos, manager of WLQY-AM in Miami, says he thought the popular Creole program that aired six days a week on his radio station was a "musical variety show." It was actually part of a fraud, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Scam artists used the radio for two years to promote an investment scheme that ensnared 631 Haitian immigrants and cost them nearly $6 million, a federal court ruled after an SEC complaint. Fidelina Cuevas "I didn't understand what they were doing," says Mr. Santos, who doesn't speak Creole. "I found out about it afterward." Fraudsters seeking to take advantage of immigrants are finding an easy route via radio stations that lease blocks of air time to anyone willing to pay. Some of these stations are part of major foreign-language media chains, such as market leader Univision Communications Inc. Yet station managers say they make little effort to check the bona fides of the people they allow on the air. The practice of "time brokerage" is more likely to lead to deception than traditional advertising because those buying the time often disguise their pitches as regular programming. In Kansas and New Jersey, people pretending to be lawyers bought time for Spanish-language shows offering immigration advice, which served as promotions for their bogus law practices. Time brokerage is appealing to radio-station owners because they can receive $150 to $500 an hour for air time with little effort. Buyers of time "come in, perform their act and leave," says Bill Parris, a consultant for MultiCultural Radio Broadcasting Inc. The New York City company owns about 45 stations whose air time is all brokered. In a wave of radio industry consolidation, media chains have been snapping up FM stations with good signals, leaving a pool of small AM stations that can still be bought for relatively little....read more: here10/31/2006 08:45:00 AM
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 October 31, 2006 I have seen reviews of the Sirius Stiletto and the Pioneer Inno, but have yet to see a detailed head to head comparison. With that in mind I decided to put these units through their paces. I would like to express that both the inno and the Stiletto are very nice and very capable devices. If you are an XM fan, then the Inno will serve you very well. Likewise for the Stiletto if you are a Sirius fan. Personally, I do not find myself needing the wearable function very often. Most of my listening is done in the car. Additionally, many aspects of reviews are subject to opinion. What I may find nice, someone else will dislike. I will make every effort to be objective in the reviews and comments. This review will take a few evenings, and results each day will be posted. Results that I experience will not be typical across the country. I live in the northeast, and the nearest satellite radio repeater (Sirius or XM) is over 50 miles away from me. SIZE
These units are both very portable, and both can easily be carried or worn by a user. The Inno smaller and thinner, but is a bit wider. Both units weigh 4.7 ounces. The Inno is actually 1 gram lighter, coming in at 132 grams as compared to 133 grams for the Stilleto. The edge in this category would go to the Inno specifically for the thickness of the unit. Because it is a bit slimmer, it can more easily be stowed away by the user. FIT AND FINISHBoth the Inno and the Stiletto feel like quality built units. For this category, the Stiletto wins out for a few obvious reasons. The volume control and the power button on the Stiletto look nicer with a chrome finish, and sleeker design. The Inno volume and power controls are black plastic. The sleek black look of the Stiletto is also sharper than the brushed aluminum look of the Inno. Additionally, the brushed aluminum plate does not fit into the face of the device flushly. This leaves an edge that while not sharp, is obvious to the touch. Ironically this condition exists on the left and right face, but not the bottom of the face. On the plus side for the Inno, the brushed  aluminum is not as susceptible to fingerprints as the Stiletto The antenna comparison is also quite obvious. The Inno sports an antenna that is quite obvious, and sticks out of the top of the unit. The stiletto design, while it is clear that it is an antenna, blends into the unit much more nicely. The designers of the stiletto  incorporated the antenna into the desin, while the inno design appears much more "walkie-talkie" like and utilitarian The Stiletto looks modern and contemporary and the Inno looks more classical and sturdy. SCREENS
This category is clearly in the camp of the Stiletto. The Stiletto screen is much larger than that of the Inno. In addition, the screen resolution is far better on the Stiletto. It is like comparing a standard television to an HD television, or for video game buffs, Atari vs. X-Box. With the Inno you can clearly see the dots that make up the graphics. With the Stiletto, the graphics are much more smooth and detailed. The combination of a bigger screen and better resolution make reading the Stiletto much easier than reading the Inno. When navigating with these screens, I found it much easier to read the Stilettos screen. I do like the color logos that the Inno shows in channel menus. I find it ironic that the Inno displays 4 channels on a smaller screen while the Stiletto shows 3. The flipping screen from vertical to horizontal for the Inno is a pretty cool feature. It would have been better if the home and car kits allowed the device to be mounted in either direction. Personally, I like the vertical mounting option in my car, but the ability to have a choice would be a pretty cool feature. NAVIGATION AND INTERFACE
Both the Stiletto and the Inno are easy to navigate, but I would give the edge to the Stiletto and the Zing interface. The Inno uses four directional buttons with a central select button. The Stiletto uses a media dial which is double duty in that it also has directional buttons and a central select button. With the Stiletto, you control how fast you scroll buy the speed at which you spin your thumb. With the Inno, there are two speeds unless you click real fast.  I like the fact that the Inno has your presets as a category when scrolling through genres. With the Stiletto, you need to take what I would consider an additional step to get to presets. Getting to various components and options with the Stiletto is easier and faster than with the Inno. The Zing interface is quite impressive. RECEPTION IN THE HOUSE WITHOUT HEADPHONE ANTENNA
This one is real simple. Neither the Inno or the Stiletto work in live mode inside my house. There are two areas where I can get both devices to work, but they are next to windows. Next I hooked the devices up to a home kit indoors with an antenna. With both devices, I was able to obtain a signal in my family room with the antenna placed on to of my entertainment center. Reception was better if I place the antenna near a window. The Inno seemed to get more “bars” than did the stiletto, but being a digital signal, 1 bar is all you need. An antenna placed outside provided great reception for both. Indoor reception is where the WIFI option stands out. I get perfect reception throughout my house, and in my main yard in WIFI mode. This gives me the option of using the Stiletto as a wearable device within my home. I can not do this with the Inno. I do happen to be a Direct TV subscriber, so I can get XM indoors with relative ease, but this review is about the Stiletto and Inno, and thus for my use, the Stiletto wins in this category due to the WIFI function. One item to note is that you need a wireless network to use this function. WALKING OUTDOORS WITH STANDARD ANTENNAAgain, I want to stress that I do not live near any repeaters, and that different locations in the country will produce different results. For this test, I used one unit at a time and held the device at chest height and about 8 inches away from my body. I walked to the end of my driveway and back to the house (a bit over ½ mile). I should also make it clear that my property is wooded and the driveway is tree lined. I addition, being on the coast, I live only slightly above sea level.  In the standard ear-bud headphone configuration for the walk to my mailbox, neither device was impressive. First I used the Inno. On the walk out, the longest I could keep reception was 20 seconds, and there were a couple of occasions where I had no sound at all for 15 seconds at a time. On the walk back, there was marked improvement. I was able to keep reception for longer periods of time, and drop outs were much shorter. Next, I used the Stiletto. On the walk out, the experience was slightly better than the Inno, because the drop outs were about half as long, and I was able to get more periods of longer reception. On the walk back, the Stiletto’s drop outs were much more pronounced, and there was one period of at lest 25 seconds without a signal. In the driveway walk test, I would give the edge to the Inno, but neither performance was anything to be thrilled about. To be fair to the devices, I feel compelled to remind readers that my driveway is tree lined and next to the water at virtually sea level. There is a reason that people recommend the use of the headphone antennas. This head to head comparison will continue with use near Boston where repeaters are present, an additional walking test, a test with antenna headphones, recoding capabilities, organizing of playlists, etc. Should you have any questions feel free to drop an e-mail to satellitestandard@gmail.com10/31/2006 12:44:00 AM
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MySpace to Block Copyright MusicOct 30 6:56 PM US/Eastern, www.breitbart.comMySpace.com will use "audio fingerprinting" technology to block users from uploading copyright music to the social networking site, the company said Monday. MySpace, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., said it will review all music files uploaded by community members to their online profiles. The files will be run through a music database from Gracenote Inc. "MySpace is staunchly committed to protecting artists' rights, whether those artists are on major labels or are independent acts," said Chris DeWolfe, MySpace chief executive and co-founder. The company said users who repeatedly attempt to upload copyright music files will be permanently barred from the site. Online sites such as MySpace and YouTube have come under fire from major record labels who have sued in some cases to prevent copyright music from being included as the soundtrack to a user-generated content. Several record labels recently announced licensing deals with YouTube, which has chosen to share ad revenue with record labels rather than filter music itself. The challenge of policing its users' music choices is just one issue facing MySpace, which has skyrocketed in popularity over the past year....read more: here10/30/2006 09:36:00 PM
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 October 30, 2006Sea Launch Successfully Delivers the XM-4 Satellite to Orbit
LONG BEACH, Calif., Oct 30, 2006 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Sea Launch Company today successfully delivered the XM-4 broadcast satellite to geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO). Early data indicate the spacecraft is accurately positioned and in excellent condition. A Zenit-3SL vehicle lifted off at 3:49 pm Pacific Standard Time (23:49 GMT) from the Odyssey Launch Platform, positioned at 154 degrees West Longitude in the equatorial Pacific. All systems performed nominally throughout the flight. The Block DM upper stage inserted the 5,193 kg (11,448 lbs.) spacecraft into geosynchronous transfer orbit, on its way to final orbital position of 115 degrees West Longitude. A ground station at Hartebeesthoek, near Pretoria, South Africa, acquired the first signal from the satellite in orbit. Built by the Boeing Satellite Development Center, the Boeing 702 spacecraft carries a high-power S-band Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) payload provided by Alcatel Alenia Space. Like the three XM satellites currently in orbit, XM-4 will support XM Radio's direct broadcast of digital radio programming to cars, homes and portable radios throughout the continental United States and Canada. ...read more: here10/30/2006 09:09:00 PM
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 October 30, 2006SoundExchange Proposes Fair Royalty Rates From Satellite Music Services for Artists and Record LabelsMonday October 30, 6:20 pm ET Proposal to Copyright Board Emphasizes Mutual Partnership Growth SoundExchange, the non-profit organization that collects and distributes royalties from various digital music services on behalf of artists and record labels, today submitted its case to the Copyright Royalty Board ("CRB") charged with setting rates that XM & Sirius satellite music services will pay for their streaming of sound recordings during the next six-year license term, ending in 2012. Recognizing that music forms the foundation for the two satellite services, SoundExchange's request for royalties beginning at 10 percent of revenues and gradually increasing over the six-year term is a reasonable rate based on the findings of several leading experts. Today's submission is the beginning of a 12-18 month process which will result in a determination by the CRB of what it believes is a fair payment for the use of artists' and record labels' sound recordings. "The essence of satellite radio is music," said John Simson, Executive Director of SoundExchange. "Without music, XM and Sirius would not exist. We are asking simply that these companies recognize our substantial contribution to their business by paying a fair price to artists and record labels for their creativity and investment."...read more: here10/30/2006 08:58:00 PM
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October 30, 2006Automobile customizing defies stereotypes
Consumer Reports survey finds Americans of all ages spend more than $700 on car modificationsAmong adults whose household owns a vehicle, 73 percent had personalized their principal vehicle in some way, or plan to do so, according to new research by the Consumer Reports National Research Center. The study reveals that this drive to personalize one’s car cuts across all major demographic segments, whether the car was purchased new or used.Over all, this study found that these automotive enthusiasts have spent an average amount of $711 per car. Extrapolated out to the total population aged 18-64, consumers have spent an estimated $81 billion on the vehicles they currently drive. Based on the average reported six-year ownership period, this breaks down to $13.5 billion, or $118 per person, spent annually.... ...PLUGGED IN--ELECTRONICS Half the car owners plan to change, or have changed, in-car electronics, with stereo systems heading the list at 28 percent, despite the trend in factory-supplied units sounding better and being increasingly difficult to replace. At 22 percent, car alarms and speakers are also common. Satellite radio units logged in at 13 percent--a relatively strong return considering that many new car models offer Sirius or XM systems as standard or optional features. Hands-free cell-phone setups also came in at 13 percent. Consumers also looked to high-tech luxuries, such as video systems (10 percent) and navigation systems (9 percent)....read more: here10/30/2006 08:50:00 PM
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October 30, 2006Is It Time to Turn Off XM?
By Rick Aristotle Munarriz (TMFBreakerRick)10/30/2006 The Motley Fool Rule Breakers growth investing service has been making buy and sell recommendations for members since 2004. Now it's time for those members to help shape the service, through the "Take That!" contest currently under way. Readers nominated the companies they thought were no longer Rule Breakers and that should be sold from the scorecard, and the five best bear cases are now up for a vote. The winning (losing!) stock will be revealed in the next issue of Rule Breakers -- and quite possibly a sell recommendation to go along with it! A year ago, I recommended XM Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: XMSR) to subscribers of our Motley Fool Rule Breakers growth investing service. Even though I would prefer to talk about the two picks of mine that have doubled since being singled out in the newsletter -- wedding-planning site The Knot (Nasdaq: KNOT) and cruise-ship spa specialist Steiner Leisure (Nasdaq: STNR) -- this one has been a dreadful performer. It has shed nearly two-thirds of its value since I gave it the nod. It hasn't been pretty. XM is still the overall market share leader with 7.2 million subscribers, but the company has let rival Sirius Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) close the gap for four consecutive quarters. The boardroom has also suffered a pair of defections, despite the growing popularity of satellite radio. So is it time to tune out and bail on XM, or is now the time to pump up the volume and take advantage of a lower share price? ...read more: here10/30/2006 06:46:00 PM
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October 30,2006 Satellite Radio TechWorld posted this on Friday, October 27, 2006: Digital Freedom Campaign BeginsThe Digital Freedom Campaign began yesterday, October 26, 2006. Consumers, musicians, and filmmakers unite to advocate copyright laws that make sense for them, rather than for the large music labels and movie studios...read more: hereFrom the Digital Freedom website: "The Threat These rights are under attack by the big recording labels and studios, who would ultimately deprive individuals of the right to communicate using digital technology. Recently, legislative proposals and lawsuits have been filed that would prohibit certain new technologies deemed threatening to the big labels and studios. These proposals often come in the guise of restrictions or bans on Tivo-like devices for radio, that would allow the recording of satellite radio broadcasts for personal use. This fight is not just about satellite radio, anymore than it was just about video cassette recorders, which the studios attempted to ban twenty year ago. It’s about the studios blocking any new technology they view as a threat to their business. Their fear is a threat to our freedom. "...read more: here10/30/2006 03:43:00 PM
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 October 30, 2006 Musical artist Meatloaf is a classic. His songs have graced the airwaves for decades, but a new CD release has not yet happened......Until Now. Meatlof will be releasing Bat Out Of Hell III tomoroow, October 31, 2006. The artist will be on Classic Rewind today. Classic Rewind’s Hangin’ with Meat Loaf as the one and only Meat Loaf takes over the SIRIUS airwaves and plays guest DJ. Meat Loaf will be spinning some of his all-time favorite classic rock tunes and world premiering some new tracks from his brand new CD, Bat Out Of Hell III – The Monster Is Loose, before it hits stores on October 31st. 10/30/2006 10:15:00 AM
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 October 30, 2006 SIRIUS Satellite Radio Exclusive in Bentley Vehicles (PR Newswire 10/30 08:41:37) Bentley Motors Inc. and SIRIUS Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) today announcedan exclusive agreement for the inclusion of SIRIUS in Bentley vehicles. SIRIUSwill be available in select Bentley models in the U.S. beginning in the mid-2007 model year and will become a standard feature available in allContinental GT, Continental GTC and Continental Flying Spur vehicles beginningin the 2008 model year. "All vehicles equipped with SIRIUS will include a lifetime subscription tothe service, which will enhance each Bentley's individual customization andgive each customer a new vehicle experience," said Andrew Stuart, CEO forBentley Motors Inc. "SIRIUS' exceptional programming is a natural addition to theextraordinary reputation of a Bentley, and we are very excited about ourrelationship with such an internationally elite brand," said Mel Karmazin,CEO, SIRIUS. Bentley customers can now order vehicles with SIRIUS Satellite Radio fordelivery in early 2007. 10/30/2006 09:05:00 AM
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October 30, 2006Porsche Selects XM as Exclusive Satellite Radio Provider Under New, Long-Term Agreement(PR Newswire 10/30 08:01:32) Porsche Cars of North America, Inc. and XM Satellite Radio today announced a new long-term agreement to equip Porsche vehicles for the U.S. market with XM, the nation's leading satellite radio service. The arrangement begins in 2007. XM has been available as a popular factory-installed feature for Cayenne models since 2005 and will be the exclusive satellite radio option in thef uture. Under the new agreement, XM will also be available for other Porsche models in the future. Consumers who purchase a Porsche vehicle with XM receive a complimentary three-month subscription to the service. In addition to XM's primary service of 170 digital radio channels of commercial-free music and premier sports, news, talk, and entertainment, XM will also develop satellite-delivered data services for Porsche vehicles. These services are expected to include the advanced XM NavTraffic real-timetraffic data service which is now available in 44 major markets nationwide. "XM has the technology and content that is consistent with Porsche's commitment to providing our customers the best possible driving experience,"said Peter Schwarzenbauer, President and CEO, Porsche Cars of North America." We are very pleased to be expanding our partnership with XM." "Porsche is renowned for performance, quality, engineering, and innovation, and XM is proud to be a part of that tradition as we extend our partnership with one of the world's great brands," said Nate Davis, Presidentand COO, XM Satellite Radio. "The fact that Porsche is offering XM exclusivelyis a testament to the quality of the programming we offer and our leadership in advanced technology. It underscores our company's position as the leading provider of satellite radio for the automobile market, as well as the overall leader in the satellite radio industry." 10/30/2006 08:38:00 AM
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OCTOBER 30, 2006,Technology, By Olga Kharif, www.businessweek.comShooting Down Satellite Radio?
Terrestrial broadcasters are going for an FCC-aided kill in their long-raging fight with XM and Sirius The radio wars are escalating. In a one-two punch aimed at enlisting regulators to their cause, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and National Public Radio want the Federal Communications Commission to investigate alleged misdeeds by satellite radio companies XM ( XMSR) and Sirius ( SIRI). On Oct. 12, National Public Radio CEO Ken Stern wrote to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin alleging that the satellite broadcasters' devices interfere with NPR broadcasts. And last week, David Rehr, president and CEO of the powerful NAB, fired off two letters to Martin alleging several regulatory violations. Old Radio Vs. New Radio The latest correspondence should strike Martin with a sense of déja vu—and Sirius and XM with a sense of foreboding. Seven months ago the NAB sought the FCC's help in preventing XM from acquiring wireless licenses to provide an array of new services, such as on-demand audio and video, competing more directly with terrestrial radio. XM abandoned the bid in May, figuring that the agency would oppose the effort. That's just one of many instances where terrestrial broadcasters and satellite radio outfits have clashed over the years. And the NAB, which represents land radio stations, with some 260 million listeners every week, has won thus far. "The NAB has tried to kill satellite radio from the beginning," says Tom Watts, an analyst with Cowen & Co. ( COWN) "Because the FCC has listened, broadcasters are using the regulators as a weapon now." That's proving easier, however, since XM and Sirius have recently admitted to some of the violations—which is partially why the terrestrial broadcasters are taking their fight further in this latest skirmish. Satellite Slip-ups Claiming "a persistent corporate (if not industry) circumvention of the FCC's regulations," the NAB and NPR are demanding an investigation into at least three separate issues, two of which the broadcasters raised with the FCC earlier this year. The NAB's goal seems to be stripping XM and Sirius of their licenses. ...read more: here10/30/2006 06:20:00 AM
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 October 29, 2006 If you think that the impact of Howard Stern on satellite radio was a one time event, think again. Sirius introduced Sirius Internet Radio about two weeks ago, and launched it with a small campaign with a two day free trial featuring a chance for people aroud the world to tune in for two days free. The marketing effort encompassed about a week, and was mostly driven by word of mouth and the web. The results…….Sirius internet traffic spiked to levels similar to December 2005, when Sterns move to Sirius was highly publicized, and stern was making television show appearances, and magazine covers all over the place. This is quite impressive to say the least. The campaign once again served to increase Sirius’ brand awareness, and likely will serve as the launch pad for a more robust campaign. Detractors of Stern and Sirius want more than anything to believe that Stern is now a muted personality with no exposure now that his home is on Sirius Satellite Radio. Well, look at what one announcement, and a week and a half of promotion have accomplished. Sirius’ internet traffic was huge during the event. People got to hear some great content, and the event is something that can put Sirius on the tip of the tongue of many potential subscribers. The secret…….Exclusive content programming. Had stern been available on other mediums, the draw would not be as great. People who were on the fence, and had not yet subscribed were treated to some great shows, and also treated to music at CD quality. Even if only 1% of those that tuned in were to become subscribers, the event was a success. People got a taste of what Sirius internet radio has to offer, and Sirius now has a new platform from which to deliver content to subscribers. The exposure derived from this event is nearly priceless, and sets the stage for the holiday season. Sterns impact on satellite radio has been termed “The Stern Effect” . Reports of it’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. It is quite clear to anyone that Stern still resonates with radio listeners. It is also clear that Stern will once again be a factor this holiday season. As satellite radio becomes more and more mainstream, those that liked stern in previous years will once again gravitate towards him again. One such example came from blogcritics.com. These guys penned an article that found its way to the Howard stern website. The article is quite interesting, and can be read HERE.Simply stated, Stern remains a hot commodity, and Sirius is well aware of this. It gives Sirius a clear and concise way to build recognition. No other piece of content has matched this to date. The NFL, Major League Baseball, Oprah, Opie and Anthony, Dylan, The Stones, and many others pale in comparison to what Stern has been able to deliver for Sirius. The stern effect dead?????? No Way. It is alive and kicking butt. 10/29/2006 10:14:00 PM
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'Snoop Dogg' faces gun, drug accusation
BURBANK, California (CNN) -- Rap artist "Snoop Dogg" was arrested and booked for being a felon in possession of a firearm and transportation of a controlled substance at a California airport Thursday, according to the Burbank Police Department. The 35-year-old rapper -- whose real name is Calvin Broadus -- was arrested by airport police at the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, California, at about 4 p.m. (7 p.m. ET). He was parked in a passenger loading and unloading zone and was initially approached by an officer for a traffic violation, Burbank police said. "An investigation revealed Calvin Broadus to be in possession of marijuana and a firearm," a police statement said. He was arrested and taken to the Burbank Police Department Jail, where he was later booked, police said. Snoop Dogg posted bail of $35,000 and was released. He is scheduled to appear at the Burbank Superior Court on December 12, said his publicist, Meredith O'Sullivan. "There was no basis for this arrest," said the rapper's lawyer, Donald Etra. "We believe that once this is cleared up, all charges will be dismissed." Snoop Dog, who has sold over 17 million records and acted in movies including "Starsky & Hutch," "Old School," "Training Day" and "Bones," has had several other run-ins with the law. He was convicted on a felony narcotics possession charge in 1990, for trying to sell cocaine....read more: Here10/29/2006 08:40:00 AM
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Trader raises flags on Clear Channel options tradeThu Oct 26, 2006 2:56 PM ET, By Doris Frankel, CHICAGO (Reuters) - Options trading in Clear Channel Communications Inc. spiked in the days before the radio channel operator was reported to be in buyout talks with private equity firms, an options trader said Thursday. Options trader Jon Najarian, co-founder of information Web site optionmonster.com, said his firm's computer model showed unusual Clear Channel call volume in the days running up to CNBC's report on Tuesday that the Mays family was becoming interested in a possible leveraged buyout. The Mays family controls Clear Channel, which said on Wednesday that it was exploring alternatives to raise its share price, including a possible LBO. Private equity groups Providence Equity Partners, Blackstone and KKR are in advanced talks to buy Clear Channel, a source familiar with the situation said on Wednesday...read more: here10/29/2006 07:57:00 AM
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Street sees upside to struggling sat radio sector
October 28, 2006By Paul Bond, The Hollywood Reporter With the gift-giving season just around the corner, some Wall Street analysts are suggesting that the time might finally have come to buy the woefully underperforming satellite radio stocks again.With XM Satellite Radio set to discuss full third-quarter financials and current business trends on Nov. 6, and Sirius Satellite Radio to do so Nov. 8, investors will listen closely for clues on whether the players can finish the year with momentum.Some on the Street are expecting some upside to the stocks. Citigroup analyst Eileen Furukawa, for example, recently reiterated her "buy" recommendations on Sirius and XM, despite reining in her near-term subscriber targets for both companies."Even with lower subscriber targets, we believe satellite radio stocks are worth owning," she said.The analyst and her team made in-store visits to 25 Best Buy, Circuit City, Radio Shack and Wal-Mart stores in the New York and New Jersey area and discovered a "slow" sales environment for sat radio tuners.She wasn't discouraged, though, because neither company did much marketing early in the month, and she found that consumer products on the whole have been selling slowly of late as well.XM more recently, though, launched a multiplatform marketing campaign, the first from its creative ad agency Lowe New York. Featured in two commercials are such artists as Johnny Cash, Snoop Dogg, Flock of Seagulls, Regina Specktor, the Circle Jerks and Beethoven, with both ads ending with the line: "170 channels to find what turns you on. Are you on?"...read more: here10/29/2006 07:47:00 AM
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Saturday, October 28, 2006
October 28, 2006 What happened Friday to send XM satellite radio up over 10%? Where did tuna’s report come from? I received several e-mails and phone calls about this, and once again caution all readers that I am not a financial advisor. I follow these equities pretty closely, and have opinions as to what happens, but I do not offer financial advice. That being said, the answer is not really very simple, and could likely be several things. In my opinion here are some items that could have contributed: When Clear Channel announced that they are now up for sale, and competition from satellite radio was among the reasons, I felt that this could set a bottom for both Sirius and XM. Clear Channel is the big boy on the block, and their actions at least give credibility to the business model of satellite radio. This is not enough for a reversal for satellite radio, but could well be enough to establish a bease. If any of what I stated about Clear Channel resonates with you, you should now consider this. XM Satellite radio has taken a bigger beating this year than has Sirius. Many people still trade these equities on enterprise value and market cap. There are many who feel the current gap is to big. This means that either Sirius needs to come down, or XM needs to come up. Sirius, having momentum in subscribers over the past year stayed in place. XM saw an appreciation. If this is indeed part of a reason, then as soon as XM narrows the market cap gap a bit more, Sirius could begin to follow suit. Another possible reason rests with YEAR END issues. Many mutual funds have an October year end. If these funds were going to sell off to take their lumps, the sales would need to have been completed by last Thursday. This gives 3 days for accounts to “settle”. At that point, these same selling funds may jump back in. Earlier in the week, there appeared to be a seller of XMSR. Typically, once the selling pressure is removed, an equity responds by trending back up. Merger and buyout speculation. This flame on this fire has dimmed over the past couple of weeks, but it is not gone. Speculators who believe some sort of buy-out is in the works could see a nice score if a deal comes to fruition. Technical trading. XM hit what appeared to many as a bottom on Wednesday of this week. Many technical traders will jump in at support levels such as these in hopes of riding the Q4 wave upward. Those that hopped in in the 9’s or low 10’s have made a great trade. Now to the S & P note issued by Tuna. This report struck me as a bit odd. If I am not mistaken, S & P had an $8 target on both Sirius and XM until Friday. Just as Sirius was on the cusp of breaking through the 50 day moving average, an S & P downgrade of Sirius crosses the wires. The downgrade was from “Strong Buy” to “Buy”, and the price target was reduced from $8 to $5. What I found odd about this was that it was not a report from Tuna. Instead, it was a 1 paragraph note that cited issues with XMSR having a negative impact on Sirius. It seems odd that such reasoning is cited as the basis for the issuance of a note that hits the street on a Friday afternoon. Perhaps the matching price targets were not justified, and it would be more odd to issue an upgrade to XM just prior to earnings. Either way, there seemed to be no indication that Sirius is doing anything wrong in the eyes of Tuna. Was this report enough to temper the rise in Sirius’ PPS. It would appear so. The next week will be interesting to say the least. Of the two equities, there are some compelling reasons why XMSR could represent more upside in the short term. This is not to say that a trade in Sirius is not as good as XM. The reasons that each represent good trades differ. When a sector takes a beating, and if that beating is more than it perhaps should have been, there is always some upside room. I would also caution that both Sirius and XM will be doing their respective Q3 calls in the coming days. Both companies will announce losses, and these calls could temper the happy attitude we saw on Friday. This is not to say that the Q3 financials are the measuring stick of SDARS. The more important aspect of these calls it what is happening going forward, and how the financial metrics will be as time passes. In my opinion, there is upside available in both equities. The process will differ slightly from the past, but if you believe in SDARS as a concept, your reward will come. 10/28/2006 10:52:00 PM
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Satellite Radio TechWorld digs a little deeper into the issue: NPR FM Modulator Study There has been a lot written about the NPR study. It has been out there for a while now, but I don't know if I have even seen any of the major complainers publish the source. The study needs some scruntiny. Here is the link to the study from the NPR Labs. LINK TO POST Here's what the public reads: NPR Asks FCC To Recall Satcasters' FM Modulators Oct. 26, 2006 By Jeffrey Yorke, www.radioandrecords.comThe FCC has confirmed to the Baltimore Sun that it is reviewing a request by National Public Radio to recall thousands of FM modulators sold by Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio because the modulators are interfering with public radio’s broadcasts at the left end of the FM dial. According to a report in the Thursday (Oct. 26) edition of The Sun, FCC spokesman Clyde Ensslin confirmed that NPR's request "is under review, just as this matter [of over-powered modulators] is under review." Both satcasters have acknowledged that some of their earlier FM modulators – sold as after-market receivers that permit consumers to receive the pay-radio signals – were overpowered and, when in close range of other FM receivers, typically on a road or highway, can broadcast anywhere on the FM band but generally interfere at 88.1 MHz. ...read more: here10/28/2006 10:18:00 PM
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RealMoney Radio MailbagRealMoney Radio Mailbag: Sirius' Race to Success By TheStreet.com Staff10/27/2006 5:50 PM Do you think Sirius' (SIRI) new contract with NASCAR will get the stock going? -- Shane Jim Cramer: While the NASCAR deal is a positive, I believe the best thing Sirius can do to get the stock moving is to merge with XM Satellite Radio (XMSR) , which would make Sirius' great service even better, and better spread out costs. I would expect Sirius to rise sharply if the two companies announced a deal. ..read more: here10/28/2006 08:13:00 AM
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Auto Sales Gains Expected for OctoberFriday October 27, 5:22 pm ET By Tom Krisher, AP Business Writer October Auto Sales Expected to Have Little Impact on Inventories DETROIT (AP) -- Bloated inventories of trucks and sport utility vehicles languishing on dealers' lots make it increasingly likely that automakers will sweeten incentives to keep market share, analysts say. Inventories of the truck-based vehicles are high, with some nearing a six-month supply, and analysts don't expect October sales to make much of a dent in them when the numbers come out Wednesday. At Dodge, Jeep and Chrysler dealers, that means one thing: "Pretty damn good deals," said Chrysler spokesman Jason Vines. According to Wards AutoInfoBank, DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group had an 82-day supply of cars and trucks as of Sept. 30, the largest in the industry, followed by General Motors Corp. at 76 days and Ford Motor Co. at 74. Toyota Motor Corp., in contrast, had only a 29-day supply....read more: here10/27/2006 05:40:00 PM
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S&P Equity Research Downgrades Sirius Satellite Radio (SIRI) to Buy
S&P Equity Research downgrades Sirius Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) from Strong Buy to Buy. Price target lowered from $8 to $5.S&P analyst, T. Amobi, says, "While mostly triggered, in our view, by legal/regulatory woes at rival XM (Nasdaq: XMSR), investor sentiment has weighed on the satellite radio sector for much of '06, giving us some pause. Still, we see SIRI gaining on XMSR in retail and automotive OEM channels. After what we saw as strong pre-announced Q3 net adds (ahead of 11/8 release), and with SIRI's self-funding model, we see positive free cash by late '07/early '08 and positive '09 earnings." ...read more: here10/27/2006 03:02:00 PM
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Sirius Satellite-SIRI implied volatility calm into EPS: CCU, CBS, CDL & EMMS Rally(theflyonthewall.com 10/27 14:33:11) SIRI is expected to report EPS on 11/8. SIRI is trading near atwo-year low. SIRI over all option implied volatility of 50 is near its26-week average according to Track Data, indicating non-directional pricefluctuations. 10/27/2006 02:41:00 PM
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Friday, October 27, 2006, http://knighttrader.blogspot.com/XMSR XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. is in a bullish power trend so keep it on the radar this afternoon. 10/27/2006 12:38:00 PM
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 Here are 2 reviews for the new XMSR SkyFi3: CNET editors' review
Reviewed by: James KimReviewed on 10/25/06 Release date: 10/17/06 Delphi is back with another portable plug-and-play XM receiver. The SkyFi3 is a lightweight unit (65 percent smaller than the SkyFi2, which is not truly portable) that can be used in concert with the Live Wearable antenna headphones (a $49 accessory) for true portability. However, the SkyFi3, armed with its big-buttoned interface; expansive and bright, nine-line, 2.8-inch display; and vertical and horizontal flexibility, is ideal for car use. Budget build quality aside, the SkyFi3 packs in many features and decent performance for a reasonable price. The SkyFi3 doesn't really bring anything new to the market, except, of course, a Micro SD expansion slot. Its broad feature set mimics those of the Pioneer Inno/Samsung Helix (twins separated at birth), but both of those so-called deluxe portables cost a bit more than the SkyFi3's $200. ...read more: here From Gizmodo.comWe've had our eye on the SkyFi3 for some time now and the folks over at CNET have put it through the ringer noting that other than the MicroSD expansion slot it carries, the SkyFi3 doesn't bring anything new to the market (especially not with its budget feel and monochrome display). You'll have to splurge an additional $49 dollars on a pair of "funky-looking" antenna headphones if you want Live XM capability and even then, the sound quality is "a tad compressed sounding." Overall, it's deemed a "nice audio companion for those who spend lots of time in their autos." If the Inno and Helix are outta your range, the $200 SkyFi3 might be what you were waiting for. – Louis Ramirez...read more: here10/27/2006 10:53:00 AM
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 Gizmodo posted this regarding capturing FM or any web radio (ie, XM or Sirius) for transfer to MP3 or CD Instant FM Music: TiVo for RadioIf you're lucky enough to have a good FM radio station nearby, you might want to check out Instant FM Music from ADS Tech, a $49 USB key that lets you record FM radio or web radio on your PC and transfer that to MP3 files or onto a CD. It works like a TiVo, where its included Snaptune One software shows you a playlist of songs from your choice of radio stations, recording that station's entire playlist and then letting you pick which songs you'd like to listen to on the PC or transfer to your iPod or a CD. Timeshifting? Scheduling recordings? It does that, too. Sounds like TiVo to me. We have one of these Instant FM Music devices here and we'll be testing it over the weekend, so stay tuned for our results. Our first impression? Aren't those record company greedmeisters going to hate this? Sure, the FM sound quality won't be that great, but still, you'll be able to have and hold those songs for free. – Charlie White Product Page [ADS Tech]...read more: here
10/27/2006 10:41:00 AM
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Sirius and XM traded up yesterday, possible a result of buyout rumors for Clear Channel, a mature broadcast company with admittedly low growth rates. So I looked up some comments made by David Frear, CFO of Sirius, at the Lehman and Bernstein conferences back in May to guide analysts on how to value the company: At Lehman Conference, May 22, 2006"We also came out earlier this year and decided to try and give you longer-term targets that would aid people in valuation, and so, we gave you $3 billion of revenue in 2010 and $1 billion in free cash flow. How should you think about this? A lot of people talk to us about valuation, they talk to us about how difficult it is to figure it out with a company that's early in development, and so, I guess the question that I might put back to you as you consider it, is that with $1 billion in free cash flow, what multiple would you put on that. A mature broadcast multiple today is about 14 times, but it's also a business, which evidences 1 to 2% top line growth rates, maybe low to mid single-digit free cash flow growth rates, and I would put to you that I think it's unlikely that satellite radio growth rates in 2010 will be that low and that we will not have gone standard in North American automobile production at that point. I do believe that ultimately satellite radio will be standard in North American automobile production and I think there is tremendous growth after that occurs. So, you should see the opportunity through a robust multiple in that year." At Sanford Bernstein, May 31, 2006"And in 2010, people have said, "well, jeeze, there's no targets here. You're still losing money. We can't do valuations." So, here's a target; $3 billion in revenue and $1 billion in free cash flow. So, I like to ask people, "well, what would you pay if you were looking at a broadcaster as a multiple of true free cash flow," and they frequently tell me 14 times. All right. That's a $14 billion valuation against the company's current valuation, which is probably roughly $7 billion. So, if a double looks good to you in four years, you should run forthe phones. And with that, let me open it up for questions. " Since the above examples were at an even higher stock price, around $4.60, today's analysis would produce an even better return. 10/27/2006 09:26:00 AM
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AutoNation to Slash Detroit Orders
Cut of 30% May JeopardizeBig Three's Output Plans;Car Retailer's Profit Slips By NEAL E. BOUDETTE, October 27, 2006; Page A3, The Wall Street Journal AutoNation Inc., the nation's largest chain of car retailers by dealerships, said it expects to order about 30% fewer vehicles from the Big Three auto makers in the fourth quarter because of a vehicle glut, spotlighting concerns over Detroit's fat inventories of unsold cars and trucks. The company also blasted the way the Big Three report their inventory, saying it is misleading and "dramatically understates" vehicles on dealer lots. General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group have each cut production in the third and fourth quarters in hopes of reducing their inventories by year's end. The three have defended the industry's measure of computing inventories, saying it provides an accurate picture....read more: here10/27/2006 07:48:00 AM
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S.E.C. Facing Wide Review of Practices
By GRETCHEN MORGENSON, Published: October 27, 2006, The New York Times The Securities and Exchange Commission, under scrutiny for its handling of an insider-trading case involving a prominent hedge fund, will be the subject of a broad review by the investigative arm of Congress, the Government Accountability Office. Charles E. Grassley, the Iowa Republican who is chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, last month asked the office in a letter to conduct a review of the commission because he was growing concerned, he said, about whether it is “faithfully adhering to its mission.” The S.E.C. is charged with protecting investors by policing the nation’s financial markets and prosecuting violations of securities law by individuals and companies. Last week, the G.A.O. accepted Mr. Grassley’s request that it review two S.E.C. divisions: its enforcement unit, which brings civil securities suits, and the office of compliance, inspection and examination, which oversees money managers, brokerage firms, stock exchanges and other regulated entities....read more: here10/27/2006 07:41:00 AM
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October 26, 2006, The New York Post, Page Six PETE Townshend stormed out of Sirius Satellite Radio studios yesterday seconds before he was to be interviewed by Howard Stern. The legendary guitarist for The Who started boiling in the green room when he heard Stern bantering about possible subjects he'd bring up, including: Townshend's kiddie porn rap and his sexual encounters with men. The deal breaker might have come when Stern learned the rocker's girlfriend, who co-wrote one of The Who's new songs, would be with him. "Uh-oh, Yoko!" Stern yapped. Townshend split. ...read more... here
10/27/2006 06:16:00 AM
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
 October 26, 2006 Sirius Internet Radio has gotten off to a fast start. The sevice had it's offical launch with global coverage, and people from around the world tuned in for the free trial offered on October 25 and 26. The marketing push for the two days free centered around Howard Stern, and from the looks of web traffic, the service was widely used. Alexa.com has updated their site through the first day of the free trial, and the results look very impressive.  On October 25th, Sirius reach was at 980, which is up substantially from the three month average which was at 421. This is more than double the reach for Sirius. By contrast, XM Satellite Radio's reach for October 25th was 365 and their three month average is 324. For sirius the good news is that levels are even higher than the Fathers Day season, which has always been a big selling period for satellite radio. Sirius marketed this service very well. They focused on exclusive content, and high quality sound. The marketing concept was simple and straight forward. it utilized mainstream media, as well as word of mouth, email, etc. It raised brand awareness becaus it focused peoples attention on an event. Now that brand awareness is hightened, a campaign can beigin. It will be interesting to see what happens when Alexa updates their site to account for the second day of the free trial (october 26). 10/26/2006 10:19:00 PM
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  October 26, 2006 We need to be perfectly clear hear. From what we know, there is no issue with the XM satellite. The launch was aborted due to a coupler for a liquid oxygen failing to disconnect. This event caused the abort, and it is our understanding that a new launch window will be determined, and the launch rescheduled in the coming days. It is our hope that the news reports this accurately. I fear that we will see headlines that are not very favorable, when in reality, things are running quite smoothly. It is better that the team at Sea Launch be extra careful, then to have a mishap. sea Launch is a very professional organization with a very good track record (over 95% success). The transcript of what was said: "Automated launch abort----The auto coupler for lox systems did not disconnectRoger ---- understand---- Team, this is the MD on Channel 1, we're on abort script, five"We will post more information when it becomes available10/26/2006 09:59:00 PM
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NOVEMBER 6, 2006 INSIDE WALL STREET, BusinessWeek Universal Electronics: Tuned In To Sirius Radio The rapid adoption of hdtv and digital gizmos is a boon for Universal Electronics ( UEIC ) (UEIC), a leading global provider of wireless technology, mainly used in remote-control devices for tv, audio, and computer systems. Its latest product is a handheld media controller designed for Sirius Satellite Radio ( SIRI ). It lets subscribers wirelessly navigate with Sirius' radio channels throughout the house. They will be able to listen to Sirius from any stereo system. The Sirius system represents "continued innovation and additional revenue stream for Universal," says Michael Coady of securities firm B. Riley, which has done business with Universal. The stock, up from 15 in June to 21.59 now, is a "buy," he says. Neal Goldman of Goldman Capital Management, which owns 5.6%, says it is cheap for a company with yearly earnings growth of 25%. The stock is worth 30 plus, he says, based on expected profits of $1 a share in 2006 and $1.25 in 2007. Universal, he adds, is No. 1 in a growth business thriving on digital media's continued rapid rise...read more: here10/26/2006 08:43:00 PM
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The "eagle eyes" at Satellite Radio TechWorld spotted this patent application. Interoperable Technologies Patent Application for Receiver including Cell Phone Abilities
On October 26, 2006, Interoperable Technologies, XM, and Sirius had their patent application published for a receiver that includes cell phone abilities.United States Patent Application20060240811Kind CodeA1De Luca; Michael J.October 26, 2006Wireless satellite digital audio radio service (SDARS) head unit with portable subscription and cell phone abilitiesAbstractA system and method for automated activation of a radio, or content receiver, used to receive subscription radio services such as XM or Sirius radio. A wireless communications device with a short range data link wirelessly communicates with the content receiver to control the content receiver and receive a unique identification code from the content receiver. The wireless communications device also has its own unique identification code. The wireless communications device transmits an activation request message over a long range wireless communications link to a control station. The activation request message contains the receivers unique identification code and the communications device's own unique identification code. The control station maintains a database of valid identification codes that is used to authenticate the request. If the control station receives a valid request, an activation signal is sent to the receiver to allow operation of the receiver...read more: here10/26/2006 04:34:00 PM
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NBA Debuts New Programming Lineup on SIRIUS Satellite Radio
Basketball Hall of Famer Rick Barry Leads New Talk Show Lineup on NBA Radio on SIRIUS NEW YORK, Oct 26, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- The National Basketball Association and SIRIUS Satellite Radio ( SIRI), the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the NBA, announced today a new exclusive programming lineup on NBA Radio on SIRIUS, channel 127, the first 24/7, year-round radio channel devoted to the NBA. NBA Radio on SIRIUS will provide the most comprehensive, in-depth radio coverage of the NBA, with live play-by-play of NBA games and exclusive daily live talk shows hosted by Hall of Famer Rick Barry, Kenny "The Jet" Smith, Ian Eagle, Frank Isola, Rich Ackerman and others. Each show will include up-to- the-minute news, expert analysis and exclusive interviews with players, coaches and other NBA insiders. ...read more: here10/26/2006 12:05:00 PM
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 I have had my Stiletto for a few weeks, and consistent with my initial reaction ( LINK), I love it. I wanted to find out what others were thinking, so I began trolling for comments. If you are interested, there are 103 reviews as of today on the Circuit City website ( LINK). 10/26/2006 10:06:00 AM
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