July 7, 2006
The Starmate Replay is making its way through the FCC certification process. One certified, shipments of the unit can resume.
The unit was submitted for recertification on June 20, 2006. Directed electronics received their letter on June 30, 2006.
As indicated by Sirius, as well as some analysts, Sirius was already in the process of recertification when Directed received their FCC letter.
David Frear of Sirius addressed the issue at a Bernstein confernce on May 31, 2006. He indicated that Sirius, over the previous couple of weeks had reviewed the letters received by manufacturers, requested test data, reviewed that data, implemented changes and resumed manufacture of compliant units.
The testing report confirms statements made by Frear. The 58 page test reprts indicates action taking place on May 19, 2006, and the entire test report is dated June 5, 2006.
Neither Directed Eklectronics, the distributor, nor Sirius have changed any guidance, and both companies have expressed that the issue is not anticipated to impact inventory levels at retailers.
7/07/2006 10:48:00 AM
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