July 3, 2006
Satellite Standard Group keeps you informed.
We have all heard him, and his face is instantly reconizable to millions. U2's Bono is a well known force in the music world. It is liitle wonder why a Boston based consumer advocacy group wants Bono to be their front man. The question is.......will Bono get involved.
The Free Software Foundation is hoping that Bono will take the lead in an issue that satellite radio fans are well aware of. The group seeks the help of Bono to get their point of view exposure on anti-copy protection technologies that restrict the rights of consumers to use music they have purchased freely.
The Free Software Foundation started an on-line petition on June 29th, and requested that Bono join the cause. The goal of the foundation is to eliminate the Digital Rights Management (DRM) software that limits the use of music purchased by consumers. The title of the campaign is Defective By Design. The foundation claims that more liberal access and usage models will be beneficial to the businesses by widening the listening base and by virtue will increase music sales.
The Free Software Foundation has held various demonstrations at Apple and outside the offices as well as the offices of the RIAA.
Bono has not responded to the foundations on-line petition, but that does not mean that you readers as a group can't put in your two cents. SSG encourages readers to participate. You can learn more about the issue, and let your opinion be known by visiting the Free Software foundation
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