Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Debate about How Many Hits Sirius Got
November 1, 2006
For whatever reason there seems to be a fascination with just how many hits Sirius got for the two day Sirius Internet Radio trial.
Many sites come out with estimates, and many site try to track web hits. While not scientific by any stretch of the imagination, I have a comparison for consideration. My own site vs. Sirius’
On October 25 SSG had 2,448 hits. On October 26, SSG had 3,242 hits. Average hits for the period was 2,845. The reach for those days according to Alexa was 6.
On October 25th and 26th Sirius’ reach averaged to 840.
If a reach of 6 equates to 2,845 hits, then Sirius’ reach was 140 times that of SSG.
Thus, 2,845 * 140 = 398,300
Another sample from SSG would be our highest day ever. That day was June 1, 2006. On that day we had 23,298 hits. Our Alexa reach for that day was 47.
If reach of 47 equates to 23,298 hits, then Sirius’ reach was 17.87 times that of SSG
Thus 23,298 * 17.87 = 416,390
Both figures run in the same neighborhood.
So, averaging the two we would get 407,000 hits. Multiply this by 2 (the trial was 2 days and you get 814,000 hits for the period.
Interestingly when you compare SSG’s traffic to Sirius’ on a graph, our 23,298 hit day barely registers as a blip on the chart (our big day is that little squiggly line by June).

Now, I again stress that this is in no way scientific, and further I am not stating that 814,000 is the number of hits. I am simply giving some perspective to the issue. I think this perspective does show pretty clearly that the estimate published today by of 115,000 hits per day is well off the mark.
Perhaps Sirius will shed some light on the subject next week. It is an interesting factoid, but in the BIG PICTURE, Sirius Internet radio is only a small part of what will be the subscriber numbers in Q3 and Q4. The service has just launched, and it will take time to build.
Intested readers can view the SSG Alexa page
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