Thursday, November 09, 2006
The Daily Orange Interviews Sirius' Scott Greenstein
Q&A with Sirius' Scott Greenstein
Ashley PettigrewPosted: 11/9/06 The Daily Orange
In a world where DVDs have all but replaced videocassettes and iPods continue to replace CD players, satellite radio has become the next evolution in the trend. Subscriptions to satellite radio have increased rapidly since its introduction in the late 1990s. XM, first on the scene, now has about 7.2 million subscribers, while Sirius has 5.1 million. Satellite radio provides mostly commercial-free entertainment along with a variety of options and channels, with everything from sports talk to a women's health channel. Scott Greenstein, Sirius president of entertainment and sports, spoke with The Daily Orange about content on Sirius.
Daily Orange: You have had a lot experience in filmmaking at USA Films and Miramax. How did you personally come to get involved with Sirius and satellite radio?
Scott Greenstein: I was approached by members of the board of directors who wished to consult me on content. I think satellite radio is one of the most unique content opportunities out there and was excited to be brought on board.
D.O.: Considering that cable television was initially created with the intention of being commercial free, is commercial-free broadcasting something you think can be continued on satellite radio?
S.G.: The subscription fee ensures that advertising will be kept off of the music channels. Commercials have always been a part of the news talk shows on satellite radio, but people are more interested in keeping the music channels commercial free, and we will continue to honor more:
here11/09/2006 06:45:00 AM
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