
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Why Some Retailers Get Product First

September 30, 2006

The process may seem to baffle many, but there are reasons that some retailers will get a product prior to others.

A lot depend on sales figures, who produces catalogs, and what products they have received first before. a lot also depends on the type of launch that is happening for a product, and how many units are available in the first batch.

There are many things to consider for a distributor.

if you have not noticed, Circuit City received the very first shipments of the Stiletto. They have it advertised in this Sunday's flyer, and to launch at Circuit City guarentees a national presence.

In our opinion, other retailers should be getting shipments of the device next week. Circuit City seems to have been selected to be the BUZZ generator on a national basis. The availability was likely about 2,000 to 2,500 units on a national basis over the weekend.

Other retailers will likely be getting their shipment notifications at some point next week, and will be able to give those that have pre-ordered more information.

A special note of caution. The Stiletto home and car kits have not shipped as yet....even to Circuit City. Before you cancel a pre-order witrh any retailer, you may want to keep this in consideration. Cancelling with one retailer will put you at the end of the line with another, and the second retailer may not get home or car kits as quickly as others.

Retailers will get as much information as they can to their customers. Try to be patient.

9/30/2006 05:16:00 PM

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Friday, September 29, 2006

Stiletto Availability Update...developing story

I just called Circuit City, and made arrangements to see one today at a location in New York City. Yesterday, there were rumors swirling about potential Stiletto delays (LINK), however, it seems like the sirius.com retail store may just be giving retailers a jump start.

9/29/2006 03:53:00 PM

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Sirius' Judith Regan In The News

September 29, 2006

Sirius' Judith Regan is shopping to a motel according to Media Bistro.

Judith Regan Shops for No-Tell Motel

"Judith Regan, according to a side-bar in W, wants to refurbish a classic 50s La-La land motel to serve as offices for staff, guest rooms for visiting authors, and eventually a writer-in-residence program. Her classy quote:

I've published Jenna Jameson and Tommy Franks. My vision is to have both of them sitting side by side at the pool........"

Interested SSG Readers can catch the article HERE

9/29/2006 02:48:00 PM

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The Copyright Modernization Act Is DEAD!

Ding Dong, the Copyright Modernization Act is Dead
(posted by www.orbitcast.com)

The Copyright Modernization Act (HR 6052), which seeked to change the rules on the licensing and delivery of digital music, has died. XM Satellite Radio ran a grassroots campaign earlier this week, in a mass email sent to all subscribers, urging readers to oppose this legislation.
In the email, XM claimed that HR 6052 would "drive up our costs and stop us from offering radios that allow you to record XM channels for your later listening - in the same way that TiVo allows you to record TV for later viewing."
Well, it's dead. When the bill's sponsor, Senator Lamar Smith, said he'd like to delay HR 6052 until next year, "a collective sigh of relief was let out from a few rows of audience, comprised of consumer device manufacturers and some service providers," according to Public Knowledge....READ MORE: HERE

9/29/2006 02:36:00 PM

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Inside Radio and NAB's BOGUS Number

September 29, 2006

In their "talking points" numbers the NAB puts out costs, losses, etc. They also include their version of the Howard Stern deal.......and quote bad information.

The NAB states that the Stern contract total is $720,000,000. Why do they do this. Simply stated, they were TOO LAZY, or TOO IRRESPONSIBLE to do a few point and clicks on a website to find out what the REAL DEAL was.. They simply took $500,000,000 and tacked on the stock that was valued at $220,000,000. The result is that the NAB has OVERSTATED the Howard Stern deal by $110,000,000 or over 18%!!!!!

The REAL Deal is as follows

1. The deal is roughly $390,000,000 in cash over 5 years and 34,375,000 shares to be paid if certain pre-determined subscriber goals were reached. At the time of issue the shares were worth roughly $220,000,000. This put the value of the deal at about $610,000,000. Sterns Cash payments total about $78,000,000 per year for the length of the deal.

2. Details of the transaction can be viewed at http://www.shareholder.com/Sirius/edgar.cfm Click on the 8k form filed January 5, 2006.

3. The shares were not a bonus. They were clearly identified as part of the base contract. The SEC filing states, "....Pursuant to our October 2004 agreement with Stern, we agreed to deliver these shares in December 2010, or earlier if as of the end of any fiscal year we exceeded agreed upon subscriber targets. Our December 31, 2005 subscriber total exceeded the subscriber target we agreed upon with Stern in October 2004."

4. The Howard Stern deal encompasses all of the talent, staff and programming on the Howard Stern streams. Shows such as Bubba The Love Sponge, Scott Ferrall, Howard 100 News, the staff, etc. Are all part of the deal.

5. Sirius has stated that Stern can earn additional revenue, but stated that any additional revenue is tied to substantial targets.

So, given this information, perhaps Inside Radio and the NAB will now publish a retraction. Somehow I doubt it though........They are to busy trying to line up 8 hours of commercials for each station.

9/29/2006 11:13:00 AM

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Motley Fool: Let's Get Sirius

Community Pool: Let's Get Sirius
By Rick Aristotle Munarriz (TMFBreakerRick) September 29, 2006

One of the cool things about the new Motley Fool CAPS stock-picking site is the ability to see what bulls and bears think of any given stock at any given time. Over the past two weeks, this column has taken a bite out of Apple Computer (Nasdaq: AAPL) and played hardball with Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT).

This week, we're taking a closer look at Sirius Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI). As a stock with heavy retail investor ownership, Sirius is always a discussion-board hotbed, and rare is the day when it doesn't wind up on Nasdaq's most actively traded list.
Sirius-ly goodThe case for Sirius can be pretty compelling if you stop at the top line. Growth has been phenomenal at the company, landing more subscribers than its larger rival XM (Nasdaq: XMSR) for three consecutive quarters. The company was able to lure CBS (NYSE: CBS) programming guru Mel Karmazin to head the company and, love him or hate him, Howard Stern is an audience magnet...READ MORE: HERE

9/29/2006 10:58:00 AM

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The SatRad Stock Trader: Sub Data

Sanders Morris Harris writes in a note today that XMSR is going to release subscription data soon, possibly as early as October 2nd. They note that concensus is 320,000 net adds and that their estimate is 335,000. They have a "HOLD" rating on the stock.

This means that Sirius will also be releasing sub data soon. Be on the lookout!

9/29/2006 10:29:00 AM

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Nick Carter Confesses, Stern Show Makes Page Six Again

If you're interested, you can listen to the replay on Sirius!

Sept 29, 2006, New York Post

NICK Carter, 26, will never forget the first girl he had sex with - because she grew up to become the infamous blond Florida teacher who bedded a 13-year-old student. The former Backstreet Boy told Howard Stern on Sirius Satellite Radio yesterday ...READ MORE: HERE

9/29/2006 08:27:00 AM

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Delphi SkyFi3 Users Manual

Here is the link, courtesy of Satellite Radio TechWorld (http://satelliteradiotechworld.blogspot.com)

Friday, September 29, 2006

Delphi SkyFi 3 Users Manual
Here is a link to the SkyFi 3 Users Guide.Hottest Electronics

9/29/2006 07:40:00 AM

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Inside Radio: Terrestrial Spreads Negative SatRad Propaganda

Satellite Radio TechWorld (LINK) has posted the NAB Radio Show Sept 2006 edition of "Inside Radio".

If you download the pdf, go to page 26, titled: "What XM and Sirius Don't Talk about Very Much", you will see the source of several negative stories that have been circulating in the market lately.

9/29/2006 07:30:00 AM

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Sirius Airs First "Profane" Commercial

Sirius Airs First Ever Radio Commercial with Profanity
(via www.prweb.com, Sept 29, 2006)

The sales pitch for "Sinus Buster," the world’s first hot pepper nasal spray, is a familiar sound to Sirius listeners, but there’s a brand new Sinus Buster commercial that’s sure to grab their ears like never before. Sinus Buster is making radio history on Sirius Radio with the broadcast industry's first mainstream commercial to use explicit profanity.

The sales pitch for "Sinus Buster," the world’s first hot pepper (capsaicin) nasal spray, is a familiar sound to Sirius listeners, but there’s a brand new Sinus Buster radio spot that’s sure to grab their ears like never before.

A couple of our managers were a little scared of the concept, but I knew it was an idea whose time had come The commercial is voiced by JR Gach ("gash"), a long time terrestrial radio personality known for his outrageous honesty. Gach has been a spokesperson for Sinus Buster regionally on terrestrial radio, and nationally on Sirius for nearly two years.In the commercial, Gach relates his true feelings about Sinus Buster, a product near and dear to his heart. With his infamous hard hitting "live read" style, Gach pounds home the truth about a product he perceives as miraculous."First off, I’m a customer, and Wayne’s a friend. That’s how I discovered the product. In early 2005, I approached Wayne Perry about doing endorsement-style commercials in Albany. Once I started doing spots for Sinus Buster and listeners began trying it, I got a stream of calls and e-mails from listeners hailing this stuff as a miracle. Sinus Buster even became a topic on our show. Shawn (Southwick), Larry King’s wife, was in the studio one day. So was Larry. She had a killer migraine and I had her try Sinus Buster live on the air. Shawn was amazed and so was Larry King. He grabbed half a dozen samples as he left the studio. It felt great to have fans thanking me for stopping their headaches and sinus problems," says Gach...READ MORE: HERE

9/29/2006 07:29:00 AM

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Stiletto Ship Dated Delayed? Not Officially

www.siriusfannetwork.com post the note below based on information provided on the Sirius website (HERE) indicating an Oct 20th ship date. Circuit City indicates availability for delivery as early as Oct 5th, so we're not quite sure yet. Perhaps Sirius is giving the retailers a jump start...

Thursday, 28 September 2006

When the Stiletto 100 made its official appearance on Sirius.com on September 26th, Sirius indicated the live portable would begin shipping on October 4th. That appears to have changed...maybe. A quick check today indicates the Stiletto 100 will start shipping BY October 20th. Only time will tell..... but retailers, such as Circuit City indicate they will have stock this Sunday. Let us know when your Stiletto 100 arrives....Read More: HERE

9/28/2006 08:21:00 PM

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Sirius Releases New Premium Internet Stream

(posted by GSI, getsiriusinfo.com, Wednesday, September 27, 2006)

It is a great day for anyone who has been listening to SIRIUS Satellite Radio online. SIRIUS has unleashed a new higher bandwidth (129K)Premium Streaming Option. So is it worth it? After comparing both the old and new streams (both are still available to accommodate high and low bandwidth connections), I have to say that it is like night and day. The older lower bandwidth stream sounds like a streaming MP3 while the new Premium Stream sounds almost CD quality! The new Premium option could be the best sounding SIRIUS broadcast I have ever heard....Read more: here

9/28/2006 08:19:00 PM

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Sirius' Catholic Channel Launch Delayed

(posted by www.siriusbackstage.com)

Anyone looking for new Catholic content on channel 159 today has been greeted with some great music…and little else. Bumpers suggested that the promised programming was “coming soon”

Noted Catholic blogger, Rocco Palma, posted last night that delays were due to Cardinal Egan’s recent health issues..

At the request of Cardinal Edward Egan, tomorrow’s anticipated launch of The Catholic Channel on Sirius Satellite Radio “has been put on hold for the next few weeks.”
As the archdiocese is responsible for putting together the channel’s content, Zwilling — who has served as the chief liaison for the project since its May announcement — said Egan’s request was “very reasonable.”
The change of time-frame will allow the 74 year-old prelate to take a full part in the launch, the revised date of which was not disclosed....Read More: HERE

9/28/2006 08:18:00 PM

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Sean Hannity Renews With Clear Channel

Clear Channel Re-ups Hannity
September 28, 2006, www.fmqb.com

Clear Channel Radio announced that it has renewed Talk show host Sean Hannity's contract for another three years. The deal covers 80 markets, including Pittsburgh, Houston, Phoenix, Miami, Cincinnati and Minneapolis.
Hannity, who has won numerous awards for his show, including the National Association Of Broadcasters' 2003, 2004 and 2005 Marconi awards for Talk Show Host Of The Year, is heard by over 15 million listeners a week on over 500 stations.
"Sean has done an incredible job producing great ratings and, most importantly, desirable demographics for our stations," says Sean Compton, Clear Channel's VP Of Programming.
"Clear Channel program directors were early believers in my show five years ago, and I'm thrilled our partnership continues into 2010," commented Hannity Terms of the contract were not disclosed...Read more: HERE

9/28/2006 08:13:00 PM

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WMG, Universal In Video Disputes With Yahoo!, Fuse

Yahoo! and Fuse in video dispute with WMG and Universal

As the relationships involving labels and video content become more complex, Warner Music Group and Universal Music have pulled their clips off two major outlets. WMG has asked Yahoo! Music to stop showing its artists' videos and Universal has pulled its videos from cable network Fuse.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Warner claims that Yahoo! was not putting enough promotion behind its artists' videos. As for Universal, the label and the network were unable to come to a new agreement where Fuse would have paid UMG for the right to show its videos.
Earlier this month, WMG became the first major label to sign a video deal with YouTube...READ MORE: HERE

9/28/2006 07:56:00 PM

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TheStreet.com: XMSR Is A Turnaround Story

Twin Turnaround Stories
By Jim CramerRealMoney.com Columnist9/28/2006 7:37 AM

This column was originally published on RealMoney on Sept. 27 at 11:55 a.m. EDT. It's being republished as a bonus for TheStreet.com readers.

Two turnaround stories are garnering a lot of attention today, and I am one-for-two with them.
First, the good. We are seeing XM Satellite Radio (XMSR) paying down debt so it has longevity. Bear Stearns has an excellent note today talking about how XM can now borrow money. The implication is that any liquidity problems are behind it, so the stock is going higher...READ MORE: HERE

9/28/2006 07:54:00 PM

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Content Challenged Radio

September 28, 2006

Yesterday we here at SSG decided to give the old radio we used to listen to a new label......Content Challenged Radio

Today we will look at what Content Challenged Radio is offering of consumers:

1. About 8 hours of Commercials Every Day

2. Limited Variety

3. Limited Coverage Area

So, as a consumer, you can choose 8 hours of commercials, limited variety, and limited coverage, or move to the alternative wich costs only 43 cents per day. That alternative is satellite radio.

Satellite Radio offers:

1. No commercials on music channels (XM does have 5 channels programmed by that Content Challenged company known as Clear Channel).

2. Ultimate Variety. Literally dozens of music channels covering every genre.

3. Unlimited Coverage in North America. Think of it as "free roaming" from cell phone days gone by.

Thats it.......8 hours of commercials vs. 43 cents.......What is your choice?

9/28/2006 03:34:00 PM

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SSG ShoutOut

September 28, 2006

The weekend is fast approaching, and we will once again be publishing the SHOUTOUTS for the week.

There is still time to get your SSG SHOUT submitted. Simply Click on the Shoutout link in the left sidebar, and give us your comments.

Do You feel there was something interesting this week with Sirius or XM? If so, SHOUTOUT.

What did you think of the Oprah launch? SHOUTOUT

What do you think of the Stiletto Launch? SHOUTOUT

Do you have an opinion on an article? SHOUTOUT.

Shoutout was created so that SSG readers can let their opinions be know.

9/28/2006 02:35:00 PM

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Now We Know Why Sirius Is Down Today...

Certainly nothing new here...this is (and has been consistently) disclosed and discussed in all Sirius filings. Could this be yet another story "planted" by shorts who need to cover before holiday sales ramp up...?

Sirius Satellite Radio may be overstating growth

(theflyonthewall.com 09/28 12:34:15)

According to an article in The Street, XM Satellite Radio (XMSR) and Sirius Satellite Radio (SIRI) have different measurements for newly-acquired customers. Sirius apparently pads its subscription numbers by counting unsold, satellite radio-equipped cars that are sitting in dealers' lots. To Sirius's credit, automakers usually pay Sirius up front for a year of radio service, so the company is actually getting revenue from these vehicles. XM Satellite Radio has been accused of using similarly tactics by counting subscribers that are on promotional plans, but XM supposedly delineates between the two categories in its quarterly filings. XM does not count vehicle-based subscriptions until a car has been purchased and the radio activated.

9/28/2006 02:26:00 PM

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Needham Initiates Directed Electronics With Buy

Live In Play (www.briefing.com)

28-Sep-06 08:14 DEIX Directed Electronics initiated with a Buy at Needham- tgt $20 (15.54 )

Needham initiates DEIX with a Buy and a $20 tgt saying they believe Directed is well positioned to grow EPS 10-15% over the next three years on continued rapid adoption of satellite radio, double-digit growth in the co's Home Audio segment and the integration of recently acquired Polk Audio.

9/28/2006 01:33:00 PM

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Stiletto Remote

September 27, 2006

just in case you were interested.
Here it is.

9/27/2006 10:53:00 PM

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Saladworks Gets Sirius

September 27, 2006

AMTC tosses Sirius another business account!!!!!

Saladworks Saves Green With SIRIUSBusiness

Clearwater, FL, September 27, 2006 - Conshohocken, PA-based Saladworks, Inc., has made SIRIUS Satellite Radio their official restaurant background music. The service, SIRIUSBusiness, provided by Applied Media Technologies Corporation (AMTC), consists of 67 channels of commercial-free music from SIRIUS Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI). Under the agreement, AMTC will also provide sound equipment to the company’s locations.

"Just as eating right doesn't have to mean feeling less than satisfied, eating casually doesn’t have to mean an environment without ambiance. With SIRIUS music, our customers can dine in a comfortable, casual environment and still enjoy excellent music," insisted Joe Giannetti, Vice President of Franchise Services at Saladworks.

"The $24.95, no-contract service will allow Saladworks operators to enhance their customer’s dining pleasure with the best business music available, while saving them money that can be put into quality food and service," continued Dan Hecht, Director of Special Programs for AMTC.

Saladworks offers customers a quick, healthy meal made from the freshest, top-quality ingredients that satisfies even the heartiest appetite. Not only is Saladworks showing amazing growth but also the majority of our franchisees go on to open additional locations. With close to 80 locations nation-wide, Saladworks has received numerous industry awards and recognition. For further information, go to www.saladworks.com.

Privately held AMTC is headquartered in Clearwater, FL. AMTC is the exclusive provider of SIRIUS Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI) for business use, under the brand name SIRIUSBusiness. SIRIUSBusiness includes 69 channels of 24-hour, commercial-free music, with all music royalties paid, and presents the first meaningful competition for Muzak in the business music arena. AMTC also manufactures a full line of professional sound equipment and provides

TelAdvantage, the world’s most recognized brand of telephone "on hold" messaging products and services. Since 1991, AMTC has served over 15,000 customers around the globe, including names like Bally Total Fitness, Bridgestone-Firestone, Continental Airlines, DaimlerChrysler, Ford Motor Co. and Morgan Stanley. For further information on SIRIUSBusiness or TelAdvantage, visit www.amtc.com.

Laura Randall Simon
Director of Public Relations
Applied Media Technologies Corporation
800.741.2682, ext. 138

9/27/2006 10:26:00 PM

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What's In A name?

September 27, 2006

What Is In A Name?

If you are involved in satellite radio, you have likely heard several names that have been “tagged” to SDARS by organizations such as the NAB. They tend to label satellite radio as “PAY RADIO” or “SUBSCRIBER RADIO”, while at the same time assigning labels with more positive connotations to themselves. They refer to themselves as “FREE RADIO”.

NAB radio stations are coming up with many ways to downplay the fact that they carry a lot of commercials. They even employ strategies to downplay their commercials. One Jack FM station has D.J.’s make statements such as, “Were going into commercials, and these companies pay big bucks to advertise, so do us a favor and pretend you are listening to them”, or “They spend thousands making these commercials, but we are going to let you listen to them for free”. Sounds like a used car salesman telling a potential buyer that the dents in the fenders “add character”.

Why do they do this?

The answer is simple. Apply a “bad” label to your competition and a “positive” label to yourself, and hope that the stigma of the bad label resonates with consumers while the good label props you up.

Well, given the current track of the NAB, it would appear that it is time for satellite radio fans, consumers, and investors to strap on the gloves.

No longer will we call AM and FM “TERRESTRIAL RADIO”. We are simply being to kind.

Perhaps “COMMERCIAL RADIO” would be a better label to use. It describes the content of 20 minutes of every hour that these radio stations heap upon consumers.

Maybe “2/3” radio would work, and for the same reasons.

Perhaps “LIMITED SELECTION RADIO” would be a suitable moniker. After all, many parts of the country do indeed have a very limited selection.

This one is “politically correct”, but is descriptive……”CONTENT LIMITED RADIO”

Perhaps those that have made the switch are now conditioned to commercial free music and the ultimate variety. Perhaps we have forgotten how bad it was to spend half of your commute listening to a life insurance pitch followed by a personal injury attorney spot followed by an ad on how to fix your leaky basement and then followed by 3 or 4 more ads.

Those that have made the switch have seen the light. This has the NAB worried. This has the NAB pulling out all of the stops. This has the NAB taking every step possible to downplay satellite radio.

Why is the NAB so scared? They have good reason to be. For 43 cents per day, consumers can put an end to ad after ad. They can get diverse content that suits their desires. They can get a radio signal that works from coast to coast and does not fade out.

So, it boils down to this……..If the NAB wants to call satellite radio “PAY RADIO”, they can………BUT……..I will now make it a point to drop the more friendly “TERRESTRIAL RADIO” moniker, and adopt a new and more descriptive name.

Do you SSG readers have any interesting suggestions?

9/27/2006 10:14:00 PM

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XM Loses Arbitration Claim For Satellite Insurance

XM Loses Satellite Insurance Arbitration
(posted by www.orbitcast.com), Sept 27, 2006

XM Satellite Radio in a recent SEC filing reported that they have lost their arbitration claim to recover the remaining 20% of the value of the two Boeing 702 class satellites put in orbit (XM-1 and XM-2).
In July 2004, XM reached agreement with insurers that covered 80% of the amount insured. The problem lies with a progressive solar array power degradation issue that is common to the first six Boeing 702 class satellites put in orbit. XM-1 and XM-2 just happen to be the fifth and sixth Boeing 702s launched. XM walked away with about$142 million from the insurers thanks to this.
In August 2004, XM filed for arbitration to get the remaining 20% of the insured amount. It's this claim was rejected, and no further proceeds will be given.
Oh well. You win some, you lose some....READ MORE: HERE

9/27/2006 09:35:00 PM

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Sirius Devotes Channel To George Strait

SIRIUS Satellite Radio Will Devote an Entire Channel to Country Star George Strait
Strait's entire catalog, including his forthcoming new album, will be featured
NEW YORK, Sept. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --

SIRIUS Satellite Radio will devote an entire commercial-free channel to the music of George Strait, starting this Friday, September 29 at 6 am ET. The special broadcast will air through October 3 as channel 61, Prime Country, goes "Strait Up."
The channel will feature all George Strait music, including his upcoming new album, It Just Comes Natural, being released this Tuesday, October 3 by MCA Nashville. Music from his entire career, including live cuts and album tracks, along with excerpts from a recent interview with Strait, will be part of the exclusive channel...READ MORE: HERE

9/27/2006 08:56:00 PM

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Schaeffer's Research Comments On Sirius Options

Schaeffer's Daily Market Blog Features: Gap, Sirius Satellite Radio, Newmont Mining, StreetTRACKS Gold Trust, Reynolds American

Among the stocks featured in the September 27 edition of Schaeffer's Market Blog are Gap (NYSE:GPS), Sirius Satellite Radio (NASDAQ:SIRI), Newmont Mining (NYSE:NEM), StreetTRACKS Gold Trust (NYSE:GLD), and Reynolds American (NYSE:RAI)...

...1:24 PM Options Surging on Sirius
With Howard Stern now reiterating (ad nauseam) that he isn't going anywhere now or ever (despite recent erroneous claims in the press to the contrary), investors feel confident in putting some additional speculative money into Sirius Satellite Radio (NASDAQ:SIRI) . What's more, speculative players are looking long term, trading large blocks on the January 2008 5 strike (YFW AA) and the January 2009 5 strike (OAJ AA). More than 14,000 options have traded on each of these out-of-the-money strikes in today's trading. Prior to today, these long-term calls were home to 99,000 and 9,900 open positions, respectively.
Given the similarity in volume and strike price, it is likely that this volume is related. Sure enough, a quick check of the trade details reveals two blocks of 7,000 contracts apiece that crossed the tape shortly after 1:00 p.m. on the 2009 call position, trading near the bid price. These two blocks were each designated as a "spread." The 2008 position saw one block of 14,000 contracts go off between the bid and the ask price at the same time. Naturally, this was also flagged as a "spread."
SIRI shares have certainly seen better days; the stock has slumped more than 90 percent from its March 2000 peak. The stock continues to fight with resistance from its 10-week and 20-week moving averages. Options players aren't merely interested in LEAPS positions; the front-month series is home to more than 10,000 open calls at the out-of-the-money 4 strike, while the December series boasts heavy open interest on the 4 and 5 calls...READ MORE: HERE

9/27/2006 08:52:00 PM

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AWESOME Demonstration of Stiletto

September 27, 2006

As you may be aware, the Stiletto was launched yesterday at DemoFall'06. The photo in this article is directly from that presentation.

Enough with my words, watch the video for yourself......

You can watch this video by visiting HERE

Those that are interested can pre-order the Stiletto through TSS Radio.

9/27/2006 03:04:00 PM

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Maggie Moo's Gets Sirius

September 27, 2006

AMTC has been very busy signing up Sirius business accounts. The lattest addition is Maggie Moo's.

For Immediate Release

MaggieMoo’s Serves SIRIUS Music in Treateries

Clearwater, FL, September 20, 2006 -

MaggieMoo’s International, LLC has announced that it has selected SIRIUSBusiness as the background music for its treateries throughout the United States. SIRIUSBusiness, provided by Applied Media Technologies Corporation (AMTC), consists of 67 channels of 24-hour, commercial-free music from SIRIUS Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI). Under the agreement, AMTC will also provide sound equipment to the company’s locations.

"From their beloved, pearl-adorned 'spokescow' to the delicious ice cream treats, MaggieMoo’s offers an unforgettable experience to every guest! The addition of SIRIUS music to their treateries will only add to the welcoming atmosphere they achieve," concluded Tom Coppola, Sales Manager at AMTC. "We are delighted to have them as part of the SIRIUS family."

"SIRIUS background music helps our employees enjoy their work and this translates into a memorable experience for our guests. We don’t just provide award-winning ice cream, we also provide an entertaining atmosphere, and upbeat music is essential to setting the energy and the overall brand tone," indicated Debbie Benedek, Senior Vice President of Brand Marketing.

Based in Columbia, MD, MaggieMoo’s currently operates more than 190 Treateries across the nation. Each location features a menu of freshly made premium ice creams, mix-ins, smoothies and custom ice cream cakes. MaggieMoo’s chocolate, dark chocolate, vanilla, vanilla bean and strawberry ice cream flavors all have been awarded The National Ice Cream Retailers Association’s prestigious Blue Ribbon Award, for taste, texture and overall appearance for eight years running. MaggieMoo’s is the only national retail concept to win all five awards.

Privately held AMTC is headquartered in Clearwater, FL. AMTC is the exclusive provider of SIRIUS Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI) for business use, under the brand name SIRIUSBusiness. SIRIUSBusiness includes 69 channels of 24-hour, commercial-free music, with all music royalties paid, and presents the first meaningful competition for Muzak in the business music arena. AMTC also manufactures a full line of professional sound equipment and provides TelAdvantage, the world’s most recognized brand of telephone "on hold" messaging products and services. Since 1991, AMTC has served over 15,000 customers around the globe, including names like Bally Total Fitness, Bridgestone-Firestone, Continental Airlines, DaimlerChrysler, Ford Motor Co. and Morgan Stanley.

For further information on SIRIUSBusiness or TelAdvantage, visit http://www.amtc.com/. Contact:Laura Randall SimonDirector of Public RelationsApplied Media Technologies Corporation800.741.2682, ext. 138mailto:lsimon@amtc.com?subject=Inquiryhttp://www.amtc.com/

9/27/2006 11:05:00 AM

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Soccer Gets Even More Sirius

September 27, 2006

SIRIUS Satellite Radio Adds UEFA Champions League Soccer to Unequaled Sports Programming Lineup

SIRIUS to air live matches featuring the world's premier club competition in IMG Media deal
NEW YORK, Sept 27, 2006

Sirius Satellite Radio announced today an agreement that will expand SIRIUS' soccer coverage to include live matches from the UEFA Champions League, featuring the best club soccer teams in the world. The agreement was concluded between SIRIUS and IMG Media, the content, production, delivery and distribution arm of sports and entertainment marketing agency IMG.

SIRIUS' UEFA Champions League coverage kicks off Wednesday, September 27 at 2:45 pm ET with live play-by-play of Inter Milan v. Bayern Munich on channel 125. SIRIUS will air Champions League matches Wednesdays throughout the competition on channel 125, featuring some of the world's most celebrated teams -- Arsenal, FC Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Chelsea FC, Inter Milan, Liverpool, Manchester United, Real Madrid and others -- as they compete for one of the most coveted titles in sports.

"With the addition of UEFA Champions League soccer to the SIRIUS sports lineup, listeners will have access to the matches that feature the best soccer talent in the world -- players like Ronaldinho, Thierry Henry, Ronaldo and World Cup star Fabio Cannavaro," said Scott Greenstein, SIRIUS' President, Entertainment and Sports. "With our live coverage of the Champions League and the English Premier League, plus our expert talk shows, SIRIUS provides fans with superb soccer programming every day of the week."

The Champions League is the most prestigious soccer club competition in the world, run by the UEFA -- the governing body for European soccer -- and draws the 32 most talented teams from the best leagues in Europe to compete and produce the world's finest perennial soccer contest. The Champions League season runs from July through May and is comprised of three qualifying rounds, a group stage and four knockout rounds. SIRIUS' coverage will include select Group Stage matches and all knockout phase matches, culminating in the one-match Championship final which will take place this season in Athens on May 23.

Miles Palmer, IMG Media's Head of Audio Sales and Distribution Worldwide, said: "We are pleased to continue our relationship with SIRIUS and supply these prestigious soccer games to SIRIUS for its subscribers. These games are arguably the best club competition in the world."
Every Wednesday afternoon on channel 125, SIRIUS will present The Football Show with Giorgio Chinaglia and Charlie Stillitano. On the program, which debuts September 27 (5-8pm ET), Chinaglia, the famed former New York Cosmos and Italian National team striker, and Stillitano, the former GM of the New York New Jersey Metrostars, will review the performances from the Champions League and take an overall look at teams and leagues around the world.

SIRIUS is the Official Satellite Radio Partner of Barclays English Premier League and carries multiple live Premiership soccer matches each week on channels 125 and 110. SIRIUS listeners can hear the 20 best teams in the U.K. -- including legendary rivals Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal -- compete all season long for the league title.

SIRIUS is also the Official Satellite Radio Partner of Chelsea Football Club and airs every Chelsea Premier League game live, providing listeners in the U.S. and Canada with Chelsea's official radio broadcast.

In addition to live match coverage, SIRIUS subscribers can tune in to World Soccer Daily, the popular daily talk program that provides an in-depth look at the game with news, expert analysis and interviews with the sport's most intriguing personalities. Hosted by Steven Cohen and Nick Geber, World Soccer Daily airs every weekday from 1-3pm ET exclusively on SIRIUS, channel 125.

For more information and a schedule of upcoming matches on SIRIUS, visit http://www.sirius.com/ .
SIRIUS is also the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the NFL, NBA, NHL and Wimbledon Championships. SIRIUS provides sports news, talk and play-by-play action for more than 150 colleges, including the entire NCAA(R) Division I Men's Basketball Championship, plus several of the year's top thoroughbred horse races. Starting in 2007, SIRIUS will be the official satellite radio home of NASCAR.

SIRIUS, "The Best Radio on Radio," delivers more than 130 channels of the best programming in all of radio. SIRIUS is the original and only home of 100% commercial free music channels in satellite radio, offering 69 music channels. SIRIUS also delivers 65 channels of sports, news, talk, entertainment, traffic, weather and data. SIRIUS is the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the NFL, NBA and NHL and broadcasts live play-by-play games of the NFL, NBA and NHL. All SIRIUS programming is available for a monthly subscription fee of only $12.95.
SIRIUS products for the car, truck, home, RV and boat are available in more than 25,000 retail locations, including Best Buy, Circuit City, Crutchfield, Costco, Target, Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, RadioShack and at shop.sirius.com.

SIRIUS radios are offered in vehicles from Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Infiniti, Jaguar, Jeep(R), Land Rover, Lexus, Lincoln-Mercury, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Nissan, Rolls Royce, Scion, Toyota, Porsche, Volkswagen and Volvo. Hertz also offers SIRIUS in its rental cars at major locations around the country.

About IMG
IMG is the world's premier Sports, Entertainment and Media Company. IMG is a diversified global business with two major business segments: IMG Sports & Entertainment, and IMG Media. IMG employs over 2,300 people in 30 countries. Forstmann Little & Co. purchased IMG in 2004.

IMG Sports & Entertainment includes: consulting services; event ownership and management; fashion events and models representation; licensing; golf course design; client representation in golf, tennis, broadcasting, European football, rugby, cricket, motorsports, coaching, Olympic sports and action sports. In addition, IMG Academies are the world's largest and most advanced, state-of-the-art, multi-sport training and educational facility, delivering world-class sports training experiences to over 12,000 junior, collegiate, adult and professional athletes each year.

IMG Media, which includes our content production subsidiaries TWI, Darlow Smithson Productions (DSP) and Tiger Aspect Productions (TAP), is recognized as a global leader in the delivery of traditional and new media content and services, with Internet, broadband and mobile expertise, transforming how audiences access and interact with content.

IMG Media produces and distributes over 10,000 hours of sports, documentary, drama, comedy, entertainment, popular factual and children's content annually, over multiple platforms across 200 countries, including award-winning television and radio programming. It also represents the broadcast rights to many of the world's premier sporting events and has the world's biggest sports archive with more than 200,000 hours of footage.

More information about IMG is available at http://www.imgworld.com/ , http://www.darlowsmithson.com/ and http://www.tigeraspect.co.uk/ .

Any statements that express, or involve discussions as to, expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance with respect to SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. are not historical facts and may be forward-looking and, accordingly, such statements involve estimates, assumptions and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Accordingly, any such statements are qualified in their entirety by reference to the factors discussed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2006 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Among the key factors that have a direct bearing on our operational results are: our dependence upon third parties, including manufacturers of SIRIUS radios, retailers, automakers and programming partners, our competitive position and any events which affect the useful life of our satellites.

9/27/2006 09:50:00 AM

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Celebrate with SSG

September 27, 2006

Yesterday marked 6 months that SSG has been publishing. In celebration of that we have decided to offer readers a little something special.

We are offering fifty $5.00 coupons to TSS Radio, and fifty $5.00 rebate coupons to SSG Radio Store


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9/27/2006 09:36:00 AM

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Bank of America: Still Loyal To XMSR Through Thick And Thin!

Bank of America: Still pushing XMSR over SIRI, no matter what!

Seriously, doesn't Jacoby have anything else to do besides put out the same reports weekly?!

The last note that mentions the long XM, short Siri pair trade was as recent as Sept 18th (LINK). Today's release is worded curiously...he thinks that there is risk to XM's net adds, says Siri has retained more market share, but still recommends going long XM and short Siri. Go figure...!

XMSR/SIRI pair trade still has legs - BofA
(www.briefing.com, In Play)

Banc of America sees roughly 10% risk to their 3Q net-addition est of 325k for XM Satellite (XMSR) given continued sluggish retail sales for the industry and evidence that Sirius Satellite (SIRI) has retained a bit more share. They think SIRI should meet or beat their 449k net-addition est (possibly by 20k), which it may announce shortly after XMSR reports its figures. Firm says they still think the pair trade has legs because as the business evolves into an OEM driven model, XMSR is better positioned. Also, they see risk to SIRI's '06 sub guidance of 6.3 mln..

9/27/2006 08:38:00 AM

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Mac Streaming Support Works on Sirius.com

September 27th, 2006

Mac Support is back working for www.sirius.com and the streaming media service.

However, keep in mind that you should have Flip4Mac's WMV Player installed so that streaming works properly in your Safari web browser.

To download it, drop by: http://www.flip4mac.com/wmv_download.htm

Once you install it, restart your computer (or at the very least your web browser) and Sirius Radio streaming should work properly, including the new SIR. By the way, the latest version of Flip4Mac is Universal, meaning it supports both Intel Macs and PowerPC Macs running OS X.

9/27/2006 02:04:00 AM

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

XM Files 5 Documents with SEC

September 26, 2006

Today XM satellite radio filed 5 documents with the SEC. The filings were as follows:

1. 8-K - Report of Unscheduled Material Events or Corporate Event - Current Event

2. SC TO-I - Tender Offer Schedule and Amendment Filed By Issuer - Mergers & Aquisitions

3. 4 - Statement of Changes of Beneficial Ownership of Securities - 3,4,5

4. SC 13 D/A - An Amendment to an SC 13 filing - Other

5. 4 - Statement of Changes of Beneficial Ownership of Securities - 3,4,5

Interested SG readers can see the filings HERE

9/26/2006 11:14:00 PM

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Exclusive Zing Photos From DEMOfall (via www.gizmodo.com)

Exclusive Zing Photos (via www.gizmodo.com) DEMO is a bust for hardware geeks, but we did catch a live Zing music player—you know that one that uses WiFi to download internet radio and Sirius. The nice lady showing it off told me that they weren't announcing anything right now, but gave us a little tour of the player, as well as a chance to see how it stacks up to the Sirius Stiletto, which looked just hulking next to the cute little Zing. Granted, Zing has no Sat receiver, but it did have...a really cool menu system that didn't take you out of your song playback screen. Come to think of it, it reminded me of OS X's dock. And the wheel wasn't touch based, but it seemed to work ok for a not-iPod.–Brian Lam...READ MORE: HERE

9/26/2006 11:11:00 PM

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Wall Street Journal: Sirius Has Reached Agreements With Most Major Music Companies

Sirius Unveils Portable Radio

Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. unveiled its first handheld device that lets subscribers listen to and record live satellite radio programming without connecting to a personal computer.
Sirius's Stiletto 100 lets users listen to and record live programming.
Sirius's new device, the Stiletto 100, will also allow users to flag songs for purchasing later by using music management software from Yahoo Inc. It will go on sale later this month for $350.
The Stiletto has two gigabytes of storage space that can hold up to 100 hours of Sirius content or MP3 music files from a user's personal collection. Sirius said it is compatible with most Windows-based online music stores and services. Songs that have been purchased online can be transferred to the device.
In order to receive live signals the Stiletto will need to have a clear line of sight to the satellite. It will also feature wireless Internet connectivity, or Wi-Fi, allowing users to listen to Sirius channels by streaming over the Internet at a Wi-Fi "hotspot."
Although New York-based Sirius currently sells a portable device, the S50 can only download Sirius radio streams when docked to a computer. The new Stiletto closes a gap with rival XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., which introduced a wireless device called the Inno that receives live programming earlier this year.
The Stiletto lets users save individual songs from live radio broadcasts by pressing a button on the device. A similar feature on the Inno rankled the recording industry, which filed a lawsuit earlier this year against XM challenging the legality of Inno's recording feature.
Sirius spokesman Patrick Reilly said the company had reached agreements with "most" of the major music companies that resolved their concerns over the Stiletto. He declined to identify the companies or to disclose the terms of the agreements.
Sirius, which added radio host Howard Stern to its lineup earlier this year, has been gaining on XM in the past few quarters. Sirius says it is on track to have 6.3 million subscribers by the end of 2006, while XM expects to end the year with between 7.7 million and 8.2 million customers. Both companies have been spending heavily to build up their subscriber bases and programming lineups and have yet to report profit...READ MORE: HERE

9/26/2006 10:30:00 PM

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Sirius Stiletto: CNET Editor's First Take, Review To Follow

CNET editors' take for Sirius Stiletto 100
By: James Kim, Post date: 9/26/2006

Sirius Stiletto 100 File the Stiletto 100 under "Top gadget rumors of 2006." We now have official details about the much-ballyhooed Sirius gadget. First, it's a compact portable Sirius satellite-radio receiver that can record programming (you can also pause and rewind TiVo-style). Competitor XM already has a couple of like devices in the Samsung Helix and the Pioneer Inno. But the Stiletto includes integrated Wi-Fi, so it can hop onto the Sirius online network to stream songs.
Available "this month" (website states October 4 shipping), the Stiletto (measuring 4.7 by 2 by 1 inches), offers 100 hours of recordable storage (2GB), and the Wi-Fi aspect gives subscribers access "to all of Sirius's 64 commercial-free music channels, plus Howard Stern's two channels, Martha Stewart Living Radio, OutQ, and other original talk programming." That can be extremely useful indoors, and just the thought of dual streams--one from space, the other via the Internet--makes this gadget a wonder.
The included Yahoo Music Jukebox is simply an application that will allow you to manage and purchase the tracks that you added as favorites--nothing too extraordinary about that. The device is an MP3/WMA player with a 2.2-inch screen. You also get 30 channel presets, and the ability to pause and rewind live radio back 60 minutes. From the release: Stiletto 100, with a MSRP of $349.99, will include the radio, standard battery, slim battery, AC power adapter, headset antenna, earbuds, PC cable, My Sirius Studio software, and Yahoo Music Jukebox software."...READ MORE: HERE

9/26/2006 10:22:00 PM

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Satellite Standard is 6 Months Old

September 26, 2006

Today marks 6 months since Satellite Standard Group launched.

The site has changed in look and grown throughout this process, and we constantly make efforts to improve the site. Reader comments and suggestions are always welcome, and we hope to continue to be a source of timely and valuable information for our readers.

Some Satellite Standard Group Tid-Bits.

Days Since Inception - 184
Page Loads Since Inception - over 400,000
Average Page Loads Per Day - over 2,200
Most Page Loads In One Day - over 23,000
Posts Published - 1,210
Average Posts Per Day - 6.58
Alexa Ranking - 521,449
Technorati Ranking - 80,397

The first 6 months has been great, and we want the next 6 months to be even better. We would like to extend a special thanks to those that support this site.


9/26/2006 02:50:00 PM

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Sirius To Air Coverage of the 2006 California Goveror and First Lady's Conference on Women

September 26, 2006

California First Lady Maria Shriver to host special coverage of conference on exclusive national radio broadcast partner SIRIUS Featured speaker Martha Stewart's speech to be broadcast live on Martha Stewart Living Radio.

Judith Regan on-site to tape special edition of 'The Judith Regan Show'

NEW YORK, Sept. 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -

SIRIUS Satellite Radio SIRI today announced that it is the exclusive national radio partner
of the 2006 California Governor and First's Lady's Conference on Women. California First Lady Maria Shriver will host special coverage of the event for SIRIUS.

Taking place on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at the Convention Center in Long Beach, California, the sold-out California Governor and First Lady's Conference on Women -- the largest of its kind -- brings together over 13,000 women of all generations and backgrounds for an extraordinary and transformative daylong experience. Celebrating its 20th anniversary with the theme Connect Today, Seize Tomorrow, the 2006 Conference once again features world-renowned speakers and panelists who address the issues and topics most important to women today.

California First Lady Maria Shriver will host special coverage of the event for SIRIUS. Shriver will conduct exclusive interviews with select featured guests and speakers. In addition, SIRIUS will broadcast portions of select speeches from the main stage. The stellar lineup of over 60 esteemed speakers includes Shriver, Martha Stewart, Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson, Suze Orman, Anna Quindlen, Maureen Dowd, Tyra Banks, Tim Russert, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the first ever address to a women's conference by his Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The California Governor and First Lady's Conference on Women special will air multiple times throughout the weekend of October 13-15, 2006 on SIRIUS Stars channel 102. The exact times will be announced on www.sirius.com.

Featured speaker Martha Stewart's speech will be broadcast live on September 26 on Martha Stewart Living Radio, SIRIUS Channel 112, at 8:58 am PT.

In addition, Judith Regan will tape a special edition of her SIRIUS show, The Judith Regan Show, to be broadcast at a later date on SIRIUS Stars channel 102. Regan will interview California First Lady Maria Shriver and other featured speakers.

"It is an honor to partner with California First Lady Maria Shriver in her efforts to empower and inspire women and address the issues and topics that are most relevant to them," said Scott Greenstein, President, Entertainment and Sports, SIRIUS Satellite Radio. "SIRIUS is committed to offer meaningful and important content and programming for women."

SIRIUS offers a wide range of women's programming including Candace Bushnell's Sex, Success and Sensibility; Martha Stewart Living Radio; Cosmo Radio, Lighten Up with Richard Simmons, and two upcoming shows with Barbara Walters, Ask Barbara Anything and Barbara Walters' The Best of the Very Best.

The California Governor and First Lady's Conference on Women engages and empowers women to be architects of change. Enriched, inspired, and connected, those women touched by the Women's Conference in some way are ready to lead, to serve and to create positive change in their lives, their communities and their state.

9/26/2006 02:23:00 PM

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Oprah Delivers The Advertisers

Oprah Delivers for XM Satellite
Best Ad Sales for Launch in Radio Service's Five-Year History
By Meredith Deliso Published: September 25, 2006 NEW YORK (AdAge.com) --

Oprah apparently wields the same kind of clout on the radio as she does on TV. The prolific talk-show host joins the airwaves today with "Oprah & Friends," original programming created and produced by Harpo Radio for XM Satellite Radio. The $55 million, three-year agreement is being billed as the most successful channel launch in XM's five-year history in terms of ad sales.
Advertisers including Acuvue, Dove, GE, Iams, JC Penney, SlimFast, Splenda, Target, Warners TrueFit, AirTran, Honda and Rinnai have bought into Oprah's XM radio show.
Photo Credit: WireImageThe biggest boost "Oprah & Friends" has already brought to XM is a swath of new advertisers: Acuvue, Dove, General Electric, Iams, JC Penney, SlimFast, Splenda, Target and Warners TrueFit join existing sponsors AirTran, Honda Motors and Rinnai...READ MORE: HERE

9/26/2006 01:43:00 PM

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Oprah's First Segment On XMSR

Oprah Lords Over White Folk, Talks Poop on XM
Posted Sep 25th 2006 1:52PM by TMZ Staff (LINK TO AUDIO: HERE)

If it wasn't already totally evident that Oprah Winfrey can talk about anything for any length of time, her debut today on her own XM Radio channel just confirmed it. The talk-show queen gabbed with her best pal Gayle King (who called her, inexplicably, "Mommy") on what is nominally King's show on "Oprah & Friends," the satellite channel that launched today.

Among many, many other things, Oprah talked about her humble beginnings in Mississippi, and particularly about how her mother's highest aspiration for her was that she might end up cleaning white people's houses, because "they give away nice clothes." And then Oprah pointed out that now that she's Oprah, she has "all these white people" working for her, and that in fact there's only one black person on the staff. Way to turn the tables, girl.Finally -- and this was just in the first fifteen minutes -- Oprah moved onto her most recent favorite topic, excrement. O assured Gayle that the reason she doesn't have children wasn't that she can't deal with poo, or "pooty," as the pair called it. For this -- and whatever follows -- is what XM is paying Oprah $55 million over the next three years.

9/26/2006 10:50:00 AM

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Sirius Zing Is Here!!!

ZING Integrates Live Satellite and Wireless Music in New Class of Connected Digital Media Players
Discovery and Playback of Music Now Brought Together in One Always-on
Experience, New SIRIUS Stiletto Personal Satellite Radio Line With ZING Shown in First
Public Demonstration at DEMOfall Conference
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., and DEMOFALL '06, SAN DIEGO, Sept. 26 /PRNewswire/ --

Listening to radio programming is where most people still discover new music and hear live broadcasts.* If you're lucky, and have sticky notes on hand, you can try to remember that hot new tune and add it to your collection later. Ever miss out on your favorite live programs because you are not in the car, near a radio or forgot to schedule a download from your PC? For most people, listening to live broadcasts and playing back old favorites are separate entertainment experiences and involves managing multiple devices that don't easily work together.
ZING, a new consumer technology and services company, is streamlining the process and bridging the gap between hearing a new song and ultimately collecting it in your digital music library. ZING wants to help you get your music and entertainment, wherever you are, on one device with the push of a button, and without the sticky notes.
"With the explosion of digital audio streams, such as satellite radio and pervasive wireless IP, the world is connected, ready and waiting for the next wave of mobile entertainment," says ZING CEO Tim Bucher. "For the first time, we have the opportunity to deliver great live programming and enable powerful music discovery capabilities on digital music players, going well beyond the playback-only experience offered today."
The SIRIUS(R) Stiletto 100 personal satellite radio -- the first digital music player to combine satellite and WiFi, and the first commercially available product based on the ZING Mobile Entertainment Engine -- is paving the way for the new era of connected entertainment and discovery. The Stiletto is being demonstrated here at DEMOfall, along with additional connected entertainment capabilities of the ZING Mobile Entertainment Engine. ZING's platform and collection of software and services provide the intelligent applications, device integration and day-to-day digital data management and services for partner products.
"ZING is at the vanguard of the fully-connected, end-to-end entertainment and media experience. This fresh approach brings significant new functionality to the digital music player market," said Chris Shipley, executive producer of the prestigious annual DEMOfall tech industry conference....READ MORE: HERE

9/26/2006 10:14:00 AM

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Stiletto Launches

September 26, 2006

Press Release

Source: SIRIUS Satellite Radio

SIRIUS Introduces the Stiletto 100, Its First Live Portable Satellite RadioTuesday September 26, 8:00 am ET

- Stiletto 100 provides live reception in portable mode, as well as easy access to previously stored programming
- Includes WiFi capability, providing access to SIRIUS' Internet radio services anywhere an accessible WiFi network is available
- Subscribers can purchase bookmarked songs with Yahoo! Music Jukebox(TM); features easy storage and management of MP3/WMA files

NEW YORK, Sept. 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --

SIRIUS Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI - News) today announced the availability of Stiletto 100, the company's first live portable radio, featuring WiFi, Yahoo!(TM) music purchasing software, and the ability to save music subscribers love for playback later.

Stiletto 100, available this month, lets users listen to live SIRIUS programming almost anywhere in a small, stylish package. Stiletto 100 allows users to store up to 100 hours of SIRIUS content by:

* Automatically recording hours of 100% commercial-free music from
listeners' favorite SIRIUS Satellite Radio channels;
* Scheduling recordings, of up to 6-hours in length, of favorite talk or
music shows; and
* Allowing users to save up to 10 hours of individual songs from live
SIRIUS Satellite Radio broadcasts by a simple press of the "love"
Source: SIRIUS Satellite Radio

The Stiletto 100 features WiFi capability for connection to SIRIUS' Internet radio services, an exciting feature useful for listening anywhere an accessible WiFi network is available. SIRIUS' Internet radio services provide subscribers with access to all of SIRIUS' 64 commercial free music channels, plus Howard Stern's two channels, Martha Stewart Living Radio, OutQ, and other original talk programming.

User's own MP3/WMA files can also be stored on the Stiletto 100 and managed with the included My SIRIUS Studio(TM) software for Windows(TM) PCs. Stiletto 100 is compatible with most Windows-based Internet music providers' download and subscription services.
The Yahoo! Music Jukebox(TM) software will be conveniently included with the Stiletto 100 package. Any individual song bookmarked by the user on the Stiletto 100 is moved into a favorites list, which can be accessed by a PC application when the unit is connected to user's computer. The application allows users to look up and purchase songs, full albums, or explore artists' other offerings through the Yahoo! Music Jukebox (TM) software or other compatible online music download or subscription services. Once the song is purchased or rented, it can be transferred onto the Stiletto 100.

Measuring 4.7" x 2.0" x 1", Stiletto 100 stores up to 100 hours of live SIRIUS Satellite Radio programming (2 GB), has a large 2.2" bright display, Aurora graphic user interface and a six-way navigation control that provides easy one handed access to all features and content. Stiletto 100, with a MSRP of $349.99, will include the radio, standard battery, slim battery, AC power adaptor, headset antenna, ear buds, PC cable, My SIRIUS Studio(TM) software and Yahoo! Music Jukebox(TM) software.

Other features of the Stiletto 100 include 30 channel presets; SIRIUS Replay(TM), which allows users to pause, rewind and replay 60 minutes of live radio; Game Alert(TM), which prompts the listener when favorite games are being broadcast and alerts when scores change; Game Zone(TM), listing all of the users favorite teams in one virtual category; and parental controls and channel lockout.

A vehicle kit (MSRP $69.95) home kit (MSRP $69.95), executive system (MSRP $149.95), additional batteries and headphones, and other accessories will also be available. The Stiletto 100 incorporates the SIRIUS Universal Connector, which will enable use in a wide variety of audio systems and accessories being developed by partner manufacturers.

SIRIUS, "The Best Radio on Radio," delivers more than 130 channels of the best programming in all of radio. SIRIUS is the original and only home of 100% commercial free music channels in satellite radio, offering 69 music channels. SIRIUS also delivers 65 channels of sports, news, talk, entertainment, traffic, weather and data. SIRIUS is the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the NFL, NBA and NHL and broadcasts live play-by-play games of the NFL, NBA and NHL. All SIRIUS programming is available for a monthly subscription fee of only $12.95.
SIRIUS products for the car, truck, home, RV and boat are available in more than 25,000 retail locations, including Best Buy, Circuit City, Crutchfield, Costco, Target, Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, RadioShack and at shop.sirius.com.

SIRIUS radios are offered in vehicles from Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Infiniti, Jaguar, Jeep®, Land Rover, Lexus, Lincoln-Mercury, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Nissan, Rolls Royce, Scion, Toyota, Porsche, Volkswagen and Volvo. Hertz also offers SIRIUS in its rental cars at major locations around the country.

Click on http://www.sirius.com/ to listen to SIRIUS live, or to purchase a SIRIUS radio and subscription.

Any statements that express, or involve discussions as to, expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance with respect to SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. are not historical facts and may be forward-looking and, accordingly, such statements involve estimates, assumptions and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Accordingly, any such statements are qualified in their entirety by reference to the factors discussed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2006 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Among the key factors that have a direct bearing on our operational results are: our dependence upon third parties, including manufacturers of SIRIUS radios, retailers, automakers and programming partners, our competitive position and any events which affect the useful life of our satellites.

9/26/2006 10:09:00 AM

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UBSW: Analyst Comments On XMSR

XM Satellite: Oprah launches; inventory still being replenished - UBS (13.42 )
(www.briefing.com, In Play)

UBS says today marks the launch of "Oprah and Friends" on XMSR. FIrm says the program has been getting promotion from a number of outlets including Oprah herself on the Oprah Winfrey show. Firm believes this new launch, which contributes to XMSR's female focused lineup, should have a positive impact on subs. Firm expects XMSR to report its subscriber additions next week and est net adds of 305k in 3Q06, which they believe have been negatively impacted by the inventory shortages associated with the FCC recertification process as well as limited marketing and advertising by XMSR during the qrt. Firm believes XMSR is working diligently to fill its supply chain with newly compliant receivers. While firm expects sufficient supply for holiday sales, the added costs of potential air shipments, accelerated distribution, and increased advertising could have a negative impact on subscriber acquisition costs that would carry beyond 3Q and into 4Q.

XM Satellite-XMSR expect disappointing Q3 growth, reit Neutral@UBSW
(theflyonthewall.com 09/26 09:00:23)

The firm expects Q3 net adds of 305K in Q3 due to inventory shortages impacted bythe FCC recertification process and limited marketing & advertisingopportunities in the Qtr. S.FO RECO.FLY UBSW.FLY XMSR

9/26/2006 08:50:00 AM

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No Canadian Channels for Non-Sportster4 People?

September 26th, 2006

Sirius channel updates were posted around 4:50 EDT. However, it is reported by members of Sirius Backstage that the Canadian Channels were not added to their receivers. Sportster 4 owners have had the additional Canadian Channels since the start of the product line.

At this point, there is no addition of those channels to our receivers as well. No information has been provided by Sirius at this time.

9/26/2006 07:04:00 AM

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Let Them Know How You Feel

September 25, 2006

If you are invested in Sirius or XM there is something you should know. There are many out there who have a very strong desire to see these companies fail. It can not be stated more plainly or clearly than that.

There are also many out there that enjoy the benefits of satellite radio, and want to see these companies succeed. However, there does exist a split in the satellite radio world between Sirius and XM. Some carry so much animosity towards one company or the other that the “infighting” within the sector gives those that desire satellite radio sector failure an inroads to further drive a wedge between the two companies. Sometimes the “infighting” is not limited to the investors or fans of Sirius and XM, but it is propagated by Sirius and XM themselves. It is a tough road. These companies are competitors, and there is a natural need to compete with each other.

What is an investor to do?

First, understand the groups that want to see satellite radio as a sector fail, and the potential reasons why they want this to happen.


The National Association of Broadcasters is VERY THREATENED by Sirius and XM. Listeners to satellite radio are not listeners to terrestrial radio. The members of the NAB are losing their audience at a rapid pace. They have an antiquated business plan, and they are coming to that conclusion to late in the game. For this reason, they are stopping at nothing to make life as hard as possible for Sirius, XM, and consumers who buy these services. If you subscriber to, or are invested in either company, you should take these NAB attacks seriously. Let your opinion be known. Contact the NAB at let them know exactly how you feel.


Unlike the NAB, the RIAA does not have a desire to see satellite radio fail. They DO have a desire to garner as much money as they though. Were you aware that Sirius and XM pay royalties for every song played? Were you aware that terrestrial radio stations DO NOT? Now the RIAA wants MORE from satellite radio. This organization gets more money today than they ever got before. Hundreds of commercial free music channels all playing music 24 hours per day, and with each song, the tally goes up. Sirius and XM also play diverse music, and have stations dedicated to decades gone by. Artists are receiving BIGGER checks now because of satellite radio. To be fair, artists should get paid. No one feels that their efforts should go unrewarded. However, lets try to be fair about the situation. There is currently legislation that would make free songs to terrestrial radio, and by extension HD radio, the law, while at the same time making it law that satellite radio, and other services would be required to pay more steeply. Contact the RIAA and let them know how you feel.

The Legislature

Bills are now in the legislature that would not only hamper satellite radio, but would also take away the rights that consumers now enjoy. Do you want to be able to record a song for your own personal use? If you do, you should contact your senator and let them know exactly how you feel.

Hedge Funds

Not all hedge funds are bad for this sector. When hedge funds are on your side, it can be very beneficial for investors. However, if they are not on your side, it can be very detrimental. Hedge funds have DEEP POCKETS. They have the ability to move the price of an equity very quickly, and can maintain their pressure for days on end. Hedge Funds are nameless and faceless “organizations” to the average investor. There is little that an investor can do to counteract the desires of a hedge fund. Hedge funds are very influential in an uncertain market. Investor insecurities can be played to the advantage of deep pockets.

You need to ask yourself the following questions:

Do I believe that satellite radio delivers value to the consumer?

For those that already subscribe, the answer is quite simple. For those who have not yet subscribed the answer is an unknown until they try it or experience it. With more and more subscriber joining every day, the word is spreading.

Do you believe that satellite radio is a viable entity?

Consider this. There are roughly 12,000,000 subscribers to satellite radio today. The United States has over 200,000,000 people. No, not everyone will become a subscriber, but do you think more than the current 5% will be subscribers? That is right, the penetration of satellite radio is only at about 5% right now. This is why some organizations are so fearful of satellite radio.

Why would an organization take such extrodinary steps to discredit satellite radio?

Because there is a lot at stake. Each passing quarter their business is evaporating away from them, and migrating to satellite radio. This is why you see organizations attacking these services so strongly. This is why you see stories planted, rumors propagated, and lobbyists on Capitol Hill.

What Can I do?

First. Understand that there is a time for unity in this sector. Competition between Sirius and XM is a great thing, but don’t let the “internal” competition cloud the bigger picture. Don’t let those that wish sector failure use that healthy competition as a wedge to divide and conquer.

Second. Understand where your news is coming from, and look at it more deeply. Research what is being said, and never take it on blind faith.

Third. Remember each and every day that there are powerful organizations and deep pockets that want the opposite of what you want.


9/25/2006 11:54:00 PM

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Strong Statements About Zing and Sirius

September 25, 2006

The folks at DemoFall'06 had some pretty impressive words about Zing and the Sirius Stiletto. Watch for the stiletto to be launched at DemoFall'06.

9/25/2006 10:32:00 PM

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Sweepstakes and Contests

September 25, 2006

If you are interested in winning some cool prizes, be sure to check out these offers out.

Sirius' Any NFL Game Anywhere Sweepstakes

Be A Guest D.J. On Outlaw Country

Cheap Trick And Treat Halloween Extravaganza

SSG Football Challenge Week 4

9/25/2006 10:27:00 PM

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Stiletto Shipping On October 4th

Check out the Sirius website, here is the LINK

Model#: SL100
Sleek, stylish, personal, powerful and completely portable. The Stiletto 100 lets you listen to live and recorded SIRIUS almost anywhere. On the go, in the car, at home or in the office—Stiletto 100 also lets you experience SIRIUS Internet Radio.
Free shipping on all orders over $49.99
Shipments begin October 4, 2006
Stiletto 100 Sleek, stylish, personal, powerful and completely portable. The Stiletto 100 lets you listen to live and recorded SIRIUS almost anywhere. On the go, in the car, at home or in the office—Stiletto 100 also lets you experience SIRIUS Internet Radio over an accessible WiFi network. In addition, it stores SIRIUS’s 100% commercial-free music programming and plays MP3/WMA files plus go online and purchase your favorite tracks for downloads. FEATURES:
Live portable reception of SIRIUS programming
Stores up to 100 hours of live SIRIUS Satellite Radio programming (2 GB)
Automatically records your favorite SIRIUS Satellite Radio 100% commercial-free music
One touch recording of up to 10 hours of live, individual songs from SIRIUS Satellite Radio’s 100% commercial-free music
Schedule & record up to 6-hour blocks of your music programming, talk or news from SIRIUS Satellite Radio broadcasts.
Listen to SIRIUS Internet Radio over an accessible WiFi network
Download and manage MP3/WMA files with included My SIRIUS Studio™ software for Windows PCs
Bookmark your favorite songs and easily purchase though
Yahoo! Music Engine™ provides a simple and easy way for you to purchase, download your favorite SIRIUS songs
Compatible with most internet music providers download and subscription services (Not compatible with AAC files)
Exclusive Aurora user interface provides easy access to your favorite SIRIUS live and stored content with a bright 2.2" full color display
Enhanced media dial with six-way navigation control that puts everything at your fingertips
SIRIUS Replay™—Pause, rewind and replay 44 minutes of live radio
30 channel presets
Audible channel names
GameAlert™—Prompts when your favorite games are being broadcast and alerts you when the scores change
GameZone™—Lists all your favorite teams in one category and lets you select a different team from each of the various sport leagues including NFL, NBA, NHL® and college sports
Parental Control and Channel Lock
Kit includes:
Antenna headphone for expanded live signal reception
Standard and slim batteries
PC cable (USB compatible)
AC adapter
My SIRIUS Studio™ software with Yahoo! Music Engine™

9/25/2006 09:45:00 PM

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Ghosen Sees A Reluctant GM

September 25, 2006

Carlos Ghosen seems to feel that GM is reluctant about forming an alliance with Nissan and Renault.

There have been several scenerios that have come across the wires including Ford with Nissan and Renault, as well as Ford partnering up with GM.

GM is currently restructuring, and the U.S. automaker may well have their desires set on controlling their own outcome rather than make sweeping changes and having partners to answer to.

According to an article by Joann Muller of Forbes, there are obvious synergies that are apparent to all parties, but it seems to boil down to whether or not GM wants to give up some aspects control.

Article Excerpt:

Ghosn Sees GM Reluctant Ahead Of MeetingJoann Muller, 09.25.06, 7:46 PM ET Paris -

"If General Motors is to proceed with a proposed three-way alliance with France’s Renault and Japan’s Nissan Motor, it may well come down to the persuasive powers of Carlos Ghosn, chief executive of Renault and Nissan, who is scheduled to meet this week in Paris with GM chief G. Richard Wagoner.

It looks as if Ghosn will have his work cut out for him. So far, it appears GM (nyse: GM - news - people ) is not convinced.

Ghosn’s chief negotiator on the discussions, Patrick Pelata, told a small group of journalists over dinner in Paris Monday that he sees clear benefits from an alliance with GM. “There are synergies--this is obvious.”

But whether they are sufficient to convince GM to commit to the kind of sweeping alliance that Ghosn envisions, Pelata said, “I don’t know.”

GM, which is in the early stages of recovery after a massive restructuring, insists it is approaching the alliance talks with an open mind. Others say it appears GM believes it can solve its own problems without the added complexity of two partners......."

Interested SSG readers can read the entire article HERE

9/25/2006 09:13:00 PM

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S50 Now Recertified?

September 25th, 2006

It has been alleged that the S50 grant has been reissued by the FCC today after needing to be re-tested and adjusted for FM Modulation issues. No more information is available at this time, but we will update as the story progresses.

9/25/2006 06:17:00 PM

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Don't Underestimate Oprah!

Oprah is a force of nature. She has been hugely successful at a wide variety of ventures from television to magazines, from her book club to charities, from theatrical productions to film. She has a particular type of personality that is driven to succeed. Her endorsements catapult unknowns into public awareness, including her fitness trainer and chef, who have become household names. Although there are some who are skeptical about her XMSR launch, primarly because of the non-exclusive nature of the content, I think that she is going to do whatever it takes to make her satellite radio venture a massive success. Good luck, Oprah!

9/25/2006 05:28:00 PM

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Arbitron Trying Figure Out How To Include Satellite Radio

Arbitron Announces Details On Additions To Ratings
September 25, 2006 (www.fmqb.com)

Arbitron has released an update on its plans to add additional radio options into its ratings system. Beginning with the fall of 2006, public and non-commercial stations will be eligible for Arbitron's ratings books. The company is also still working on the specifics for how to report satellite radio.
Public and non-comm stations will be included in Arbitron eBooks beginning with the Fall 2006 book, and will still need to meet the company's minimum reporting standards that are currently applied to all other stations.
As for satellite radio, Arbitron is still collecting and analyzing data to determine the best possible way to report satellite stations. For example, rules must be established for entries that could apply to satcasters and terrestrial radio. “As an example, we want to test the rules necessary to assign entries such as 'NFL football,' or 'MLB baseball' since these programs are broadcast on both over-the-air radio and satellite,” said Brad Feldhaus, VP Product Management and Client Services. He adds, “We recognize the implementation date for reporting satellite in local markets has moved previously and for this reason we hesitate to provide another target survey date until we have this desired additional data."...READ MORE: HERE

9/25/2006 04:41:00 PM

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HD And Satellite Radio: Competition Or Coorperation?

Regarding my post today, "HD and Satellite Radio: Will Co-Exist Like Network & Cable TV", another important feature of HD hardware is that most incorporate satellite radio or is satellite radio ready. Perhaps HD Radio will even spur SatRad subscriptions...

Here are just a few products from a retailer's website that incorporate both:

Here is an Alpine: DVD/CD player • requires external amplifier • requires external video screen for video playback • GlideTouch™ control strip • BioLite display • plays MP3/WMA files burned onto DVD • built-in HD Radio tuner • Bass Engine® Plus • video output • dual-zone mode • XM and SIRIUS Satellite Radio controls • changer control • Alpine iPod® control adapter compatibility

Here's an Eclipse: R/W compatible • MP3 playback • three sets of 5V preamp outputs • 3-band EQ • controls for iPod • satellite radio-ready • HD Radio-ready • 14 watts RMS x 4

Here's a Kenwood: CD-R/W, MP3, WMA, and AAC playback • detachable face • 22 watts RMS x 4 • System Q EX Sound Control • SIRIUS, XM, and HD Radio-ready • controls for iPod • 3 sets of 4-volt preamp outputs • remote • changer controls

9/25/2006 03:49:00 PM

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SSG Football Challenge Week 3 Winner

September 25, 2006

Week 3 of the SSG Football Challenge has come to a close. This weeks winner was Ian Zelman of Scottsdale Arizona. Ian correctly picked 10 winners out of 13 games for a winning percentage of 77%. This week there were several people who came in at 10 out of 13, and for the first time we had to use the random drawing to determine the winner.

The SSG Football Challenge is currently sponsored by TSS Radio and My Radio Store. Please visit these retailers for your satellite hardware needs. Be it Sirius or XM, these guys have got you covered.

Ian chose a TSS Radio gift certificate for his prize, and states, "I plan on using my prize towards a Sirius Stiletto." About SSG, Ian states, " Satellite Standard Group always gives me the most up to date information about all the news going on in the satellite world."

SSG would like to thank all participants, and encourage you to try again in week 4. Week 4 games will be posted shortly, and you can always access these games in our SSG Football Challenge section of the left sidebar.

9/25/2006 02:32:00 PM

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