
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Apple And Satellite Radio?

September 12, 2006

Thank goodness the speculation is over.

Apple had their "SHOWTIME" event today, but neither Sirius nor XM were on the menu.

The Apple/satellite radio speculation seems to happen at least twice a year, and each time nothing comes to fruition. Apple introduced some pretty cool features involving video, and games, but did not announce any partnership or alliance with the satellite radio sector.

This now gives Sirius and XM about 6 months before the next stage of rumors develop regarding Apple.

While this news, or lack of news may be a bummer to some, others look at it as a positive.

It can be argued that satellite radio does not need Apple just as easily as it can be argued that apple does not need satellite radio.

Would a combined satellite radio I-Pod be cool.......Of Course.

Would the business side of the deal be cool........Likely not.

Apple would want a piece of the pie, and likely a big piece. Satellite radio already has devices with recording capability, and in theory can be developing their own video devices within a short time-frame. Satellite Radio devices will get larger storage capabilities (the upcoming stiletto doubles the storage over current units), better screens (the resolution on the stiletto is better than any other satellite radio to date), and more features (If the RIAA issues can be put to rest).

At a minimum, we now have a a few months by which these equities can trade without the Apple rumor hanging in the wings.

9/12/2006 02:04:00 PM

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